Question for those taking part (or planning to) in the Weekly Dare Challenge

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Weekly Dare Challenge #1 Question for those taking part (or planning to) in the Weekly Dare Challenge

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    • #1822
        • Wales, UK
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        Are you nervous about going fully naked in a dare soon?

        Or are you holding off participating until the dares include proper nudity?

        There is a long list of dares yet to go and I suspect lots of you won’t succeed at all of them. Are you looking forward to pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone?

        John, Bamaswitch and Martin like this

      • #1833
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          Well, why not? And, yes, I’m not assuming I’ll be able to do all of them by any means.

          Regarding nervousness, isn’t that part of the fun? I hope that when I come to one I can’t do, that it will be for practical reasons, not nervousness, but we’ll see!!

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        • #1834
            • Berkshire UK
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            Part of the fun has to be participating and building up rather than waiting. And going fully nude doesn’t hold any fears so same as Prof it may only be practical reasons that prevent taking part.


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          • #1875
              • Cambridgeshire, UK
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              What they all said before 🙂

            • #1876
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                Agree with the others. I have not done any but week 1 yet, but for entirely practical reasons. I am not often alone so being naked is a rare treat. As I hope some of you will soon discover, being naked in front of other accepting people holds no fears for me…

                Which led me to wonder – are these really “dares” at all, or just logistical challenges? It sounds like none of us are actually pushing boundaries of comfort (yet at least). What do you think? Does it even matter what we call it?

              • #1878
                  • Wales, UK
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                  So far, these dares are at the very easy end of the scale. I’m aiming to start as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. If I begin with challenging dares, many people won’t even both trying. By beginning with really easy ones, more people are invested in the challenge before things get trickier.

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                • #1884
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                    “are these really “dares” at all, or just logistical challenges?” — I’ve appeared naked on this site, or maybe its predecessor, before so it’s not necessarily the nakedness that is challenging. I’m finding the idea of responding to a dare by posting a photo in this relatively public place is more nerve-wracking than I’d anticipated. The quite distant naked photos I posted a long time ago of myself hugging a tree were posted as a dare from friends, and that process was a bit of a challenge, but a close-up of me cooking too near the stove was more like a shared joke, and posting it was just part of the fun really.

                    So I imagine the answer to the question from @tigerfish is that it depends on lots of things, and some people will find very simple dares quite challenging for all sorts of reasons. The same people might find some scary dares easier. We can’t/shouldn’t judge how challenging an individual found a dare to be.

                    If someone does find any dare challenging, it would be interesting to hear about why it was such a challenge to them!

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                  • #7729
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                      I’m new to the forum so will try and work through them, as soon as I’ve worked out how to upload profile pics and pictures. Not read them in advance, so I’ll take them on one by one and hopefully enjoy the ride.


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                    • #11039
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                        Just curious, if these are still active or if they’ll be another round in the future? I’ve been to participate but haven’t just yet.

                        • #11043
                            • Wales, UK
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                            @bamaswitch, the idea was for the Master Dare List to replace these, but I haven’t ruled out running another one.

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                            • #11044
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                                I know where the Master List is, but where was the list of the participants and scores?

                              • #11045
                                  • Wales, UK
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                                  There’s a link in the 1st paragraph of the Master Dare List page. I should probably add a link to the results in the menus.

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                                • #11048
                                    • Wales, UK
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                                    I’ve tweaked the page to make the links to the results page more apparent. The photo also links to it.

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                              • #11040
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                                  Thinking of dares, I sometimes dare myself to do things. Tonight it was time to wash some clothes so I dared myself to add everything I was wearing to the machine. It was surprisingly warm outside, or at least not cold, so I then dared myself to go out to the shed where we keep the freezer to get some food. I didn’t realise how much it was raining, but I wasn’t out for long.

                                  The only complication is that I’m fairly sure at least one of next door’s security lights has a camera in it. It’s in an oddly shaped container. I tell myself that if they don’t like what they see, they shouldn’t be looking, and if they ever said anything, I’d want to know why they had CCTV looking at us. It would probably count as illegal voyeurism but they’re a lovely young couple so I wouldn’t be unpleasant to them.

                                  Shaky and Ed like this

                                  • #11049
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      I can’t find the news article now, but I’m sure it’s illegal to have a security camera overlooking your neighbour’s property. It’s a clear infringement of privacy.

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                                      • #11055
                                          • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                          You are correct.  It cab be considered in breech of the GDPR/Data protection Act.

                                          Ring doorbells, domestic CCTV and GDPR | Feature | Law Gazette

                                          In this particular case, the quantity of CCT devices was considered excessive and caused distress and harassment to the neighbour.  They had positioned a number of camera and audio recording devices all around their house.  Some overlooked the neighbour’s property and could you could clearly hear the neighbour’s conversations.

                                          There is also legislation regarding security lights shining into your property, if they caused distress or nuisance.  Distress could be from a security light shinning in to your bedroom or a nuisance if the light shines into your garden and interferes with your astronomy hobby (for example).

                                          Ed likes this

                                        • #11098
                                            • Wales, UK
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                                      • #11058
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                                          Part of the fun of wandering around outside naked is knowing I’m doing something subversive, so knowing they would probably see me if they looked at their recordings takes a bit of the enjoyment away. On the other hand, another part of the fun is knowing that I could get “caught”, so the increased chance should make it more enjoyable, not less. So I don’t know what I think really. Maybe it’s a bit like playing strip games with the curtains open.

                                          It’s different in a public space. The time I was tied to a tree, we were fairly sure the woodland was deserted but there was always a chance someone would come along and that was very much part of the excitement and challenge.

                                          It’s also different with sunbathing. I don’t care at all if they see me just laid out in the sun, probably because that’s a “normal” passtime, unlike doing dares in the dark. Sunbathing while tied spreadeagled would be a bit hard to explain so maybe I’ll avoid that if/when the weather warms up.

                                          Yes, the security lights are a pain when they occasionally leave them on. I enjoy astronomy (well, very amateur stargazing) but, as I said, they’re a lovely young couple and I’m sure they’d switch some of the lights off sometimes if I asked them to. I think when they leave them on, it’s just because they’ve used them as floodlights and forgotten about them. They’ve never mentioned seeing me wandering around outside naked but if they said anything I’d explain with a friendly smile that they shouldn’t be looking. In the extremely unlikely event they (or more likely her dad who visits sometimes) tried to be unpleasant, I’d point out they were acting illegally and take action if all else failed.

                                          Shaky, Joseph and Ed like this

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