4 thoughts on “Ever explored outdoors completely naked?

  1. I went on a charity walk last year. It was clothing optional. I guess about 30 men and 8 or 10 women.

    All of the men (myself included) were fully naked apart from shoes. Some of the women were clothed, some topless and some naked.

    It was on a warm evening on a nature reserve, so all outdoors apart from a couple of bird hides and the cafe at the end. But it was after closing time, so not open to other public at the time.

    https://www.eventbrite.com/e/naked-heart-walk-at-rainham-marshes-tickets-444608685547?aff=odcleoeventsincollection&keep_tld=1 (it’s a past event, so you need to click on View Details and then View All Event Details to get to the actual details.

    Sadly it was not held again this year. There were a few similar walks, but all very distant and/or difficult to get to.

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