Round 9

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    • #6210
        • Wales, UK
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        I really didn’t think we’d get this far. Now Chris has lost his underwear too leaving just Martin with any clothing remaining. Of course, Martin also has by far the most votes rolled over from Round 8 so he’s the most likely to lose this round. So is Martin going to lose his underwear or will any of the other participants get completely exposed at the end of this round?


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      • #6211
          • Spain
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          Poor Martin, looking so everdressed around all of the embarrased dudes with nothing but our hands.

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          • #6212
              • Berkshire UK
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              Yup, and the only one outside so I think that’s correct that I’m still dressed!

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            • #6214
                • Wales, UK
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                Don’t say that, @alstaf! 🙂 You’ll encourage everyone to vote for Martin, then everyone will be naked and the event will go another round!

                Martin likes this

                • #6231
                    • Berkshire UK
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                    Well you called that one right Ed!


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                  • #6232
                      • Wales, UK
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                      I guess it had to happen eventually!

                    • #6233
                        • Berkshire UK
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                        Lightning can’t strike twice though!

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                  • #6218
                      • Wales, UK
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                      What do we do if everyone ends up down to one step from nudity then everyone gets equal votes in the last round? It seems fine to have two or three winners at the end, but a five-way tie?


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                    • #6236
                        • Spain
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                        I won’t say anything this time just in case.

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                      • #6238
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                          No idea, but the current status is oddly appealing!

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                          • #6243
                              • Wales, UK
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                              I think it’s safe to say that someone is going to get completely exposed this round.  I can’t predict who as there are still quite a few votes waiting to be cast. And there’s nothing stopping voters buying more before the end too. Just be sure to use them up!

                              Martin likes this

                          • #6254
                              • Spain
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                              And it ended with a two-way tie.

                              It was fun stripping with you all guys.

                              Ed, Chris, alex and 3 more people like this

                            • #6255
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                                Well done Alstaf, Alex and everyone.

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                              • #6256
                                  • uk
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                                  Thanks guys that was fun.

                                  , Martin and Ed like this

                                • #6257
                                    • Spain
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                                    I just hope we don’t need to give a speech just like this now.

                                    Martin and Ed like this

                                  • #6258
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      Speech, speech, speech!!!



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                                      • #6259
                                          • Berkshire UK
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                                          Well there’s a forfeit… have to video yourself naked thanking people for stripping you lol

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                                      • #6264
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                                          Congratulations to the winners(?), Alex and Alstaf, and thanks to Ed for organising and all who voted, that was a fun event.

                                          , Ed and Martin like this

                                        • #6265
                                            • Wales, UK
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                                            Well, that went amazingly well. Being the first event that kind, I expected many teething problems and probably a major change or two before it was over. As it worked out, the only significant changes were shortening the rounds to 24 hours (which made me busier – but for less time, and made the event more exciting) and having to add more lines to the Votes pricing table as a few people were buying more votes than I expected.

                                            We’ve got a few candidates interested in participating in another one, which bodes well. Who wants me to run another one before Christmas?

                                            Chris, and Martin like this

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