Round 12 has begun!

Forums Naked Participation Vote-Off Events Round 12 has begun!

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    • #7423
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        No-one at all voted in Round 11, which seems a shame. Andrew won Round 11 by default and got completely exposed for everyone to see.

        I can’t believe we’re already on Round 12 and it’s not quite finished yet.  If Andrew wins the next round, that’s the end of the event. If not, there could be a few more rounds to go. If you want to influence the outcome of this event, now is the time to place your votes.

        Avitohol, and Martin like this

      • #7426
          • Bulgaria
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          Having fun so far…how many round does it take to win? I mean what’s the score so far. I kinda lost count…

        • #7427
            • Wales, UK
            • Topics: 603
            • Comments: 2642
            • Total: 3245
            • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

            Andrew is in the lead but he has one photo to go. It’s over as soon as anyone hits the holding up the message on a piece of paper thing.

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