Naked Yoga

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    • #4791
        • Wales, UK
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      • #4792
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          Impressive and nakedness definitely helps communicate what Elsa is doing.

          John, Eric Dom, Martin and 1 more person like this

        • #5242
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            It’s great to see such complete nakedness, but also yoga almost makes a bit of sense to me when done without any sort of costume. It always look a bit – um – censored when done inside clothes.

            Martin and Ed like this

          • #5377
              • Wales, UK
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              And more naked Yoga:

              Eric Dom, Martin and Steve like this

            • #5404
                • Wales, UK
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                There’s a lot of this about:


                Does anyone do Yoga clothed anymore? (Not that I’m complaining!)

                Eric Dom, Martin, Steve and 2 more people like this

              • #5407
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                  I’ve just read an interview with a woman who tried it for the first time (in a class of mixed gender and ability). She said “But, you know how yoga instructors always tell you to figuratively leave behind everything you brought with you and just focus on the day’s practice? That’s a lot easier to do when you literally have nothing with you. Naked yoga isn’t just about being naked — it’s about accepting your body and being confident in your own skin.”

                  Don Smith, Martin, Steve and 1 more person like this

                • #5508
                  Eric Dom
                    • S Wales
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                    ive never tried yoga but now i’m thinking about it !!

                    Martin and Ed like this

                  • #6918
                      • England
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                      I’m keen on yoga and being naked,  so I’d love to join a group but in these crazy times and a disappointing wife, the chances are very slim:(

                      Martin likes this

                    • #6922
                        • England
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                        Before the lockdown, I was regularly attending our local yoga classes,  usually twice each week along with daily sessions in the gym, although in the gym mainly spending an hour on the Norwich skier and 30 minutes on a rowing machine.  I would have loved to do this naked,  and in fact when I saw that the yoga room was regularly screened off I got hopeful that they did do naked yoga.  When I enquired on the reception desk I was told that it was for a special school class – the screening was to reduce distraction for the children!

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