naked gym or exercise

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    • #2210
        • east sussex uk
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        Before suffering heart failure 2 years ago , we had a home gym and other exercise equipment and I was always naked at home so did everything naked including daily exercise , not that it did me much good still suffered heart failure .

      • #2258
          • Wales, UK
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          Is “jump-roping” what American’s call skipping?

        • #2261
            • East Sussex
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            It must be.

            Ed likes this

          • #2899
              • Wales, UK
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              Who needs special clothes for the gym?!

              NakedMikey, Ed and Steve like this

            • #2913
                • England
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                Love the skipping

                Ed likes this

              • #3525
                Don Smith
                  • USA
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                  I would love to lift weights at the gym nude.

                  Bob likes this

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