Introductory Dares

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Discussion Introductory Dares

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    • #16962
        • Wales, UK
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        Sorry I haven’t been around much this last week. Life has been busy and I’ve had almost no time at all to spend here.

        Lots of people have sent in photos for those new dares so I’ll be posting them in the ranking page over the next few days. I’m out all day tomorrow (sunday), so don’t expect any to appear then.

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      • #16963
          • Berkshire UK
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          That’s cool, you can’t be expected to be here 24/7!!

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        • #16964
            • Cheshire, England
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            Forced myself to stop putting these off, just sent the introductory pics and ordered a chinese takeaway. He dumped it on the step then turned round to say hi when i opened the door, and got a shock 🙂

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          • #16969
              • Wales, UK
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              Sorry, not going to happen today either. I’ve only just finished work and as I’ve got to be up by 6am tomorrow to catch a train, I’m heading to bed.

              I will get there and post the submissions. Sorry again for the delay.

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              • #16970
                  • Berkshire UK
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                  No worries! Increase the anticiiiiiipation!

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              • #16971
                  • Cheshire, England
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                  Stupid question for UK residents as it’s virtually impossible to find a phone number for places these days. Swimming pools, I’ve not been for ages, is it still lockers with pound coins, or have we moved into the current century yet?

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                  • #16973
                      • England (London)
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                      The pools that I’ve used recently (in London and Watford) do have lockers with £1 coins — which is automatically refunded when you return the key to the lock.

                      I’m not sure what you think might be more 21st Century. Older ones require padlocks, but I think most people are more likely to have a pound coin in their pocket than a padlock. And none of the pools I’ve been to which need padlocks bothered to tell you that on their web site.

                      The pound coins do the intended job of making sure people do return the keys to the lockers at the end of their session. The only problem I see with them is that the pool operators don’t bother to get replacement keys for lockers where the keys have been lost, so a third of the lockers can’t be used at all.

                      I seem to remember one London museum had lockers where you set a digital code, but that’s surely a bad idea for a place where a significant proportion of users are likely to have difficulty remembering what code they set. But at least they provided the lockers. Most museums don’t, and that’s really annoying. And again, it’s never easy to find the information on the museum’s web site.

                      What might be better than a refundable pound coin locker? My first guess would be a locker that’s operated by a QR code displayed on a phone. But although that would work for a museum, it’s not much good for a swimming pool. Hint: where do you put your phone while you’re swimming? The locker isn’t a great safe place, but it’s better than leaving the phone on the side of the pool. And figuring out how to display your QR code while the phone is inside the locker is something I’ll leave to your imagination.

                      Actually, I’ve figured out a workable but stupid way to do that, but I’ll give a day or two to see if anybody else comes up with a half-sensible way to do that.

                      • #17014
                          • England (London)
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                          OK, nobody had any ideas for not losing a QR code to open a locker at a swimming pool?

                          Here’s my “workable but stupid” way:

                          Man and woman with QR codes on their posterior

                          Mathematically it’s harder than it looks, because the barcode would have to be artificially distorted to make the barcode look flat from the scanner’s position despite being printed on a curved surface. And there’s another practical problem (other than inventing an inkjet printer capable of printing on people’s bums). The ink would have to be fast drying and not water soluble !

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                    • #16974
                        • Cheshire, England
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                        <p style=”text-align: left;”>I guess I was thinking they might be cashless and you swiped your card. Cheers, better get to the cash point then if I’m going to get fit/get a changing room selfie :)</p>

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                        • #16975
                            • Berkshire UK
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                            Or dare you to leave the locker unlocked… and hope your clothing is still there when you come back! (Now which gym was it again… mwahaha 😉 )

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                          • #17000
                              • England (London)
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                              What surprised me most was that they managed to make the Royal Park toilets cashless. It makes perfect sense, because many people don’t carry coins these days. But they must have obtained a special deal with one of the banks to be able to debit 20 pence at a time and not make a loss on the transaction.

                          • #16977
                              • UK
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                              I swim quite a lot and visit a couple of local pools regularly. One still has old lockers which only accept old pound coins (old locker tokens can be purchased at reception for £1). One place accepts new pound coins only (or new locker tokens). The gym I use has had brand new changing rooms put in and requires a padlock (can also be purchased at reception but more than £1). So it’s a complete mix depending on where you go. There’s also a sports centre I visit occasionally which has digital keypads at no cost, you just create your own PIN number for it as you lock it. This is quite a fancy spa/sports centre so I guess they can afford them.

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                            • #16997
                                • Cheshire, England
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                                It’s not just getting a changing room pic, I had a 32 inch waist before lockdown, now it’s about 38 🙁 need to get fit again and I used to swim a lot. I was a county badminton player, but I tried in the summer to play again after a decade , I was absolutely rubbish and i pulled a calf muscle, so swimming looks the safest bet 🙂

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                              • #16998
                                  • Wales, UK
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                                  I’ve started adding the introductory dare submissions to the table. More to come soon!

                                  Also, ladies, I haven’t seen any of the promised submissions from our female members yet.

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                                • #16999
                                    • Cheshire, England
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                                    I’ve only just realised that my dog photo bombed my naked outside dare 4 🤣 I use a delay as I’m by myself and she came up and sat down in the corner of the shot

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                                    • #17007
                                        • England (London)
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                                        That shouldn’t be a problem, provided your dog was fully naked at the time 🙂

                                        But do you have to ask the dog for permission, even though the dog itself chose to appear in your photo?

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                                    • #17001
                                        • Germany Braunschweig
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                                        I think the “Introductory Dares” in the Master Dare list is a very good idea. Hopefully they will also have the effect of encouraging more people to try out the adventure

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                                        • #17009
                                            • Wales, UK
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                                            I truly hope so. 🙂

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                                        • #17010
                                            • Wales, UK
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                                            Where have all the ladies gone? Now the introductory dares are up and running, they’ve all gone quiet. Maybe they’re busy doing the dares?

                                          • #17011
                                              • Cheshire, England
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                                              I hadn’t done one for ages til last weekend and I forgot what an adrenaline rush you get from doing a dare. Couldn’t keep the grin off my face in the video.

                                              I’m off work next week and will do more. They may have to be the inside ones if it stays this cold though or there’ll be nothing to see! 😂

                                              Don’t leave us blokes on our own ladies 🙂


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                                            • #17039
                                                • Wales, UK
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                                                Sorry, I’m still lagging behind somewhat with the introductory dares. I posted another contribution this morning and then my Internet was out for 6 hours. I’ll try to get through the remaining contributions tomorrow.

                                                Still waiting to receive ANY of the promised contributions from our lady members. Come on, Ladies. You can do this!

                                                Martin likes this

                                              • #17130
                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                  8 more photos up on the results table. Still more to come!


                                                  STILL waiting for promised dare results from lady members.

                                                  Martin likes this

                                                • #17147
                                                    • Cheshire, England
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                                                    Quick question, does anyone else have to do these by themselves and not have help? How do you efficiently do an outside shot? I don’t have a selfie stick so I tend to take a laptop and sit the camera on it to hold in place then use a 10 sec delay.

                                                    I found what looked like the perfect place for a railway shot yesterday, but couldn’t site the phone in a place where the lines were visible. Same issue with the car park shot. I couldn’t get both me and any clear signs that I was in a car park.

                                                    I was stumbling around naked in a car park for several minutes unsuccessfully, at great risk of discovery.

                                                    Any tips and I am not techie?

                                                    Martin likes this

                                                    • #17148
                                                        • Huddersfield United Kingdom
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                                                        This has always been my issue. I’ve been looking for someone to help out with photos for a while without much success to be fair. It is a big ask but you never though.

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                                                      • #17149
                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                          I’d happily help anyone who was fairly local to me. The problem is us all being scattered across the world.


                                                          It depends on your phone camera app, but some allow you to set continuous shooting at 2/5/10 second intervals. That gives you more photos per setup, increasing your chances of a good result. You can also get an attachment to connect smartphones to a tripod or monopod so you can put the phone anywhere that suits. You can also buy a Bluetooth trigger to take photos (but I’ve never tried one so I don’t know how good they are.)

                                                          NakedMadCat, Martin and John like this

                                                          • #17155
                                                              • Manchester UK
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                                                              I bought a selfie stick that extends as a typical selfie stick but also is a tripod and has a blue tooth trigger. Works great.

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                                                        • #17153
                                                            • Wales, UK
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                                                            I’ve got more dare photos to post (2 people remaining I think) on the Master Dare List, but I just wanted to report that, so far, 160 dares have been completed!

                                                            I’m impressed!

                                                            NudeLover, Martin and John like this

                                                          • #17154
                                                              • Cheshire, England
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                                                              All mine are on now, I was worried you didn’t have my last one as my Gmail was saying not sent. I nearly got another 3 done this weekend but for the technical difficulties mentioned. I’ll try and do them next weekend if I can sort out camera positioning and the weather holds.

                                                              I really shouldn’t have trouble with the railway I live in one of tbe biggest railway towns in the country 🙂

                                                              I am in Cheshire if anyone wants to pair up for taking pictures.

                                                              NakedMadCat, Martin, Bikerguy and 1 more person like this

                                                            • #17292
                                                                • Manchester UK
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                                                                I have sent my photos to Ed for the introductory dares. However, it looks like the only people who have submitted so far are those willing – brave enough to do some of the master dares anyway, which kind of defeats Ed’s reason for introducing them.

                                                                NudeLover and Ed like this

                                                                • #17318
                                                                    • Wales, UK
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                                                                    It’s not looking like the introductory dares are working. The aim (as I believe I stated before adding them) was to make it easier for more people to take part, give an introductory (and less challenging route) into the dares and increase participation.

                                                                    I was hoping it might encourage and support our female members to take part, and there was clearly some support there from female community members. I don’t want to bully or force anyone to do anything they are not completely at ease with, obviously, but adding the introductory dares has not resulted in any female participation in the dares.

                                                                    My feeling now is that I should be considering the removal of the introductory dares from the table. It was a great idea but does not appear to be achieving anything towards its aim.

                                                                    NakedMadCat and Diana like this

                                                                    • #17327
                                                                        • United States
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                                                                        It seems like lots of them have been completed, just by males. I am interested in trying them out but I just want to get to a weight that’s more appealing than I am now.

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                                                                      • #17328
                                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                                          Yes, all males. Sadly none of the females who expressed an interest have given it a go.

                                                                          I really wouldn’t worry about your weight! Have you looked at the men??

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                                                                    • #17330
                                                                        • Cheshire, England
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                                                                        Give it some time, it’s not yet the weather for rushing to get kit off, and it did help people start first time you did them in the dares

                                                                        • #17331
                                                                            • Wales, UK
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                                                                            I’ll give it some more time, but I don’t think the weather is an excuse. The introductory dares can be done indoors, safely away from the weather.


                                                                            It has been two months now.

                                                                        • #17352
                                                                          Bobby timms
                                                                            • Greer sc
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                                                                            Here’s a dare.  At a building not far from the library I got naked. Heres the pic.

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                                                                          • #17355
                                                                            Bobby timms
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                                                                              Here’s the one I meant to send.  I got naked behind a building near the library. Here’s the pic.

                                                                            • #17357
                                                                              Bobby timms
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                                                                                My final attempt at posting my date.I got naked behind a government building near the library.

                                                                              • #17358
                                                                                Bobby timms
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                                                                                  This one in the gym!

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