How long should a round be?

Forums Naked Participation Vote-Off Events How long should a round be?

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    • #5900
        • Wales, UK
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        When I set up this event, I tried to take into account that many of our community members don’t visit every day. Since starting things off, it’s become apparent that the participants and many other members are checking in multiple times per day. Given there are 5 participants with 4 items of clothing each, at 2 days per item, it’s going to take almost 3 weeks to get through half of those. It’s hard to predict how long it will be before our first naked loser is revealed but, if things work out fairly balanced it could be 20-25 days away.

        What does everyone think of decreasing the voting time for each round down to 24 hours?

        Would that cause any problems?

        Martin, alex and like this

      • #5901
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          24 hours. ?

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        • #5904
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            I guess it depends on how many votes come in, 1st round may garner more interest, particularly from those involved, I’d be OK with 24 hours, but whatever suits you really, it’s your fundraiser!

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          • #5909
              • Berkshire UK
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              20 items total so you’d have a maximum of 16 items removed. If you go daily after the advertised end of first round (tomorrow, 9pm uk time) then you need 15 days before someone is guaranteed naked. Could be sooner if we all vote for one person!

              so, yes, daily is probably better. that would mean one naked and everyone else with hands covering) on 5 December. 20th if two days

              Alternatively, top two each round lose an item and get their scores reset to zero. That might work better with the two days to vote approach. On that basis, first one naked and other four with hands (on the basis that everyone loses one item at a time in order) would be on 27 Nov (1 day) or 4 Dec (2 day).


              yes, I’ve created a spreadsheet…

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            • #5911
                • Wales, UK
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                I’m curious to see this spreadsheet.


                So no-one objects to the change? Excellent.

                Next question: Should I change the first round too?

                I don’t know if there are any more votes to come in, but if it doesn’t change – will Alex be losing an item tonight or tomorrow night?

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                • #5912
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                    Yes, change it now!  Let’s see some clothes come off! Get them naked!!! As Chris said yesterday, let the best man…strip! ???

                    Alex needs to get nude!!

                    PS – I do still have other votes to use up!

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                    • #5974
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                        My apologies – it was Alstaf who said, “May the best man…strip”!

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                    • #5916
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                        I’m happy to change to 24 hours for the first round if everyone else is

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                    • #5914
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                        It must be a balance between keeping things moving quickly enough to hold interest but also giving people time to contribute to the fund-raiser. Martin’s spreadsheet must think it would take too long if we stick with 48hrs and 24hrs is a better timescale.

                        , Martin and Ed like this

                      • #5923
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                          I’m happy with 24

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                        • #5926
                            • United States of America
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                            I dunno.  I’d almost make the whole game a five-day week.  Have a sequence of them.  Too many items, and the pace can become glacial. I can imagine saying, “Send me a PM when they finally take off something interesting.”

                            IF you make it a long game, you have to spike it with fun, exposure, and dramatic tension along the way.

                            Yeah, keep voting to 24 hours. I’d have the deadlines posted in GMT and GMT -5.

                            Ed, Martin and like this

                            • #5928
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                                Agreed! ?

                            • #5927
                                • Wales, UK
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                                24 hours it is then. That means, at 9pm tonight, someone is losing an item of clothing!

                                Martin and like this

                                • #5929
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                                    And I can’t wait!! ?

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                                • #5930
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                                    Also what happens in the case of a draw? Do both people lose an item?

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                                    • #5931
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                                        Good point! ?

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                                      • #5933
                                          • Wales, UK
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                                          I don’t want to extend things by having another vote to decide between 2 winners, so I think they should both lose an item.

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                                          • #5934
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                                              Anything that gets one of these guys naked!  So agree with your suggestion! ?

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                                        • #5935
                                            • Wales, UK
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                                            If there are enough participants (got three already), should we do another event as soon as this one finishes?

                                            Martin and like this

                                            • #5951
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                                                Are you thinking same format, or a variation?  It’s certainly livened up the site a bit, might be fun to keep them going as long as there’s a little variation to keep folks interested, I’d be game

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                                                • #5955
                                                    • Wales, UK
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                                                    Definitely some sort of variation. Forfeits have been suggested and we could run themes too (eg outdoors) but it would great to get a wider range of people involved too. Imagine a couples competition, for example.

                                                    and Martin like this

                                                  • #5975
                                                      • Berkshire UK
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                                                      I was wondering if I could get someone else to join in on a “couples” basis – would that be both parties lose an item at the same time?

                                                      would you be able to cope with having a requirement for a video reveal by the loser of an item? Rather than just the before/after picture?

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                                                    • #5978
                                                        • Wales, UK
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                                                        I was thinking couples as in husband & wife, or boyfriend & girlfriend etc.. It would attract a lot more members to the community if there was female nudity too. Although, I’ve almost given up on getting solo women to take part in events like this.

                                                        I’m still working on videos for the site generally. As the event is being shown in a standard site page rather than a forum post, I should be able to do that (although it is a LOT more work – editing, conversion, embedding etc.). Currently, in the forums, we can only post videos that are hosted elsewhere.

                                                        Martin and like this

                                                  • #5937
                                                      • Wales, UK
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                                                      Only 2 hours until someone loses an item of clothing! It’s looking like Alex right now.

                                                      Martin and like this

                                                    • #5943
                                                        • Wales, UK
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                                                        I spoke too soon!

                                                        Martin and like this

                                                      • #5954
                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                          Looks like we’re not only going to get a draw but a three-way one at that.

                                                          Martin and like this

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