Have you ever been fully naked outdoors?

Forums Community & News Miscellaneous and Help Have you ever been fully naked outdoors?

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    • #12938
        • Wales, UK
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      • #12944
          • Long Island, New York, United States
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          As a kid yes, but since going through puberty no lol.

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        • #12965
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            Yes, this is me two or three years ago. Looking at this now, I’m surprised I took such a high risk of being caught, but I must have been confident there was nobody near enough to arrive before I’d got dressed again.

            I took some naked selfies a few days ago during a walk, but didn’t like them and deleted them. If I’d kept them, I could have used one for this post. I was thinking about doing the dare about taking so many steps before taking the next thing off, but it wasn’t working. I’ll try it again next time I have the chance and I remember to take some simpler-to-remove footwear and ideally a tripod.

            I like being fully naked outdoors. The main thing is feeling the air on all of my skin, but there’s also the thrill of being subversive and the risk of being seen. When I’m feeling artistic, I like the contrast between skin and rocks or trees or whatever, and I (or a model) need to be completely naked to get that effect. I wouldn’t mind being seen from a distance, but I don’t ever want to be confronted close-up by an angry member of that strange “always-fully-clothed” community.

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          • #12970
              • United States
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              I did once, years ago….I’m sure I posted the whole story not so long ago?

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              • #12975
                  • United States
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                  I can repost if anyone is interested?

              • #12977
                  • Cheshire, England
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                  Yes, mainly though these dares and nude sunbathing. Pictures of me in the garden on the master dare and old dare lists, also a picture of me in a road somewhere. I’ve not submitted those to the current list as I want to take all new pictures.

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                • #12980
                    • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                    Many times, both in my garden and in public areas, the pics are mostly in the NE Archives somewhere.

                    It’s a great feeling having the the wind, sun, rain and once briefly snow on your skin.

                    and Ed like this

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