Giving others control to get you naked.

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    • #5706
        • Wales, UK
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        I’ve been looking at starting another Naked Dare Challenge but the situation is odd (lockdowns, pandemic etc.) and the weather hasn’t been great for most of us. Rather than just do the same thing again, I thought it would be good to try something completely different.

        My idea obviously involves nudity and, like the first dare challenge, a gradual progression to full nudity, but instead of participants having control over each step I wonder if it would be more fun to remove that control and make it an opportunity to raise some money for the site (especially as we’ve lost many of our Community Supporters over the past few months).

        How about this:

        Participants (or volunteers if you prefer) take a fresh set of photos of themselves (Fully dressed, top off, trousers/skirt off, underwear off but covering with hands, fully uncovered) and e-mail them to me. At the start of the challenge, I post a webpage with all the participants fully clothed and open the voting.

        Votes are done via KoFis (thus the fundraising element). Over the next 48 hours, anyone can vote for any participant (or several) by sending a KoFi with the name of the participant and how much they are allocating (£1, £2 or £3) from the KoFi ( 1 vote=£1 and leftover money can go towards another candidate vote or a later round).

        At the end of 48 hours, the participant with the most votes loses an item of clothing. I build the next webpage showing all the participants in their resulting state of dress and the next round begins. Each time a participant moves on to the next photo, their votes are zeroed. Everyone else’s votes are carried forwards to the next round.

        If there are enough participants then I could scale it up to the top 2 or 3 candidates losing an item of clothing each round.

        Participants would be allowed to vote for other participants (or themselves!). The experience for participants is that they have very little influence over how exposed they end up. Once I accept your photos into the challenge, your fate is in the hands of those voting.

        Would you take part? Would you dare?

        Voters aren’t winning your clothes, they are exposing you, possibly embarrassing you or even humiliating you. I know there wouldn’t be an avalanche of votes so participants will, almost certainly, be losing clothing to tiny amounts of money. If only one person votes £1 per round for the same participant, that participant could end up completely naked on the site earning just £5 for the site.

        Sangroid5k, Martin and RRos like this

      • #5707
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          Sounds good. It crossed my mind a while ago, when we were voting for models to strip, that we could be the ones having to get naked. If we go ahead, would it be ok to send the pictures via personal messaging on this system instead of email? How many participants would we need to make it worth doing? It would just about work with two participants but would be more fun with a few more. (If someone was the only participant, people could vote “get ’em off” or “keep ’em on” – if it was me, I think I’d be on very safe ground!!)

          Now I’m starting to think about forfeits for the loser, but maybe that would be a step too far, at least for the first game.

          And speaking of having to strip, I see it’s 5 days since anyone else posted…

        • #5708
            • Wales, UK
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            Sorry for my lack of activity here, I’ve had a busy few days.

            I think that three people would be a working minimum for the challenge, two would work but 3+ would make it more interesting (and harder to predict). I’d be hoping for four participants.

            Forfeits are probably better left to a future version. I’m already worried it’s not simple enough for a first run as it is.

            Can you send pictures via personal messages here? I didn’t think it supported attachments. You can send them on Skype easily.

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            • #5709
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                Ah, no. It allows embedding of pictures from web links but not attached from local jpegs.

                • #6645
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                    I wish we could send pictures via messages.

                    Ed likes this

                  • #6646
                      • Wales, UK
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                      That would be nice but BuddyPress (the engine that runs this site) doesn’t support that.

                • #5718
                    • United States
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                    As long as it’s okay if my pictures are below the neck, I’m in. Been wondering about the whole “lack of control” element. Just let me know when you plan on starting so I can take as fresh of pictures as possible, and what email to send them to.

                    On a slightly different note, I see that the Prof has been recently active, so I don’t need to strip to post this, but merely a few hours off from having to lose everything down to my socks, phew. Maybe next time…

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                    • #5719
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                        I should have waited for a few more hours!

                        RRos and Ed like this

                      • #5720
                          • Wales, UK
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                          Maybe you could wear a mask, @rros338? We’re all so used to them now that I doubt anyone would think it was strange.

                          RRos likes this

                          • #5722
                              • United States
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                              I could wear a mask, that works. I have an old Masquerade mask too, so full face coverage. And Prof, that’s part of the fun of this idea of yours, no idea what I’m opening the site to. Certainly a better kind of nervous excitement than the madness of the US election right now. Even the fact that I feel slightly disappointed at not having to strip something is fascinating.

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                          • #5731
                              • United States
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                              Well, looks like Ed has been busy, as he has the top comment for the last 4 days, which I do believe means something substantial for me from our dear Professor. I am currently writing this wearing nothing but some slippers for the cold floor, one more day and I would have lost even those, overdressed as I was for the cold weather. This may be arguably the weirdest feeling, as I feel both dressed and naked right now, and very very cold. But I can’t say I don’t enjoy this feeling immensely too. Very freeing and a great way to wake up on a Sunday morning. I definitely understand the appeal now.

                              , Ed and like this

                              • #5732
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                                  Congratulations on your new experience. Enjoy the feeling while it’s still a novelty! (And, yes, it’s funny how even just slippers can make us feel dressed – I wonder if our feet send us important signals about our environment.)

                                  Ed likes this

                            • #5721
                                • Wales, UK
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                                Does that mean we have two participants?

                                Anyone else?

                              • #5723
                                  • Wales, UK
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                                  Four participants would be my favourite choice – it makes the page layout easy!

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                                • #5727
                                    • Wales, UK
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                                    I was hoping for more enthusiasm about this. Anything I can do to make it more appealing?

                                  • #5729
                                      • Berkshire UK
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                                      Sorry, not been in recently. Happy to throw my hat (and anything else) in the ring….

                                      Ed likes this

                                    • #5730
                                        • Wales, UK
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                                        Cool, @martin. Does that bring us up to 3 participants?

                                        Martin likes this

                                      • #5745
                                          • UK
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                                          Hi, this sounds like fun.  I’m new here, and this would be an excellent and easy ice-breaker.

                                          Martin, and Ed like this

                                          • #5752
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                                              Welcome Chris 🙂

                                              Chris, Ed and Martin like this

                                          • #5746
                                              • Wales, UK
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                                              Hi @tigger121. Would you be more interested in participating or voting for those who do?

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                                              • #5755
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                                                  Hi Ed, sorry, I wasn’t very clear, I’d love to participate primarily, though I’d probably vote too is allowed, I’m guessing the voter turnout will not be on the scale of the US election.

                                                  Martin likes this

                                                  • #5760
                                                      • Wales, UK
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                                                      Wow, if the turnout was that big, I could commit to running this community fulltime for the rest of my life! We wouldn’t need Community Supporters ever again!

                                                      Oh, and participants are most definitely allowed to vote too!

                                                      and Martin like this

                                                    • #5763
                                                        • UK
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                                                        Cool, I hope this is as much fun as it sounds, do let me know what you need, do I need to confirm I am me first, get verified?

                                                        Martin likes this

                                                      • #5764
                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                          No need to be verified for this one, although if I do it right, then I can use this to verify a few people.

                                                    • #5762
                                                        • uk
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                                                        Hi all

                                                        id be happy to join in on this too.

                                                        , Martin and Ed like this

                                                      • #5765
                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                          Cool, so that means we have @profgreen, @rros338, @martin, @tigger121 and @alex72393 willing to take part?

                                                          If any of those are wrong, or I’ve missed anyone, please let me know soon!


                                                          I’ve already given almost all the details in this thread, but I’ll produce a page later today with all the details in one place and my plan for how to proceed. If we can, I’d like to start this early next week, assuming everyone can get the photos (specification to follow soon) in the next few days. More to follow on that.

                                                          Chris, and Martin like this

                                                        • #5782
                                                            • Wales, UK
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                                                            Sorry it’s late, but here’s the description of the required photos: link.

                                                            I will be producing a page for the voting mechanism imminently. If possible, I’d like to get things started by the weekend.

                                                            Martin and Chris like this

                                                          • #5785
                                                              • Spain
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                                                              Happy to join if you’re still accepting pics?

                                                              , , Martin and 1 more person like this

                                                            • #5793
                                                                • Wales, UK
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                                                                Yes, it hasn’t begun yet.

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                                                              • #5795
                                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                                  Just so everyone knows, I’ve updated the instructions page here.

                                                                  Also I want to open the event to voting on Thursday morning so I need those photos etc. in by Wednesday evening.

                                                                  Martin likes this

                                                                • #5796
                                                                    • Spain
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                                                                    Since I’m back and still in time for this, let’s celebrate by joining in.

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                                                                    • #5799
                                                                        • Wales, UK
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                                                                        Excellent, @Alstaf. Good to have you back and great to have you in the event.

                                                                        Martin likes this

                                                                    • #5802
                                                                        • United States of America
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                                                                        Love be in it.  Yes!

                                                                        Martin and Ed like this

                                                                      • #5806
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                                                                          I have thrown my caution (and my clothing) to the wind, photos submitted, I hope, to Ed, (if I got the email address right, otherwise someone’s in for an unpleasant surprise!), good luck to fellow contestants/volunteers/victims.

                                                                          , Martin, Ed and 1 more person like this

                                                                        • #5824
                                                                            • East Sussex
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                                                                            Just sent me entry pictures.

                                                                            Martin and Ed like this

                                                                          • #5843
                                                                              • Wales, UK
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                                                                              Still aiming to kick off the whole event tonight.

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                                                                            • #5844
                                                                                • United States of America
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                                                                                Sent mine to That ok?

                                                                                Martin likes this

                                                                              • #5845
                                                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                                                  I got them. The address I gave was but the webmaster address forwards to that one anyway.

                                                                                  Martin likes this

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