Easier to be naked if you’re not the only one?

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    • #12538
        • Wales, UK
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        You may or may not view getting naked in front of a fully-clothed stranger as a challenge, but would you find it easier if someone else got naked with you?

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      • #12558
          • Long Island, New York, United States
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          Yes and no. On the one hand if somebody else is naked with you you’re not the central focus of attention, but on the other hand if it were attractive women like the ones in that picture that you had there it would probably be even more embarrassing because seeing them naked like that would make me visibly aroused. To be fair the humiliation of being the only one naked would probably also do likewise!

          Actually the entire sexual dynamics would depend on who else was there. If I were in that picture say with two naked women and one dressed woman I would still feel like the focus of attention was more on me, because everybody else in the room would be female, and they would be focusing on the fact that there is a naked man in there. They would probably be indifferent to the fact that some of them are naked but they would probably be focusing on the fact that there were three of them and one of me naked!
          The more you are different from anyone else in the room the more you stand out, so in this one I would be the opposite sex of them and there would be more clothing on them than on me one way or another, so either way the dynamics would be in their favor.

          • #12559
              • Wales, UK
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              Very good points!

          • #13147
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              In the Comunicado Extraterrestre video in the blog, the singer in the middle of the picture definitely isn’t the only one naked, but she does seem to be uncomfortable with the idea, which is odd. I kept expecting something to happen so she’d suddenly be more exposed, but she stayed as she was. Is her discomfort part of the act? Is there a reason she couldn’t bottle out? A dare perhaps?

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            • #13149
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                If someone else is naked with you does that potentially make it harder?

                You are now being compared to someone else in many ways.

                who is braver. So you feel a need to be more confident put on more of a show to show you were happy to get naked first and your happier showing what you have and that puts pressure on.

                human nature is to compare so if you get naked with someone else of the same sex then not only will you be compared by the non naked person/people but also you will end up comparing yourself. How do I measure up, does mine look as nice,


                I have no issues either way. I don’t care if people compare me. I’m me and I can’t change it so I’m happy and comfortable to be naked as I am.


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              • #13150
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                  Depends on the experience.

                  For wnbr, i think it helps as everyone waiting for someone to strip off first.

                  Some events, it’s more of a case, is this the right place.


                  Otherwise does help nor hinder.

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                  • #13177
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                      “is this the right place” – that’s exactly what I would think if I was heading for a nude beach, so I’d be much happier if someone else was there first.

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                  • #13152
                      • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                      I think it must do, unfortunately I’ve not had the opportunity to find out

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                    • #14712
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                        I think there can be a ‘safety’ in numbers idea, especially if the partner is someone you trust enough with your nudity, but at the same time I do not think the manner of being stripped in front of anyone can be rather hard and embarassing regardless, because in a smaller group especially you might be the focus of their attention and efforts.

                        Arthur, Paul and Ed like this

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