Dare Challenge #2: Week #1

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    • #3158
        • Wales, UK
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        Here is the first weekly dare (not really a dare yet admittedly!):

        1) Write “NakedExperiment.com” clearly on a piece of paper (A4 preferable) and take a photo of yourself (clothed) holding it up to the camera. Your face does not need to be visible but, if it is not, please ensure that most of the rest of your clothed body is in shot.




        I will judge if photos pass the dare. My decisions will be final!

        All participants will gain one point for completing this step.

      • #3178
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          This ok?

        • #3180
            • Wales, UK
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            That’s a pass, @profgreen.

          • #3235
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              @ed – should we call this one a day for now and try again in a few months? Maybe a Christmas theme perhaps? Snow angels?!?!

            • #3236
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                It does seem a bit slow, but I’m game…here is mine.

              • #3237
                  • Wales, UK
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                  I doubled the allowed filesize for this one. Maybe I should increase it again?

                • #3238
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                    I resized.   It should work now..

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                  • #3240
                      • Wales, UK
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                      That will do nicely, @eeastwood09.

                    • #3241
                        • Wales, UK
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                        I’ve increased the upload limit to 4MB per photo.

                      • #3242
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                          Thanks Ed.  I was able to reduce the size of the photo… Only problem was I reduced and posted the original unblurred face photo.  O well. Its posted now…

                        • #3243
                            • Wales, UK
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                            I can delete it if you want? Only around 6 people have visited this topic in the last couple of days.

                          • #3253
                              • USA
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                              Hey Ed, It will be fine… We are here to have fun.

                              What do you have in mind for #2?

                              Ed likes this

                            • #3258
                                • Wales, UK
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                                That would be telling, @eeastwood09!

                                To be honest, I’m not sure what to do about week #2. I don’t feel we have enough participants yet to move onto the 2nd dare. But, how long do we wait?

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                              • #3259
                                  • East Sussex
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                                  Must get around to doing my entry.

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                                • #3260
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                                    Dare Challenge number 1 kept up a bit of pace until near the end. That was part of the fun. I wasn’t simply (and fairly pointlessly) putting revealing photos of myself on the internet, I was joining in with a game and accepting challenges which pushed my comfort zone (in a good way!). I don’t get the impression that we’re ready for the second set of dares yet. I think we should leave it for a while and see if we get more participation. We should do at some point but it doesn’t seem to be catching enough interest at this time of year.

                                    I have a friend A. She has a friend B who is a wind-up merchant. (For example, B organised A’s hen do and told A she’d need to get a bikini wax a few days before the party. It turned out it was just to make her nervous.) B has a friend C. This is C doing the ice bucket challenge. C had already agreed to take the challenge but B dared her to do it in a strapless bikini, with predictable results. Her friends and family were there, by the way.

                                    The dare wasn’t to put a topless photo on the internet, it was to do the ice bucket challenge in a strapless bikini with quite a few friends and family there. It’s sort-of the same for me with the dare challenges. The fun desn’t come from just getting naked, it comes from being part of something that involves quite a few Naked Experiment supporters and followers.

                                    Scott likes this

                                  • #3262
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      I’ve checked through my messages and 8 people have been urging me (for weeks) to get this second challenge going. I’ve been delaying and delaying (mostly due to other commitments admittedly) but now it’s started, NONE of those urgers have joined in!

                                    • #3263
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                                        Maybe it’s just not the right time. People like the idea in principle, enough to ask for it, but don’t currently have the time or interest or enthusiasm to join in. That’s not to say they never will, but they don’t have now. I have some ideas for things I could dare myself to do and maybe I’ll post some results eventually. A year or two ago. I’d have asked some like-minded friends to dare me but we haven’t met as a group for ages, probably for the same reasons as above. I know it’s frustrating when people ask for something and then do nothing about it when they get it but personally I’m happy to wait until the time is right for more people.

                                        (Maybe I need to make better friends with B but I think that would be too scary for A!)

                                      • #3266
                                          • East Sussex
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                                          My late entry.

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                                        • #3374
                                            • East Sussex
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                                            Is my entry a pass Ed or do you want a better quality pic?

                                          • #3383
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                                              The weather today was terrible rain. It made me think again about something that’s occurred to me in the past – I wonder who would join in with a dare about being naked outdoors in really bad weather.

                                              Some years ago, a new colleague came to work with us. We became, and remain, very good platonic (fully dressed) friends but at the time she was new and looking very attractive. One day there was a ferocious hail storm. She looked out of the window and remarked that it made her want to run about in it naked. I’ve never really forgotten that moment! Everyone, including me, pretended it was a completely normal thing to say!!

                                              It wasn’t even something she’d typically say or do. She left a couple of topless pictures in some holiday photos she showed around once but is very straight-laced normally.

                                              Steve likes this

                                            • #3538
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                                                Hey Ed, give us a dare.   Last series was more active in the later weeks with more participants jumping in by week 8 and 9.  If not Steve and I, and perhaps the Professor can keep on going…

                                              • #3539
                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                  This one sort of fizzled out. Several people told me it wasn’t a good time, too close to the last one, etc. etc.


                                                  How many of us are interested in getting this going again?

                                                • #3541
                                                    • Wales, UK
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                                                    Anyone at all?

                                                  • #3542
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                                                      I guess I’m the only one still interested..

                                                    • #3543
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                                                        Sorry for the delayed response – been away. Sorry also for this catch-22 response – I’m up for it but only if several (???half a dozen???) of us are committed to it.

                                                      • #3548
                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                          I’d view six as about the minimum to make it worth doing. It’s halfterm right now so I don’t have much time available but after the weekend, I’ll have another go at getting enough people lined up to kick it off again.

                                                        • #3557
                                                            • East Sussex
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                                                            Sorry been busy and not visited as much as I would like, I’m still interested in it.

                                                          • #3558
                                                              • Wales, UK
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                                                              That’s good to hear! 🙂 That’s three people so far.

                                                              Martin and Steve like this

                                                            • #3835
                                                                • Wales, UK
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                                                                I know everyone’s busy with Christmas etc, and the weather right now it cold and (mostly) wet, which isn’t conducive to nudity, but when would everyone like this second naked dare challenge to kick off again?

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                                                              • #3839
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                                                                  The time of year is much less of a problem than the weather☹

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                                                                • #3841
                                                                    • Wales, UK
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                                                                    It’s been suggested a few times to incorporate the weather into the dares. The only problem is that we’re spread over such a wide area that the same weather isn’t going to be available to everyone.

                                                                    Martin likes this

                                                                  • #7812
                                                                      • Cheshire, England
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                                                                      I think they call this a bump 🙂

                                                                      Anyone else up for getting this going again?

                                                                      I’ve still got a few dares left from the first challenge, but need a day off to get them done.

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                                                                      • #7815
                                                                          • Berkshire UK
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                                                                          Can do 🙂

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                                                                      • #10459
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                                                                          Yet another “bump” in hopes  these weekly dare challenges get going again.  I’m in.

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