Community engagement.

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    • #16339
        • Wales, UK
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        What can I do to encourage everyone to post/comment/vote/like more here in our community?

        I’ve made MANY, MANY changes to the website, focused activity into an ever-smaller area and attempted to keep the momentum going myself. There’s a constant campaign to attract new community members too, but getting them to stay is so much harder than getting them to visit in the first place.

        Diana and Martin like this

      • #16341
          • Germany Braunschweig
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          It is difficult to move people from the outside. That’s the case everywhere.

          This group here lives from the actions and presence of its members.

          If we are active and show that this community is something beautiful, great and lively, then more and more visitors from outside will join us.

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          • #16346
              • Wales, UK
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              The problem is most members who visit regularly leave almost no trace that they have ever visited the site.

              Other people are left thinking there’s nothing going on so leave and never return.

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          • #16367
              • Wales, UK
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              How does everyone feel about getting more engaged for a few weeks to see if the increase in activity causes more new members to stick around?

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            • #16378
                • Germany Braunschweig
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                I think a lot of that. It would at least be worth a try.

                Maybe we can take ALL the photos on one theme. Nothing difficult and not a task, but a topic that EVERYONE can contribute to.

                For example: “Good morning with cup”, “while cooking” or “generally doing housework”.

                For advanced learners, perhaps “In the stairwell”…

                Well, just something like that

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              • #16379
                  • Germany Braunschweig
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                  Perhaps we can then ask our visitors to join in. Then they would automatically be involved.

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                • #16480
                    • Manchester UK
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                    You’re right about lack of engagement and no better since you posted?  Even if visitor numbers are good there is a definite lack of engagement. I posted my story on being stripped naked – I don’t know if there’s a way to measure views of a specific story or post but it’s had only 2 likes. Perhaps there should be a dislike button? At least we would know that someone else has read it and thinks it’s rubbish! But it does make you think – why bother?

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                    • #16488
                        • United Kingdom
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                        I thought it was a great story.  It takes time to  write these experiences and to make sure they’re engaging and entertaining so it’s disappointing when you barely get any likes?

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                        • #16489
                            • Wales, UK
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                            Tell me about it! I’ve had years of this.

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                      • #16481
                          • Manchester UK
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                          There’s some competition –

                          StripPoker and Diana like this

                          • #16484
                              • United States
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                              I think this server allows more options, just looking at that link it seems to be 100% dedicated nudist, whereas this is questions and other things regarding nudity as well.

                              NakedMadCat and StripPoker like this

                              • #16487
                                  • United Kingdom
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                                  I agree @enfdiana.  Stories are important, and personal experiences.

                                  Diana, NakedMadCat and Ed like this

                              • #16485
                                  • Wales, UK
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                                  Thank you for posting a direct link to the “competition”.


                                  Visitors to the site are up substantially (around 30% compared to 3 months ago), but I can’t see any change in engagement. As before, the blog is by far the most popular part of the site in terms of time spent here.

                                  Diana and NakedMadCat like this

                                  • #16491
                                      • Manchester UK
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                                      Sorry, not so much competition as an alternative.  It’s seems to be more for posting photos rather than stories, however it’s supposed to be private and they have a registration process to try and ensure that anonymous people with no profile aren’t joining just to look at other people’s photos.  I’ve said before that the lack of privacy here may be putting off more people joining in?

                                      Diana likes this

                                    • #16495
                                        • Wales, UK
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                                        I’ve experimented several times with private areas and they’ve always remained completely dead.

                                    • #16486
                                        • United Kingdom
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                                        I took a quick look.  There seem to be a few petty digs at this site – from my perspective and my $0.02, it’s not much of a competitor.

                                        Diana, NakedMadCat and Ed like this

                                    • #16492
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                                        I pop in. Check if master dare no.16 has been removed.

                                        See it hasnt, go away.


                                        The competitor looks dodgy.

                                      • #16494
                                          • Cheshire, England
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                                          I wouldn’t say it’s a competitor, completely different. I’m seasider on there if anyone wants to say hi or look at my pics. Though from memory there’s only one picture on there at the moment.

                                        • #16499
                                            • Cheshire, England
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                                            I reactivated yesterday and remembered why I don’t go on there often. Even less women than here!

                                            NakedMadCat and Ed like this

                                            • #16500
                                                • Wales, UK
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                                                They’ve probably got a similar issue where 50-70% of women on the site use male avatars to avoid being overwhelmed with unwanted male attention.

                                                Diana likes this

                                                • #16503
                                                    • England (London)
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                                                    Do they tell you, or do you have some other way of working it out?

                                                    Ed and Diana like this

                                                  • #16504
                                                      • Wales, UK
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                                                      All I’ve got to go on is the ones I’ve spoken to and people I’ve talked to who run (or used to run) other online communities. It’s only an estimate obviously, but I’m fairly certain it’s more than half as there are bound to be more that I don’t know about.

                                                      Diana and ptHarry like this

                                                    • #16508
                                                        • United Kingdom
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                                                        Woah!  So you’re saying, at an estimate, that half the registered users here who state they’re male on their profile are actually women?

                                                        Diana likes this

                                                      • #16509
                                                          • Manchester UK
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                                                          If I’m reading correctly, not half the members, but half the women?

                                                          So let’s say there’s 200 members, 100 are women but 50 of them have identified as men so it looks like the membership is 150 men, to 50 women.

                                                          I think!

                                                          Diana and Ed like this

                                                        • #16511
                                                            • Wales, UK
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                                                            Yes. But for 200 members, the number of women would be closer to 15.

                                                            Diana likes this

                                                          • #16510
                                                              • Wales, UK
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                                                              No. More than half the women use male avatars.

                                                              Diana likes this

                                                            • #16513
                                                                • Manchester UK
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                                                                And 8 pretending to be men!

                                                                Ed and Diana like this

                                                          • #16512
                                                              • United States
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                                                              Then there is me lol female avatar, female in profile, and broadcast to the website that I am a female

                                                              Martin, Steve, Ed and 2 more people like this

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