Reply To: POLL: Have you ever played a strip game in person?

Forums Community & News Miscellaneous and Help POLL: Have you ever played a strip game in person? Reply To: POLL: Have you ever played a strip game in person?

    • Long Island, New York, United States
    • Topics: 24
    • Comments: 229
    • Total: 253
    • Ace Poster

    “There’s a book by Sarah Waters called The Paying Guest. It includes a game of snakes and ladders where some of the squares have forfeit stickers attached to them. If anyone at all lands on a heart, one of the players (Lilian) has to take something off. Unfortunately they abandon the game because Lilian is so annoyed about it – I get the impression her husband intimidates her into playing it and she’s had enough. It’s a good idea though. At a party a few (ok – a lot of) years ago, one of the women suggested something similar (a quiz and she’d take something off if anyone ever got an answer right) but we decided she was so drunk she didn’t know what she was saying. It didn’t stop us making gentle fun of her for a few weeks afterwards though!”

    Sounds like a lot of fun, I wouldn’t mind being in Lilian’s position.

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