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    Golf course story

    The golf course is near to the country park. I could actually walk to it from the park. As you walk around the country park there is a pitch and put course that then leads off to a proper golf course. There is basically 1 small field and a smaller bit of grass between the golf course and the country park. I had walked around the smaller fields a couple of times trying to find somewhere to do the open space challenge but kept bumping into people walking or others taking their dogs out. I was about to give up before I found the path to the golf course. I walked off to the green and decided it was good enough. I hadn’t seen anyone in this area for about 5 minutes so it seemed safe. Decided as it looked safer to go back to the old strip and walk style of challenge. Retuning to staring point to drop off clothes each time. I like this cause it adds time to the challenge and makes the risk higher but the feeling it gives makes me forget the risks. I love that feeling of stripping and making a bit of a show of it. The strip happened cold feet were the orde of the day for sure. But once I had my boxers back on a saw a dog in the field next to me. I got my top back on and managed to just get dressed before the man who owned the dog also appeared in the field. 2nd close call of the day. I decided that was enough for one day at that point.

    Hope you enjoyed the tales of my afternoon.

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