Reply To: The Next Vote off My Clothes Challenge…

Forums Naked Participation Vote-Off Events The Next Vote off My Clothes Challenge… Reply To: The Next Vote off My Clothes Challenge…

    • Topics: 4
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    • Total: 70
    • Experienced Poster

    Here’s my $0.02:

    If I were involved in the next challenge:

    1. Clothing themes (eg Christmas). Possibly
    2. Everyone covering their faces but the final reveal being exposing your face. Possibly
    3. Starting with all participants covering with a sheet of A4 paper which the winner(s) of the round must fold in half. Sounds good and could be get arousing! ?
    4. Finishing with closeups (as well as head-to-toe shot). I like this idea but is this straying into porn territory??
    5. Doing the whole event wearing female clothing. No!
    6. The naked “winner” being posted on social media sites. Absolutely 100% NO!!?
    7. Doing the whole thing outdoors. In this weather?!? ?


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