

Is it time for the current background to go?

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  • Yes, it should go.
  • No, keep it.
  • Other (please comment below).
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    • #18687
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        Is it time to get rid of the current background image?

        Does it work (aesthetically)? Do you know what it is?

      • #18703
          • Wales, UK
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          8 hours have passed and not a single vote???

          I guess no-one will miss it if I remove it?

        • #18704
            • England (London)
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            I presume the colour is intended to resemble naked skin, and if I look hard enough I see a bit of texture in the main background which kind-of reinforces my assumption that’s what it’s intended to represent.

            But I have to admit I was here for a good few months before I considered that’s what it might be.

            As for the number of votes in 8 hours, isn’t that just consistent with the low number of visitors that we seem to have and that some of those are from different timezones?

            Personally, I’m not fussed either way. It makes the site easily recognisable, but I’m sure we would equally well get used to something different.

            Diana and Ed like this

            • #18705
                • Wales, UK
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                It is skin. It’s a “super realistic” skin texture from 3D modelling. Between me posting the poll and commenting, 11 registered members visited the site.

                I’ve had a few people say the colour puts them off the site and I don’t think anyone has said they like/approve of it.

            • #18710
                • Wales, UK
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                I don’t know if no-one is seeing this thread or it’s just not interesting enough to garner votes.

                I’ll give it until Monday evening.


              • #18735
                  • Wales, UK
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                  There’s literally one vote for each option, so as balanced as mathematically possible. That doesn’t give me an answer!

                  Diana likes this

                • #18889
                    • Wales, UK
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                    I’m guessing that’s it for voting.

                    “Yes, it should go” seems to have won but a single vote. Hardly decisive.

                    I guess more people visit our community for the content than do discuss/influence the website.

                  • #18890
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                      I have always disliked it!

                      Ed likes this

                      • #18891
                          • Wales, UK
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                          That’s three votes against and only one for. I know that’s only a TINY percentage of regular visitors to this site, but I think it’s time to get rid of the background.

                          I’m going to assume that everyone who didn’t vote has no strong feelings either way.

                      • #18895
                          • Wales, UK
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                          • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                          So, it’s gone!

                          Next question, should I replace it or just go with a plain colour? (And what colour?)

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