Why are you embarrassed of being naked?

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    • #6266
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        Hello all,

        so I know lots of people on this forum have not much embarrassment if any in regards to being naked, with the volunteers of the vote off clothes challenge being great living examples of it. But for the rest of the folks like myself that didn’t volunteer out of embarrassment or shame, and prefer to be clothed than naked and want to keep their “parts” covered. I simply ask out of curiosity why? What are your reasons?

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      • #6267
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          In my head I’m still 27: young, slim, virile and healthy.  In reality, when I look in the mirror and reflect on a difficult 10 years, there’s no way on Earth I’m taking anything off.

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        • #6269
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            A few reasons to keep covered

            • As MrD.NUDE says, I’m not 27. I wouldn’t get a job modelling sportswear. I might be in with a chance of advertising kingsize chairlifts.
            • I’ve seen the very negative way some people react to things like World Naked Bike Ride
            • I’ve heard indirectly (so maybe untrue) of people getting into trouble at their work for nude, or even just a hint of nudity, in artworks
            • Naked men get accused of flashing. Naked women get accused of soliciting.
            • Some people enjoy being embarrassed so, by doing something I should be ashamed of, am I telling people I’m a masochist?

            On the other hand

            • Body image problems can be serious and I’d be setting an example by not being ashamed of who I am
            • I get the impression that worries about nakedness are a weird British thing – the rest of the world has more sense
            • Getting naked is a very gentle way of being subversive
            • It’s fun

            So I try not to be embarrassed or ashamed but the mood comes and goes. I might be wandering round the garden, or even a very quiet corner of a park, naked one day and hiding inside all my clothes the next.

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          • #6673
              • Long Island, New York, United States
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              I guess it’s just because I am really shy, socially awkward and very introverted and withdrawn in general. I don’t have the greatest body and I have to admit while some people can be naked without making a sexual association I would feel incredible sexual tension being naked even casually. Maybe I would get used to it over time, but I have ever had any sexual experiences, so to be naked in front of others would be incredibly intense experience that I am not used to.

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              • #7015
                  • Wales, UK
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                  A lot of people feel that way about nudity. It’s a very common reaction. I’ve spoken to many nudists who still get a sexual thrill about being naked in front of lots of people. In some cases, it’s the fear of getting aroused that saves them from getting aroused.

                  When I originally set up this community, I assumed that nudists would not be interested in it at all, but it turns out many of them still enjoy some level of thrill from seeing lots of people naked and being seen naked themselves. I don’t have any figures but it certainly seems that a significant minority of nudists are involved in that life because they get a thrill from both sides of nudity.

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              • #7025
                  • Long Island, New York, United States
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                  I know that there are lots of nudists whoo get really comfortable with being naked and don’t find anything sexual about it at all but I think that for the average person it’s hard to take away the association with nudity from sexual arousal.

                  Like I know that if I were naked in a situation with others naked or even more so if I was the only one naked among dressed people I would find there to be an incredible sexual charge to that, and I would find it arousing no matter what. Even if I was humiliated and was trying to get out of that situation, in fact especially if I was, I would find that even more arousing, and the fact that I could be visibly aroused would make the situation even more arousing which would just compound the problem!

                  Again I think that a lot of people maybe get used to it over time after they have been used to being naked around other people, but to me I feel like being naked would always carry that sexual charge to it, again more so if you are the only one naked and the center of attention because everybody is focusing on you sexually, you stand out in the crowd. If everyone were naked I feel you can kind of blend in and there isn’t as much of an erotic charge, but when you are the only one naked all focus is on you and the fact that you are naked, people are seeing you as a body, as flesh, as a sexual being, whereas the people who are wearing clothing are comfortably covered up and you there isn’t that erotic charge to the situation.

                  To me I think that being the one naked would probably be more embarrassing. I mean if I saw a woman naked in front of me and I was dressed I think that I would feel a little bit embarrassed about it because I would be finding her attractive and getting turned on and everything like that, but if I was naked and she was the one who was dressed I would feel much more awkward because I would be the one who is the focus of all the sexual attention. She’d be comfortably dressed but is likely thinking “ha that guy’s nekkid!”

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