What aren’t we talking about?

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    • #13842
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        What aspect of nudity do you think we should all be talking about but that hasn’t cropped up yet here in our community?

      • #13845
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          We talk alot about the types of challenges people would like in an experiment, we submit a lot of photos and comment on videos about things we’d like to see.


          We don’t have an experience to go with many of the photos we take and submit. For me at least, it’s cool to see pictures but I want to know stuff like

          • what people were feeling building up to taking the photo/video
          •  how close they were to getting caught while naked,
          • what they felt like while naked, scared, free, excited, nothing
          • Was it just a quick opportunist shot or was it planned.
          • how long they stayed like that.
          • Did you drive naked to the spot or strip there for the photo.


          Gary and Ed like this

          • #13846
              • Wales, UK
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              • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

              That would be great to hear and even more in keeping with the site.

            • #13848
                • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                That’s a damn good idea.  It’s just remembering to respond to some or all of those points when posting a picture or video.

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            • #13849
                • Long Island, New York, United States
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                One thing that I explored a lot of my fictional stories about nudity is the social anxiety and awkwardness that comes with nudity and in the recent one that I’ve been writing I was like 30,000 words into it before the characters even got naked, and I was realizing that it was sort of a slow burn novel, because the entire first half of the novel so far had just been about all of the characters building up to the fact that they were going to have to be naked in the house together, or at least one of them would! So I think that a lot of people don’t focus on just how much buildup there is to the actual nudity, and all of the mental games that your mind can play on you getting yourself psyched up for it.

              • #13859
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                  OK. I’ll use the picture attached here. it’s one I’ve used a couple of times before but it fits the questions @since1980 asked.

                  • what people were feeling building up to taking the photo/video – Very nervous. I wasn’t planning to strip naked while I was out so I hadn’t dressed in clothes that were easy to put back on. It was just such a good setting. It was sunny and a bit breezy so I knew I’d feel the wind against my skin.
                  • how close they were to getting caught while naked – At the time, I thought I was fairly safe. The castle is in the middle of a field and the field was empty when I went inside. After I’d got dressed and went back outside, there were other people in the field – an elderly lady walking her dog, a group of female friends or colleagues, and a man on his own getting ready to take some photos. Looking back, I was very lucky to get dressed before they arrived. The field wasn’t really as big as it looked.
                  • what they felt like while naked, scared, free, excited, nothing – Again, very nervous but mainly a bit rebellious. People aren’t meant to strip naked in a public place. It also gave me a sense of achievement. Also, I really did feel healthier. I can see why naturists claim there are health benefits. I worried about how I would look in the photo, but one reason I get naked is to show people that body image isn’t important. There’s never any need to be shy.
                  • Was it just a quick opportunist shot or was it planned. – Totally opportunist this time. Other times, I’ve thought I might end up naked but not this time. When I go for walks, I sometimes look for places I could be naked in future if I prepared for it, so maybe I’ll have some different photos one day. I’m also interested in nudity as performance, so one day I might work out how to do something other than just stand there.
                  • how long they stayed like that. – It felt like a long five minutes but it was probably only one or two. Part of the challenge was to stand there for a while but I didn’t manage very long, at least not as long as it felt. I’ve spotted a different location where I could probably spend a bit of time naked. From the actual location, you can’t see if anyone else is about, but to get there you go along a path with clear views all around for quite a long way.
                  • Did you drive naked to the spot or strip there for the photo – Stripped there for the photo, where you see me standing. I threw my clothes just out of shot. I have done some naked driving, but it didn’t do anything for me, or it hasn’t up to now(!)

                  and Ed like this

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