Shy about being naked but want to get over it.

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    • #6993
        • Wales, UK
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        I’m wondering if there’s any interest in training to get over embarrassment and shyness about being seen naked?

        I’ve learnt quite a lot about it over the past few years and I’m considering doing more research into the topic. Everyone’s different, with different hangups and issues but I’ve helped a few people tackle it and it’s a fascinating area. Plus if I could help more people, that could great.

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      • #6994
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          Like I posted on many other topics before, I am really shy and embarrassed with my nudity. Whether that is to be something I would want to overcome is a topic I can’t make my mind up about. Honestly I’d have to lean towards the negative, but I’d be more than happy to message with you back and forth about it though.

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          • #6995
              • Wales, UK
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              You are far from alone on that one, Joseph. There’s probably a level of shyness that cannot be overcome but I’m not sure where that is, yet.

              With what I learnt for and from the experiments, I’m wondering if some sort of training course is viable, sort of like the experiments but purely for people who would usually find the experiments too challenging or simply impossible.

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          • #6996
              • Long Island, New York, United States
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              I’m extremely shy and socially awkward in general and being naked would only magnify that like 100 times over. I don’t necessarily consider that a bad thing though, because the exciting charge of nudity is the fact that you are shy about it. It wouldn’t feel intense for me if I was comfortable being naked and that would take away the excitement factor!

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              • #6997
                  • Wales, UK
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                  I wouldn’t be aiming for participants being comfortably naked, just getting over that barrier that stops them getting naked at all. For many, the thrill lies in the embarrassment, but I’ve spoken to a lot of people over the years who want the thrill but can’t experience it because they are too shy.

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              • #6998
                  • Long Island, New York, United States
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                  I can kind of understand where they are coming from on that. Although part of the excitement for me is the embarrassment and humiliation that doesn’t mean that just because you have a fantasy you would willingly put yourself in that situation. In fact part of my fantasy is for it to happen without me expecting it and finding no way out of it, because although I wouldn’t willingly put myself in that situation once I find myself in that situation and can’t escape I will be enjoying it no matter what, even though I would still want to get out of it, as paradoxical as that sounds.

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                  • #6999
                      • Wales, UK
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                      That’s a tricky combination to get right, Arthur. Maybe being a little more confident with your nudity, while it might take off some of the edge, would at least allow you to try out your fantasy. Getting the balance right would be hard!

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                  • #7009
                      • Long Island, New York, United States
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                      Confident nudity isn’t exciting to me, that flesh crawling embarrassment is what makes it exciting to me. This actually came up on another board that I am on where I put forth the idea that nudity is more exciting when you are caught naked unexpectedly and can’t get out of it. To me the ultimate situation would be to find myself naked with a bunch of dressed women knowing that I can’t get out of it and just seeing them have a sidesplitting great time taking advantage of the situation!

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                    • #7014
                        • Wales, UK
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                        I have heard lots of people say that the embarrassment or humiliation is the most important part.

                        Making it unexpected is very hard to achieve but being unable to get out of the situation is doable. Doing any kind of experiment where the entire audience is a different gender to the naked person complicates thing. An all male audience is easy to get but all female is near impossible in my experience.


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                      • #7024
                          • Long Island, New York, United States
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                          I think that for me the idea is that I would love to be in an ideal situation where I am perhaps finding one woman who I am going to agree to get naked in front of and then once she has me naked she springs a whole group of her girlfriends on me and then I find myself sort of stuck in that situation where she has my clothing held captive and I just sort of have to go along with it. Again probably not something that is likely to happen but that is sort of like the fantasy that I have. To find myself expecting to maybe be naked in private with one person and then find myself naked in a more public or less private situation with a large group of women.

                          Again it’s a fun fantasy but probably wouldn’t happen. A more ideal situation might be if I inadvertently find myself stripped of clothing and then just find myself with a group of dressed women. It would be an awkward situation but one that you might end up finding yourself unable to get out of for whatever reason.

                          • #7026
                              • Wales, UK
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                              The NE experiments and other experiences are all about doing things in real life. That’s why they will always tend to be toned-down or more controlled than many fantasies etc. will be.

                              Steve and like this

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