Have you ever been naked in a pub or nightclub?

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    • #12247
        • Wales, UK
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      • #12248
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          Me no. But the girl I was with at the time got topless and almost went further. 🙂

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        • #12249
            • Long Island, New York, United States
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            I don’t really go to bars and nightclubs but I imagine being naked in a bar or nightclub would be even more intimidating seeing as everybody would be drunk and loosened up and probably getting out of control with the situation.

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          • #12254
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              Similar to @bamaswitch, I haven’t done that (yet) but my sister-in-law got topless in a bar once in exchange for a bottle of fizzy wine. We all pretended to cover our eyes and make “shocked” noises, but she knew everyone was watching!

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            • #12256
                • Wales, UK
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                I want to hear more about all of those!

                • #12257
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                    It was a long time ago so recollections are vague. It was after a biggish family do in a restaurant that turned into a nightclub late evening. Everybody in our group had left apart from her, a couple of her female friends, their partners, her sister (my wife) and me. The DJ was giving drinks away by telling the barstaff who to take them to. He had been getting men to take their shirts off and women (in skirts/dresses) to stand on the tables in exchange for a pint or a glass of wine or whatever. He suddenly asked who would strip naked for a bottle of decent champagne. Sister-in-law immediately shouted that she’d take her bra off (meaning from under her top), DJ still wanted her naked, but they settled for her going topless for a bottle of fizzy wine. She must have undone her bra already because she pulled her top and bra off together, stood waving them in the air, and then sat down and put just her top back on. I hadn’t seen her topless before. I’d seen her on the beach in a very flimsy one-piece swimming costume that left nothing about her boobs to the imagination. Another time she wanted me to tell her if her top was too see-through. It was quite revealing, but I think she was mainly trying to get a reaction from my wife by drawing attention to her body.

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                • #12279
                    • Wales, UK
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                    I’ve heard of MANY cases of strip games or dare games being played in pubs. One pub near me had a stage hypnotist one Saturday night who got most of the volunteers (male and female) naked on the stage during the show.

                    But I’ve never seen anything like that myself.

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                  • #12298
                      • Wales, UK
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                      I need to find better ways to encourage members to share their experiences. Does everyone find it fun/interesting to read about other member’s experiences with nudity?

                      • #12335
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                          “encourage members to share their experiences”

                          For me, most of my naked experiences have been unremarkable with hindsight. There isn’t really a story to tell. Stripgames and dares are different, but even then I’d probably have to combine a number of separate moments together to make a story. Two moments that stick in my mind are the time I ended up being tied to a tree, and the time someone I hardly knew suddenly took her knickers off to prove she wanted to play truth or dare with whoever was in the room, but both of those were just one-off moments. I’d need to be feeling creative to turn them into a story, and then where does the line between reality and fiction/fantasy come? Does it matter if a collection of real events is held together by a complete fantasy?

                          Maybe that’s where fairy tales come from. The woman walking through the woods didn’t really have all her clothes stolen one at a time along the way until the last ogre she met stole her final garment and turned into a prince as soon as he saw her naked, but it was a good way of combining a series of separate “sexy” moments into one story.

                      • #12307
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                          I like hearing other peoples experiences, mainly so I can reassure myself I’m not a complete nutter! I think I must have played a more-than-average number of domestic stripgames in the past but I never really got very far into the nightclub nudity/public stripgame scene. I haven’t yet done anything like WNBR or Spencer Tunick or Tiger Streak or a naked protest or a fundraiser, and I haven’t been a film extra or played a naked character in amateur dramatics. I’ve been naked on the beach and in the countryside. I’ve done some dares, but overall my experience of total exposure is limited to being naked on my own or with friends (and family, but let’s not go there!!)

                          I think part of what this site does is help people join the naked world. I wouldn’t have done some of the outdoor dares we did here a few years ago without the community support, and I’m glad I did them. I haven’t joined in with the current dare challenges but the same comment would apply. Maybe we could ask people who do the dares to tell us about what it was like to do them. That could encourage members to share their experiences.

                          Meanwhile, here’s something I wouldn’t have done without the excuse this community gave me. There’s not much of a story to go with it, but I can explain it if anyone wants to know…

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                        • #12322
                            • UK
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                            About 12 years ago there used to be starkers that was a naked club night in london. Used to go.

                            And have said before worked in bar at naturist campsite, wore just a sarong whilst serving (re: hygiene) but naked otherwise.

                            Been to naked after-parties in pubs after wnbr.

                            Been a life model in bars for drawing classes.

                            Got naked for free drinks in party bars on holiday.

                            And did a charity strip along with other bar staff in a bar I was working in too.

                            Am sure there will be more when I’ve gone to a naturist or go naked event, but not noticed I’ve walked through a bar eg like doing the naked skiing night at an indoor slope.

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                            • #12328
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                                “Been a life model in bars for drawing classes.”

                                That’s something I’d like to have a go at. I probably had the chance once, when a friend seemed to be hinting that she wanted to draw me naked. I think her flat mate was getting sick of being her model. That would have been just the two of us, so not in a bar, and I’m sure we’d both have been quite (boringly) professional about what we were doing!

                                Having a life modelling class as part of a hen do always looks like a nice thing to do, but I imagine they’d want a young sexy hunk to torment as well as draw.

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                                • #12329
                                    • UK
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                                    To be a life model all you have to do is practice staying still and contact life drawing classes.

                                    Hen classes are a little bit different, they’re cheeky but not like hiring a stripper. They aren’t raucous affairs. Because of the pay you get compared to how too much time you have to put in, they’re not worth doing.

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                                  • #12334
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                                      Yes, “cheeky” is how I’d pictured it. I’d be doing it more for the experience than the money, but (unlike some life modelling) I’m sure they’d want an attractive body to look at. I’d better find a gym.

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                                • #12892
                                    • United States
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                                    Not quite naked.  A girl at the company I worked for was our receptionist, however she wanted to move to my team.  After interviewing her, I agreed, with a start date of January 4th.  So she could get to know the team, I invited her to come to our Christmas lunch at a nearby restaurant.  Much beer and wine was drunk and in long straggly line we finally headed back to the office.  To my surprise she pulled me into a pub, as she wanted to thank me for giving her the promotion.  The pub was absolutely packed but, two G&Ts in hand, we found a small alcove.  A couple of rounds later, I commented on a small tattoo on her shoulder.  She grinned. “Haven’t you heard about my tattoo?” she giggled. “It goes all across my back and round and down!”  This was in the day before everyone was covered in tattoos.  I jokingly asked if I could see it?  She grinned even more and oblivious to the drunken Christmas patrons right by us, she performed almost a fan dance, never completely nude, but showed me that, indeed, her tattoo covered her back, toned stomach and disappeared between the forbidden zone of her legs.  It was a beautiful tattoo…all waves and exquisite seahorses.  Quite stunning.  And, no, I never saw it up close and personal.

                                  • #12896
                                      • Cheshire, England
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                                      I like to hear others experiences, I mainly end up wondering why I don’t know these people or get invited to these parties though, Probably the most daring things I’ve done in pubs involve playing gigs, though both me and a gorgeous young lady on a drunken night in the pub with a lot of friends and witnesses there, vowed to get naked in the pub then streak down the street if Labour won the election in 2017 and they were only 2000 votes short of winning if you added the marginals together, so we did come close

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                                      • #12897
                                          • Wales, UK
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                                          On the subject of not knowing those sorts of people or getting invited to those parties: Some people are just lucky. Many years ago, a friend of one of my close friends seemed to be incredibly lucky. He had the following happen to him:

                                          • He visited my flat but got the wrong floor. The woman sharing the flat above mine answered the door and chatted with him for a while, during which her flatmate who was naked apart from a towel wrapped around her hair joined in the conversation completely unbothered by her own nude state.
                                          • A bunch of female students flashed their boobs at him in a park (one of my other friends was there too).
                                          • He worked on the 4th floor of an office building. Every morning at 11am, when his department was on a 10 minute break, he would go to the smoking room at the back of the floor. He didn’t smoke, but a girl in a block of flats behind the build, always chose that time to have her shower in full view of anyone in the smoking room (this was confirmed by other friends).
                                          • His girlfriend wanted to be a model and asked him if it was okay for her to walk around his place naked so she could get used to it. I wasn’t too jealous of that but then I discovered that two of her wannabe-model friends would sometimes join her naked at his place too.
                                          • For a few weeks (before he got sacked for being useless) he worked at a bar my wife managed. One evening there was a stag do which had booked a stripper. The stripper didn’t turn up so he asked one of the barmaids he worked with to strip instead. She did! (My wife confirmed that happened).
                                          • He once lived in a shared house and the nextdoor neighbour would occasionally sunbathed naked in her back garden, overlooked by his room. I saw that one once, but on hot weekends she would spend hours naked.

                                          He wasn’t very intelligent, certainly wasn’t good-looking, and didn’t appear to do anything to cause these situations. Female nudity just kept happening to him. I can only put it down to luck.

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                                      • #12906
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                                          I think it’s mainly luck, and there are probably more exhibitionists around than we normally notice. From Ed’s list,

                                          • Naked flatmate – one of my school friends had an older sister (late teens?) who was sometimes naked in another room with the door ajar. One time, she came in the room where we were, allegedly to look for something she needed.
                                          • Wanting to be a model – a friend-of-a-friend came to visit one of my housemates and very politely asked permission to take her jeans and jumper off for a while so that she could get used to the feeling. She was wearing a thin vest and slightly see-through knickers. We all sat in the garden for the afternoon.
                                          • Naked neighbour – The house behind ours used to be rented out to students. One year, one of them used to leave the curtains open while she got ready for a shower and then dried off afterwards. She liked her boyfriend to undress her in front of the window. I assume he stripped her naked, but the windowsill was above her waist height unfortunately. I remember that (a) she had quite big boobs, and (b) he always wore a towel round his neck under his dressing gown. I don’t know why these memories have equal weight in my head!!

                                          I had a near-miss once. My wife’s work had a christmas meal out and it was also one of the guy’s birthdays. After the meal, the women were trying to decide who should show him her boobs as a birthday present. His wife and one other woman said it couldn’t be them as he’d seen them already. At this point, my wife decided it was time to leave, which was very unfortunate timing. I expect she was afraid she’d either have to flash her boobs or be the one who said “no” and spoiled the party, so I don’t blame her but I definitely missed out on a brief treat.


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                                        • #12909
                                            • Cheshire, England
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                                            My ex wife was a strange case. She was very prudish if you suggested anything, yet her swimming costumes were always see through and that never seemed to happen to anyone else so I’m guessing it was somehow deliberate. She also walked round a supermarket wearing a clearly see-through white top at a busy time of the day, so I’m guessing she had an exhibitionist side that occasionally surfaced

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                                            • #12913
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                                                I have a friend who is quite defiant about what (little) she wears, as if she is daring people to look at her so that she can be annoyed with their bad manners in staring and denying her the freedom to wear whatever she likes.

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                                            • #12922
                                                • Nederland
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                                                Yes, I was a bingo master at a bar, naked:

                                                Rosie’s Bingo Nights

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                                                • #13006
                                                    • Wales, UK
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                                                    Was that a one-off performance?

                                                • #13011
                                                    • Nederland
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                                                    Unfortunately yes .

                                                    • #13012
                                                        • Wales, UK
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                                                        Pity. Did any audience members get naked or were they all people involved in the performance?

                                                    • #13013
                                                        • Nederland
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                                                        only the performars got naked.

                                                        how can I put this link in the blog: https://mukarno.com/death-of-ego/

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                                                        • #13021
                                                            • Wales, UK
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                                                            It will appear in the blog tomorrow morning at 9am (GMT/EST).

                                                            I don’t normally do that on request but it is a good link. Thank you.

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                                                            • #13032
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                                                                Everyone looks quite relaxed by that stage in the performance, which makes for a good photo of the performers.

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