Reply To: Vote-Off Event #4 – OFFICIAL

Forums Naked Participation Vote-Off Events Vote-Off Event #4 – OFFICIAL Reply To: Vote-Off Event #4 – OFFICIAL

    • Wales, UK
    • Topics: 603
    • Comments: 2642
    • Total: 3245
    • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

    There are over 220 active members of the site (visited the site more than once and have visited in the past 7 days). I haven’t got room on my spreadsheet for that many!

    I’m not really expecting money out of new visitors (although I’ve got to try obviously!) but if 10% of regulars bought 1 lot of votes it would fund the site for a few months. I find the percentage of new visitors who are interested in the Vote-Off seems to be very low. Female participants would turn that around completely.

    Someone PMed me to suggest that I should charge an entrance fee to participants for the next one and make voting free (one vote per person per round). I’d feel bad charging volunteers AND it’s already difficult to get volunteers in the first place.

    Bamaswitch likes this