The Great Undressing
Sleep Walk
Imagining Chanel – Another Performance
This time the “designer” joins in at the end.
Bodypaint in the Street
Silly Privilege
I won’t pretend I know what’s going on in this one!
This could make a good naked experiment?
Naked amongst the audience
Installation of Performative Actions
I’m not sure what to make of this one:
World Naked Bike Ride – London 2021
This year’s WNBR is taking place in London this Saturday (14th August 2021). Obviously, covid-19 restrictions will have their effect so there are measures in place at the start and there will be no after-ride party in the evening afterwards.
Not sure if it’s art…
…but reactions from the public are interesting:
14 Naked Germans perform in the street
Telly Adverts just aren’t this daring anymore!
You can leave your hat on!
Designer – “You’ll be on the catwalk completely naked.”
Model – “But I’ll look ridiculous!”
Designer – “No you won’t, you’ll be wearing one of these hats.”
Model – “Phew! That’s a relief. I didn’t want to look silly!”