Should the loser of a strip game suffer a forfeit?
Merry Christmas!
Sorry I won’t be around so much this Christmas. I’ll be trying to check-in at least every day, where possible, but normal service will return on January 2nd.
This stormy, cold weather isn’t conducive to nudity outdoors and family get-togethers often aren’t conducive to nudity indoors either. I’m guessing everyone will be a little quiet online for a few days, so there probably won’t be much going on here.
Anyway, hope you all have a good Christmas and a relaxing few days off work etc. Make it a good one!
All the best,
Could you undress while someone else watches you?
(Un)dressing Code
Introduce your friends to social nudity with a strip game.
Intimidad de lo común
I’m not sure what this one is supposed to be?