Welcome to our Community Site

Like being naked in front of others? Or seeing other people naked? Maybe you fancy a challenge or want to see how people react to being seen naked? If you want to experiment with many aspects of nudity, you’re going to love the NakedExperiment free adult community.

Register for free, get involved in our forums, see many naked photos uploaded by members or upload your own, watch nude videos, share experiences, vote in polls & make new friends too! This is strictly NOT a porn site.

**Please ensure you are at least 18 years of age before entering this community.**

A Quick Guide to the Naked Experiment Community

Here’s a quick introduction to the features of this community:

Key Sections:

  • Blog
    The front end of the site – where I post most embedded videos & many photos. Please feel free to comment on any posts.
  • Forums
    Where you’ll find most activity in this community. Lots to discuss (including our future), info to find out, friends to make and stories to share. Definitely worth checking out the forum.
  • Vote Offs
    Events we run for community members to have their clothes voted off by the public. Are you brave enough?
  • Master Dare List
    After trying out several ways of setting dares here, we ultimately settled on a centralised list of dares, starting from easy ones you can do at home to much more daring stuff. 
  • Naked Experiments
    The original reason for this site & still a core element. Small groups explore variations of being naked. We aim to do several experiment sessions per year.
  • Community Supporters
    Our Supporters are invaluable to operating this site. Most stuff here is freely available to all but some choice stuff is reserved for our Patreon supporters.

Don’t forget to explore the rest of the site to find out more.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Christmas Illustration created by GetImg.ai
I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish all members of the community (and passing visitors) a Merry Christmas!

It’s been a mixed year but I think the overall direction has been improvement. Obviously, I won’t be offering much in the way of technical or customer support for the next couple of days, but I expect normal service to resume on Wednesday (27th of December).

Here’s hoping you all have a good one. Don’t over-indulge too much!
