What if CFNM was the Cultural Norm?

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    • #1662
        • Long Island, New York, United States
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        How would you feel if you woke up tomorrow in a world where the sexual status quo is reversed and CFNM was the new cultural norm, where instead of having sexualized images of women all the time and where women were sexually objectified the new norm would be women sexually objectifying men, expecting men to get naked for them all the time? Personally I think it would be quite exciting!

      • #1665
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        • #1666
            • Long Island, New York, United States
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            “Remember the Two Ronnies sketch? https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/men-need-part-solution-metoo-12205704?”

            Before my time and not in the same country so I’m afraid this is the first I’ve heard of it.

          • #1668
              • Wales, UK
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              Weirdly I’ve recently rewatched all the Two Ronnies episodes on Netflix with my kids. Great stuff although not all of it has dated too well.

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            • #1678
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                I hafta agree.   It would be exciting to see men showing off their bodies more.  I’m always teasing my husband and prompting him to take off his swimsuit at the (nude) beach.  I know he will get an erection and he feels a little uncertain about that if the beach is crowded but I think it’s cute.

                But your scene is for women to be covered!   🙁      If I was around men who were dressed in revealing clothes or naked,  I’d just have to respond by getting the same way.    It’s just my instinct!

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              • #1682
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                  Does he fall asleep on the beach? (I know that’s not very safe in the sun though.) If so, could you very gently ease his swimsuit down a bit? Come to think of it, could you get his pyjama bottoms down or even off while he’s asleep at night? If you posted the results here carefully enough, he’d never know it was him!

                • #1686
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                    I’d never be able to slip down his swimsuit even if he did fall asleep at the beach.  But he doesn’t fall asleep at the beach.   He’s too busy looking at all the girls in bikinis — or nude if we’re at a nude beach.   On nude beaches, Bob nearly always gets an erection and keeps a semi as long as we’re there.  He says it’s because of looking at me walking around naked in public.  Well, that’s nice of him but I know he has a sharp eye for ALL the girls.   Some of  the men at nude beaches seem to have a sharp eye for Bob and his erection too.  He’s become acustomed to that and just smiles at them passing by.


                  • #1693
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                      I do get curious enough about other peoples erections to look at them. I think a man looks and feels even more naked if he’s aroused.

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                    • #1695
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                        Well I certainly look.   And if I get caught looking I will give the guy a big smile and maybe a wink.   I want him to know that I liked seeing his erection and am NOT offended.

                        Feels even more naked with an erection?    I hadn’t thought about it that way.   I guess I can see your point as the man would have a situation that would draw more attention to himself.   And some of that attention might not be favorable.

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                      • #1696
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                          I suppose knowing what someone’s erection looks like is more intimate than just knowing what they look like naked. I’ve been wondering a bit recently why telling someone to take all their clothes off – to strip until they are completely naked – is different from other dares and I think it is to do with the illusion of intimacy. You don’t really know me any better because you’ve seen me naked but it does feel that way.

                          Maybe daring me to drink a lot of gin or to let someone text one of my female friends from my phone is much more scary but being naked feels literally more exposed, even moreso with an erection.

                        • #1699
                            • Berkshire UK
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                            A recurring thought that I have is that it would be interesting to be filmed on my daily commute but to be naked for it – part of an experiment perhaps (and maybe not my real commute!) – just to see the reactions of others.

                            Certainly CFNM is a possibility in private, and CMNF seems acceptable in some public areas (excluding nude beaches etc) given the availability of videos showing that, which is probably why I’d want to challenge the norm by being a male naked in public.

                            But if it was the status quo, would that ultimately be boring?

                          • #1700
                              • Long Island, New York, United States
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                              “I suppose knowing what someone’s erection looks like is more intimate than just knowing what they look like naked. I’ve been wondering a bit recently why telling someone to take all their clothes off – to strip until they are completely naked – is different from other dares and I think it is to do with the illusion of intimacy. You don’t really know me any better because you’ve seen me naked but it does feel that way.”

                              I think it is because however much we would like to tell ourselves otherwise to most people nudity is sexual and to be stripped naked and exposed to other people you are being exposed as a sexual being and once they have seen you they can sexually fantasize about you in an accurate way and you can never take that away from them. Once they have seen you naked they know every little nook and cranny of your body in an intimate way and they know what most people don’t get to see about you and can picture you naked at any time. Personally I think that feels a little bit intimidating! Especially if the nudity is one-sided and I can’t do the same to them.

                              “Maybe daring me to drink a lot of gin or to let someone text one of my female friends from my phone is much more scary but being naked feels literally more exposed, even moreso with an erection.”

                              I think being naked with an erection is way more humiliating than being naked without one! Again I think it goes back to the fact that it shows that you are a sexual being and you are being physically turned on. If I was naked in front of a group of women and they saw me getting an erection they wouldn’t just be seeing me naked, they would know that they were also controlling my body because the experience was turning me on. It would be giving away the fact that although I was utterly humiliated that the humiliation itself was turning me on and that itself would even compound the humiliation. Hell, even without being naked being seen sprouting an erection is quite embarrassing!

                              “A recurring thought that I have is that it would be interesting to be filmed on my daily commute but to be naked for it – part of an experiment perhaps (and maybe not my real commute!) – just to see the reactions of others.

                              Certainly CFNM is a possibility in private, and CMNF seems acceptable in some public areas (excluding nude beaches etc) given the availability of videos showing that, which is probably why I’d want to challenge the norm by being a male naked in public.

                              But if it was the status quo, would that ultimately be boring?”

                              I think that that is a pretty good point, being a male naked in front of women is sort of going against the status quo and that is why I think it’s kind of exciting. So thinking of the entire status quo being turned on its head would be kind of interesting.

                              Again I think this might be a manifestation of my gender issues, because if I had a normal female body I would prefer just to be a sexualized naked female and I would enjoy being part of the sex that is more objectified sexually and that is more often displayed naked and expected to be naked.

                              But if I can’t have that I would rather the status quo be flipped so that men were the ones who were seen as the sex objects. I feel like it would be an exciting feeling even though it would be quite awkward and embarrassing, but again I totally find that feeling to be exhilarating!

                              It would be interesting to see how the average guy deals with having the sexual status quo were reversed on them and suddenly finding themselves to be the vulnerable and exposed one in front of a world of powerful women who view them purely as sexual playthings.

                            • #1703
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                                Only slightly off the point…


                              • #1704
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                                  Slightly more off the point…

                                  NudeNik, Don Smith and Martin like this

                                • #2637
                                    • Dorset
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                                    I have been to my local nude beach here in the UK, and also being smooth on a busy beach watching naked girls walking, certaintly produces an instant hard awareness lol, that also instantly draws attention…. a vicious circle, or erection lol


                                  • #2638
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                                      Hi Paddy,

                                      I wish I was one of those naked girls you were watching.   I’d have liked to watch you as you were getting hard.  😉   I love the erection photo in your NE avitar.    Thanks for showing us all.   I’m sure it excites a lot of nice guys as well and ME.   Your’s look a lot like my husband’s when he’s hard except that he doesn’t shave.

                                      Don Smith likes this

                                    • #2642
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                                        @susan, Has he ever shaved or is that something he’d never do? I shaved as a dare a couple of times and found it felt cleaner so I’ve done it a few times since. If internet photos are anything to go by, it looks as if shaving is more common for women than men though. I personally prefer women unshaved but that’s none of my business really.

                                      • #2645
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                                          No.  As far as I know, my husband has never shaved anything other than his face.

                                          I tried shaving it all once but found it itched in the wrong place so I leave the center natural (Bob likes it that way)  but I do shave the parts on the sides near my legs.   I think it’s tacky to have pubic hair sticking out the sides of a bikini.

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                                        • #2646
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                                            I have had a cfnm encounter one time while in a store changing room during the summer last year as it was hot I was commando under the shorts so trying on a shirt and jeans,  I was naked when I heard a female voice saying you done yet dad (not me) when a red headed female entered my cubical I just winked at her and said wrong  cubicle she apologised and disappeared I had finished and as I left the change area the redhead was waiting to apologise again we ended going out for a drink that night

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                                          • #2649
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                                              “Naturist worker”!   What a great job!

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                                            • #2656
                                                • Long Island, New York, United States
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                                                I wish there was some sort of conscription where you have to be naked 24-7 for a month. You become more respectful of others and more body confident.

                                                I wanted to try an experiment of 24/7 CFNM with a woman to see the mental effects but never found any takers. It would have been an interesting social experiment I could have turned into a book!

                                              • #2657
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                                                  That would be fun Arthur ….. a full month naked.

                                                  But it would just be impractical.   ‘Gotta go out for work and food and with friends shopping.

                                                  ‘Fun to think about doing all those things naked but I’d get arrested I fear.   I think the longest I’ve been naked since I was a baby is about two and a half days at a nudist resort.   I liked it but had to get dressed to go on a tour outside the walls.

                                                • #2664
                                                    • Dorset
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                                                    Hi Susan

                                                    longest i have been, consecutively, naked is for 2 weeks, at a resort in France (La Jenny).   The experience was in short exhirating to think that the only thing you had to put on was a smile, and keep at bay was a hard lol ;-)… its a family resort, so not much wold happen other than you would expect to do on a family holiday, except every one was naked 24/7.   On the occasions we did venture ont the beach in the evening, things sometimes took a different avenue.   But the most telling occasion, was when we met my wifes friend and hubby; there was definitely some blushes then lmao.  Firstly, as you’ve already noticed i (& Wife) are both smooth; her friend & hubby wern’t; so that was a talking point, after the girls apparent moments of shock !, secondly was the piercings, me PA & wife nipples… that drew attention form both of them…. but what did have them in a jaw drop expression, was when i got hard (& i mean hard); that my wife just took hold and deflated me, in front of them.

                                                    Her friend, didn’t (apparently) know where to look, but she definitely looked lol, and her husband had to get up ans walk off.

                                                    The, later, discussion point was along the lines of, how could my wife hold onto a hard on, whilst talking to her girlfriend as if nothing was unusual…. Made me grin

                                                    xxx Paddy

                                                  • #2667
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                                                      You are a naughty boy Paddy!   ……  Like me!   My husband and I have had sex on several beaches around the world.    Spain, Greece, Hawaii, a couple of Caribbean islands.  There were people watching from a distance.  That just made it more exciting.

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                                                    • #2668
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                                                        I forgot to mention Paddy….. My husband often gets erection at nude beaches.   He says its from watching me be naked in public.  Well, that’s his story anyway.

                                                        I laugh and kinda poke fun at him but….. he knows I don’t mind it.  I think it’s cute.

                                                        Don Smith, Bob and Steve like this

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