Weight loss

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    • #13184
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        So many of us feel the need to diet over time.

        I have yoyo’d a lot over the last few years. I put on a lot of weigh then lost a lot and have put some back on in the last year.

        I decided to need to find a way to stick to my diet. Going to see a nurse for regular check-ins is one thing. But then I thought…..

        what about a naked photo daily next to the scales showing my weight.


        So here is week 1 if anyone is interested. Part 2 will be next Friday.


        [video src="https://imgshare.co.uk/videos1/09122022090547InShot_20221209_090300758.mp4" /]

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      • #13185
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          Forgot to edit the link sorry.

          [video src="https://adultimgshare.co.uk/videos1/09122022090547InShot_20221209_090300758.mp4" /]

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        • #13189
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            Well done 🙂

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          • #13251
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              Week 2 not as good as week 1 too many meals out unfortunately.


              [video src="https://adultimgshare.co.uk/videos1/16122022100028InShot_20221216_095652443.mp4" /]

            • #13252
                • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                Doing well – keep up the good work.

                I need to do the same, but life and circumstance have sapped my will power

                • #13254
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                    I know I can lose weight, I lost 5 stone in 6 months in 2021. I was super fat then. Just need the motivation to keep on top of stuff. This works well.

                    I keep getting told off by nurse at the doctors. “Life getting in the way of being healthy won’t last very long before the body says no to life” I was quite ill at one point lol, weight management has reduced my risk of a stroke or death significantly.

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                • #13265
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                    Week 3 is up today. I need to put more effort in to these videos. Any ideas welcomed.


                    [video src="https://adultimgshare.co.uk/videos1/23122022195000InShot_20221223_194641831.mp4" /]

                  • #13289
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                      Week 4 is up now

                      [video src="https://adultimgshare.co.uk/videos1/30122022072649InShot_20221230_072426680.mp4" /]





                    • #13341
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                        Another week, got some new more accurate Scales. Showed I was heavier than I thought. But also kept losing this week so almost back to where I thought I was.


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                        • #13343
                            • Wales, UK
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                            Good progress there. A great way to hold yourself accountable too. Keep it up!

                          • #13344
                              • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                              great work 🙂

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                          • #13415
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                              The next week. Staying constant, not losing but not gaining.


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                              • #13417
                                  • Wales, UK
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                                  Not putting weight on is half the battle. This time of year is always tricky, obviously there’s Christmas but also I know I’m more likely to eat and eat more when the weather is cold.

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                                • #13527
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                                    Bravo.  I’m trying to lose weight as well and it’s not easy.  I’ve lost 15kg but a long long long way to go.

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                                • #13540
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                                    Another week another video. 2lb loss this week.


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                                    • #13543
                                        • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                        I’m impressed – not just the lost lbs, but the lost inches as well

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                                    • #13677
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                                        Another week another steady one this time. Almost hitting a milestone.

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                                      • #13763
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                                          Still going…

                                          • #13778
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                                              Keep at it.  Well done.

                                              Ed likes this

                                          • #13827
                                              • Wales, UK
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                                              If more people wanted to try this, we could turn it into some sort of support club, members could encourage each other, etc. Not sure if that would work, but it’s possible.

                                            • #13828
                                                • Alabama, US
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                                                Great work!

                                                I just started a similar journey but I only weigh in once per week to avoid that rollercoaster of emotion. So far, I’m down 5.5 lbs over 3 weeks.

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                                                • #13837
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                                                    Nice work. They reckon 2lb a week is about the sweet spot so you’re bang on track.


                                                    Keep it up.

                                                    Bamaswitch likes this

                                                • #13835
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                                                    So I stopped the daily photo. I still weigh daily but stopped the photos. <span style=”text-align: center;”>Its been 2 weeks since last post. Here is today’s photo.</span>

                                                    Gary, Bamaswitch and like this

                                                  • #13866
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                                                      Another week another lb

                                                      Getting slower but I had a really bad weekend food wise last weekend. Hopefully will.do better this week.

                                                      , Gary, and 1 more person like this

                                                      • #13870
                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                          It may be slow, but the most important thing is that you are still heading in the right direction.

                                                          , Bamaswitch and like this

                                                        • #13936
                                                            • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                                            1 lb is 1lb – there will be “bad” weeks, but not sure that a week can be bad if you’re still lost weight.  I sure your heart and knees are thinking it’s a win 😉

                                                        • #13933
                                                            • Wales, UK
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                                                            If anyone else wants to join in, I’m sure everyone will be very supportive.

                                                            Bamaswitch likes this

                                                            • #13935
                                                                • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                                                I would like to join in (I certainly need to), but there are currently family problems going on that are taking all our efforts atm 🙁

                                                                Once we get past these then having a daily/weekly review on here is an excellent incentive to stick with the program.

                                                                Ed and Bamaswitch like this

                                                            • #13939
                                                                • Alabama, US
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                                                                I have actually levelled out the last couple of weeks and am about 1 lb or so above my low. I still have several pounds to go. I’ll try to get a before and current image posted.

                                                                Ed and like this

                                                              • #13945
                                                                  • Alabama, US
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                                                                  Ok, I tried to post a link but failed miserably. LOL

                                                                  Attached is me 6 weeks in and down 8.5 lbs.

                                                                  You must be logged in to view attached files.

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                                                                • #17272
                                                                    • Germany, Mannheim
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                                                                    I love the idea to share the progress of a weight loss by taking and sharing nude pictures next to the scale.

                                                                    In the last 3 years, I managed to lose around 60kg (~132 lbs) within 2 years (40kg in the first year and a further 20kg in the second year) while posting pictures of myself somewhere else, but not on a regular basis. I’m very happy with the results.

                                                                    My solution was to track every bite I ate, which allowed me to realize and optimize my intake, not only from a weight perspective but also from a health perspective. This led to completely different food habits, and I’ve successfully maintained my weight so far.

                                                                    Of course, exercise was also required.

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                                                                  • #17289
                                                                      • United States
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                                                                      I lost about 16lbs over the year so far and hope to lose more. Maybe then I’ll be more confident in sharing myself 😁❤️

                                                                      John, Ballsnwood, Ed and 1 more person like this

                                                                      • #17291
                                                                          • Germany, Mannheim
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                                                                          Every lbs/kg brings you closer to YOU weight of wish. So great job. But keep the health in mind to less is unhealthy as well as to much.

                                                                          I’m not finished with my journey as well, there are still to much fat depots as well on my body. But for me I’m on a point where mostly sport is the way to go. Which is a perfect combination with nudity 😉

                                                                          Diana and Ed like this

                                                                        • #17365
                                                                            • Wales, UK
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                                                                            I’m hoping Easter didn’t put too big a dent in anyone’s quest to lose weight. All that chocolate isn’t going to help!

                                                                            • #17373
                                                                                • Germany, Mannheim
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                                                                                I compensated the chocolate with some running and workouts… so everything is fine for me.. I hope for all others, too!

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                                                                              • #17375
                                                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                                                  Great willpower there!

                                                                                  ptHarry likes this

                                                                            • #17440
                                                                                • Pennsylvania
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                                                                                Great concept and I’d love to share my achievements and or disgraceful transgressions with my body improvement.

                                                                                You must be logged in to view attached files.

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