Vote Off Event #5 (Summer 2022)

Forums Naked Participation Vote-Off Events Vote Off Event #5 (Summer 2022)

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    • #12384
        • Wales, UK
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        Four people told me they were ready to take part in this one but only one has submitted the required photos so far.

        Please make sure you check the requirements before taking the photos.

        Paul and Gary like this

      • #12386
          • Cambridgeshire, UK
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          I can’t do this on my own – it will be lonely (and boring for everyone else)

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          • #12396
              • Wales, UK
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              Much like last time, several people were enthusiastic about taking part until I opened the participation page and then (almost!) everyone disappears into the woodwork.

              Two participants seem to have disappeared completely – I can’t contact them at all. 🙁


              On top of that, I’ve still lost contact with @martin and @antonx.

              • #12418
                  • Wales, UK
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                  Is anyone still interested?


                  Do we need a new twist or a whole new type of event?

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                • #12439
                    • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                    I’m definitely still interested.  My feeling is that if I’m making use of this site then I should be involved in supporting it and VO’s was a good way.

                    If they have run their course and we need something else then I’m happy to give most things a try – particularly if I’m nowhere near home so being caught naked has fewer future repercussions.

                    Have the other 3 men (and 1 possible woman) given any reason for not moving forward or has it been “radio silence”

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                  • #12440
                      • Wales, UK
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                      For now, I’ve lost contact with all of them. 🙁

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                • #12473
                    • Alabama, US
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                    I’m still interested. Sorry for the quiet time. Life detoured me for a bit.

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                    • #12474
                        • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                        I know what you mean …

                        And now there are 2

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                    • #12488
                        • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                        As an alternative to “Most Votes ‘Wins’.”  Could you do a Lucky-dip or “raffle” so that people buy “tickets” so the more tickets then the more chance of losing an item of clothing?

                        You draw a random “ticket” to see who “wins”

                        not sure of the mechanics, but a simple dice roll could do it – highest gets to lose an item

                        • #12489
                            • Wales, UK
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                            An interesting suggestion, but does the voting system need replacing?

                            Right now I’m more concerned about encouraging participants and getting more people to vote. I’d love to hear what other people think, but I suspect that removing the directness from the voting would make it even harder to explain?

                            Also, as another complication, I can’t work out how that fits with the UK rules. This community is not a charity, so we would probably need to register, but then no-one voting is winning a reward so it doesn’t seem to fit the regulations. According to the legislation, as soon as there is an element of chance, it counts as gambling. I think I would need proper legal advice to proceed there.

                            Gary likes this

                            • #12492
                                • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                Blimey, not thought of that…

                                I was trying to think of some way of randomising how removes an item of clothing as an extra twist – particularly if there’s a mixed Vote Off .

                              • #12724
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                                  I’m definitely not a lawyer in any sense at all, but seems to say that gambling involves a monetary prize, so – with a bit of luck – I could spend a few days in a cage in the city centre being gradually stripped completely naked on the roll of a dice, without anyone invoking the Gambling Act 2005. Just as well really!

                                  I wonder how many dice the stripmaster would need to roll to make it last a few days? Maybe get three members of the public to buy one dice each (from NakedExperiment) and if they all throw the same number I have to take something off, but – sorry – I’m digressing from the Vote Off Event!

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                            • #12529
                                • Wales, UK
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                                Clearly things are going to be a little delayed until three more participants appear. Anyone heard from @nakedfuntylex recently? I was hopeful that both of them would take part. They seemed quite keen.

                                • #12531
                                    • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                    No, nothing.

                                    We seapped email addresses a while back and I used that to ask if all was ok. They’ve logged in since then but not messaged me.

                                    I don’t feel I can ask again without infringing their privacy

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                                • #12532
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                                    Im interested, this community is a great place to be open and share experiences. I will try to get the photos done in the next couple of days.


                                    As a future idea, could this be updated to be a little close to the original experiment concept.

                                    2 people who live reasonably close to each other (I mean with a reasonable drive) get together. Same rules need  each photo as before i.e dressed then each item removed. But the other person strips you. Along with the photo you also have a all small gif or video of the other person stripping you if you lose the vote.

                                    Obviously you would need to take multiple videos/photos so as to capture how each person is left after each vote.


                                    So the two people will both get fully naked in front of the other person at some point and both will be in various states of undress while the other is naked too.


                                    You will be fully naked while the other is fully clothed and vice versa.


                                    Could also introduce bonus vote points. So one of the photos required here is covering genitals. Bonus votes could be for other persons hand, other persons head facing the camera or other persons head facing the naked person.


                                    I can travel about 50 miles from Swindon of anyone is up for this and if ED can come up some rules around something like this.

                                    TahoeTN5 and Bamaswitch like this

                                    • #12534
                                        • Wales, UK
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                                        I love that idea but getting people to meet up has always failed for me in the past. I’ve put it down to just not having enough members (well, enough members who are willing to participate in activities on the site).

                                        managed to do some photos with another person a few years back but wasn’t able to follow up (not helped by the pandemic).

                                        To this end, I’ve been encouraging members for years to post their location (nearest town etc.) on their profile as that might encourage people within travel range to organise things like this.

                                        Paul and Bamaswitch like this

                                      • #12603
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                                          I love it too, but wouldn’t you need an enormous number of photos to show every possible situation? Starting with 6 garments each, if one of you consistently loses you’d have 6,6 6,5 6,4 6,3 6,2 6,1 6,0 and the same again if the other one consistently loses, so 6,6 5,6 4,6 3,6 2,6 1,6 0,6.

                                          If the loser changes at 6,5 you’d have 6,6 6,5 5,5 4,5 3,5 2,5 1,5 0,5

                                          Or if it changes back at 5,5 you’d have 6,6 6,5 5,5 5,4 5,3 5,2 5,1 5,0

                                          And so on. My maths is limited to ten fingers and, if naked, ten toes (or just ten toes if my hands are tied behind my back) but it does look like a very big number of photos needed. It would be a really good way to spend a day though!!!

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                                          • #12605
                                              • Wales, UK
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                                              Yes, the participants definitely can’t be in the same photo without some photo trickery, and I’m not good enough to do that.

                                              Paul and like this

                                            • #12606
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                                                I wonder if people are better at maths if they are

                                                1. Fully dressed (but why would anyone do maths fully dressed?)
                                                2. Being slowly stripped
                                                3. Naked, standing on a table (normal maths situation)
                                                4. Naked, blindfolded and spreadeagled, so no access to fingers or toes for counting

                                                Only one way to find out I suppose…

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                                              • #12634
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                                                  I think this reply exactly sums up why this was in my head. You know you are both going to end up naked at some point in front of the other person.


                                                  You need to have a ticklish of all situations. For 2 people it wouldn’t be that many scenarios to be honest. But it would mean getting undressed and dressed and undressed again multiple times with someone else also in various stages of undress. There is also the need for cmnm photo too so there are all sorts of fascinating combinations to this.

                                                  Paul and like this

                                                • #12638
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                                                    I think it would need 36 photos if pairs start wearing 6 garments each, which isn’t as bad as I first thought. They could wear 5 each and only need 25. They could make a game of it if someone rolls 2 dice and the players have to be photographed wearing that number of clothes between them in total (and both naked for a double-six). That’s getting away from the idea of stripping each other though, which was the whole point really! I’ll shut up.

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                                              • #12547
                                                  • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                                  I’ve also tried (with @Martin too) to arrange a meeting for strip games with forfeits and fun but the other person/people have always pulled out.

                                                  Currently using private chat with someone else on this group, but location is likely to be the issue (as is often the case).

                                                  It’s difficult with PM, it would be impossible without it.

                                                  Paul and Ed like this

                                                • #12600
                                                    • TN, USA
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                                                    Hence why having some other online options are nice, I don’t want to divert from this site, however I love playing stripping games and would love to play with you folks that are interested.

                                                    Paul, Ed, Gary and 1 more person like this

                                                    • #12602
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                                                      • #12694
                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                          This site had a Skype group for almost two years but hardly anyone wanted to take part so I ended up closing it.

                                                      • #12690
                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                          Should I give it a break of a couple of months before trying to relaunch the Vote-Off event or should we just give up on the whole idea?


                                                          I should probably focus my efforts on getting a lot more Community Supporters. The community is running at a loss (has been most of this year) and the Vote-Offs aren’t going to save it unless we have around 5-6 of them per year (or many more people vote). If they were all as successful as the 1st one, 1-2 per year would do it, but that initial excitement is hard to recapture.

                                                          Paul likes this

                                                          • #12691
                                                              • USA
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                                                              I think online stripping games would be fun and increase activity….  BET YOUR CLOTHES !!!

                                                              Paul likes this

                                                              • #12692
                                                                  • Netherlands
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                                                                  We can do it in a Skype group with some persons. Everyone can see each other stripping

                                                                  Paul likes this

                                                                • #12693
                                                                    • TN, USA
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                                                                    PM me, there is a site where we can do it on video

                                                                    Gary, Paul and Shaky like this

                                                                  • #12695
                                                                      • Sheffield, UK
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                                                                      Have also played online, up for it again!

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                                                                  • #12703
                                                                      • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                                                      Although I hate to say it, the level of overhead v oncome probably means the Vote Off needs a pause (I was just getting into it too).

                                                                      More members would be great, but I know this has always been a problem.

                                                                      I guess there’s no news from martin or Lexi       🙁 ?

                                                                      Paul likes this

                                                                      • #12723
                                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                                          Sadly, not much. Lexi replied on Skype briefly but then vanished again when I asked if everything was okay. Martin still posts on Twitter very occasionally but seems to have lost all interest in our community here.

                                                                          It’s looking like this site will be gone before next year if nothing changes.

                                                                          Gary, Shaky and Paul like this

                                                                        • #12781
                                                                            • TN, USA
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                                                                            So Ed, are you saying that you are going to remove this site soon?

                                                                          • #12782
                                                                              • Wales, UK
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                                                                              “Remove” isn’t the way I’d describe it. What would actually happen is I’d stop paying for hosting. The hosting service would then expire and the site would no longer exist.

                                                                              For now, I’m still maintaining the site, still replying and still keeping weekly posts in the blog too.

                                                                        • #12741
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                                                                            I just submitted my photos for this and a video…. Hope its not on pause. Sorry been missing for a while real life got busy for a while there

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                                                                            • #12752
                                                                                • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                                                                Are there enough candidates now then?

                                                                                Paul likes this

                                                                                • #12754
                                                                                    • Wales, UK
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                                                                                    That brings us up to 2 definites.

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                                                                              • #12755
                                                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                                                  Sorry, I haven’t been online much for the past few days.

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                                                                                  • #12769
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                                                                                      Me neither.

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                                                                                  • #13319
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                                                                                      I’m interested sorry life got me distracted I’m interested is it gambling if the prize is a non monetary? Arcades in the USA give tickets

                                                                                      • #13321
                                                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                                                          There is no prize – it’s not that sort of event. Have you read the explanation pages?


                                                                                          • #13326
                                                                                              • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                                                                              The “prize” is either being the winner who gets to be seen naked (or not – depending on your point of view) 😉

                                                                                              Ed likes this

                                                                                        • #13345
                                                                                            • Wales, UK
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                                                                                            Well, we had a person drop out yesterday but another one has sent photos so that brings us back to four.

                                                                                            Anyone else want to play, or do we go with four?


                                                                                            Let me know @anshs003!

                                                                                            • #13346
                                                                                                • Netherlands
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                                                                                                Which photos do you want to see to participate


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