Locked Outside Naked; What would you do?

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    • #6303
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        Like the title says, you find yourself locked out of your house totally naked due to whatever circumstance. What would you do? What would you be thinking? What would your plan/plans be?


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      • #6304
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          I’ll start off.
          <p class=”q-text qu-display–block”>Depending on which door I took outside I would immediately find cover, I would also probably begin becoming super red and pray that no one is coming over to my house to do work here. I would then consider my options. Let’s just say for the sake of simplicity I am home alone and no one is coming here for a couple of days.</p>

            <li class=”q-relative”>Make a run for my shed covering myself grab a towel from there, wrap myself with it and then go to my garage door and type in the code of my key fob getting inside that way.
            <li class=”q-relative”>If my neighbors are in their back yards and will easily see my on my way to my shed I can always just try to get to the garage door without a towel, problem is it is in view of the entire street and the likely hood of a car, jogger, or group of people walking when I just so happen to do that is there. Depending on the time of day the risk of getting caught will lower if it gets dark, so that might be the plan for then.
            3. The worst case scenario is if the batteries in the key fob are dead and the shed is locked, that means I have to get access to a phone somehow which means finding someone to help me while entirely naked. I have three sets of immediate neighbors that I could consider, one older couple that I know the best. Another couple with young girls that I know a bit better, and a group of new parents that I know almost nothing about. It would be the LEAST embarrassing I suppose if I went over to the older couple, after all they know what a naked man looks like and no doubt will help me in my Shame, after all they are both really nice and helpful. They also know that I typically don’t do this and wouldn’t think I am a pervert. I still would try to cover the best I can and hope that their daughters that are a bit older than my 18 year old self aren’t there because that would be crazy embarrassing especially since I had a crush on one of them. If they aren’t home, I would go to the couple that I know a bit better. The worst part is there door is facing the street so if I knock on it (because sneaking around the back when naked is just asking to get shot or arrested) I already run that risk there. Then again it is the same with the older couple. The wife usually is outside though with her girls, so I would try to hide myself the best I can and explain the situation to her. I assume she would blush and smile at my embarrassed nudity and maybe try to sneak a peak but I have no idea, my worse fear though is that her girls would get “curious” as to why a naked man is hiding in their bushes and try to get a better view. All going well, she would help me and hopefully her husband does the same and we all laugh about it. The last place I would want to go is the new neighbors, because nothing says “hi I’m your neighbor” like a naked man covering himself on your doorstep

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        • #6306
            • Berkshire UK
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            Well, I guess I would have to be naked out the back of the house and got there via the patio door and closed it before realising it would lock itself. So then it would be an attempt to open the patio sort despite knowing it was locked.

            then to the back door to see if that was unlocked. If it was also locked then I’d have to go round the side of the house, back past the patio door and in sight of about five neighbouring properties.  Then round the front of the house and in sight of the road to the front door.

            the front door would be locked as well but luckily we have a key box attached to the front of the house so it would be a case of opening that box, taking the front door key out and letting myself back in the house.


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          • #6307
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              When I was in my late teens, and if the house was empty, I’d wait until dark, strip all my clothes off and see how far I’d dare go out into the garden.  We had a long garden back then, but initially I’d only go a few yards then dash back into the house.  But each time the thrill got bigger, so I’d stray further down the garden, completely naked.  One evening a neighbour heard me and shone a torch out of the bedroom window, trying to find who was out there.  I had to duck down in the dirt behind a bush, unseen, completely nude, heart pounding, seeing the torch shine over me.  I had to wait what seemed like hours as the torch scanned the end of our garden, but it was only minutes. Eventually she gave up, switched off the torch and shut the window.  I ran back to the house, exhilarated and turned on, as the thought of being caught was arousing to say the least. xx

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              • #6308
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                  When I say I stripped off all my clothes before venturing out into the garden, I mean everything.  Shirt, jeans, trainers, socks and pants.  Everything came off, I’d turn off all the lights in the house, open the patio doors and head completely nude, delightfully barefoot, out into the dark.

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                  • #6313
                      • Berkshire UK
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                      Sounds good. And is anyone on here now to dare me to do the same?

                      • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Martin.

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                    • #6315
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                        Why not!

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                      • #6316
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                          Depends how long your garden is and how nosey your neighbours are!

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                        • #6321
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                            But would obviously prefer to see one of the elusive female members of the site do the dare!

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                      • #6672
                          • Long Island, New York, United States
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                          As long as it wasn’t freezing out I would go into the backyard and I would stay there until someone else comes into led me into the house and hope that I didn’t see anyone. If I was risk getting freezing to death I guess I would probably go to a neighbor but it would be really awkward!

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