Reply To: CCTV

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Discussion CCTV Reply To: CCTV

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    • Ace Poster

    When nothing is happening, I find CCTV intrusive. When anything bad happens, I always want everything to be on camera. Face recognition bothers me – it’s too easy to build up a detailed picture of everything we do. On the other hand, if we have to be monitored, I prefer a camera to having lots of shady secret service agents hanging around in public buildings and on street corners. I don’t mind if someone sees me outside naked but I don’t want to offend anyone. I don’t want to be on a CCTV system naked though. Maybe I wonder what would happen to the photos, but in reality only a very tiny proportion of CCTV footage ever gets seen (as @barefootnudist says) and even less is ever stored for any length of time.

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