Reply To: WNBR gender imbalance again

Forums Community & News Experiments, Reports & Nude Events WNBR gender imbalance again Reply To: WNBR gender imbalance again

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    • Ace Poster

    Not the whole event, but they could screen off a changing area so that individual naked participants didn’t have to run a gauntlet of male photographers on their own. Cycling as part of a group, even a small group, must be a much safer experience than having to squeeze through a mob of photographers to get to the start line or away from the finish line.

    Like so many naked activities, it would be great as fiction or an experiment or a dare or a forfeit but not great if that’s not why you’re there. In the photo, she presumably went there to protest or celebrate body freedom or whatever, but – from her face – she didn’t go there to be ogled at such close quarters.

    Paul and Ed like this