Does Nudity Enhance Art?

Artsy photo of Niky

Art has often used nudity to convey deeper symbolic meanings, such as vulnerability, purity, or liberation. Contemporary and modern art use nudity to challenge societal norms and explore themes of freedom and self-expression. The depiction of nudity in art can serve as a powerful vehicle for artists to celebrate, symbolize, and provoke thought about the human form and its significance, but is the art sometimes just an excuse for nudity? (See more arty nudity on Body In Mind.)

Server upgrade

I’m pleased to be able to announce this community website is now running on a shiny new server. This has meant a range of technical improvements but the biggest thing most of us will notice is a big improvement to site speed. The time to load pages is substantially reduced so you’ll be navigating around the community faster than ever before.

We also gain a little more space to store photos/videos etc. and a more up-to-date OS means better security and wider access to more updates for the various site features. Essentially, we all get a faster, better and even safer experience.

Everything has been checked thoroughly, to the best of my knowledge, but if you find anything amiss, please let me know.