4 thoughts on “Gallery: What’s the most public place you’ve been naked?

  1. Looks very daring, but the customers are taking little notice of her, even in image 72 where she is facing them and fully naked. So I guess she is in either a country or venue where nudity is commonplace.

    Anywhere else and they would be looking either at least slightly outraged or very very interested and encouraging.

    The language on her T shirt is English. But that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s in England, or even an English speaking country.

    Of course, they can see one thing we can’t — she is presumably posing for a very visible photographer.

    Anyway, to answer the original question — the only public place I’ve been naked so far is a very deserted naturist beach.

    1. She’s in the US. One common feature with photographing naked people in public locations is people generally don’t like to be seen to stare at naked people, so they “actual casual” or look the other way when the camera is pointing their way.

        1. Can’t edit my previous post, now that I think about it., I have a better location!
          When I was a young girl my family and I were very active with the Catholic Church. Even though it was a ‘Catholic’ denomination, I was allowed to be an alter girl. One day after softball on a particular hot day, I had to go to church after, and my mom asked the priest if I could use their shower at the church. He of course allowed it.

          It wasn’t a public stall but it just felt ‘odd’ as I showered there.

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