The Worst Experience I Could Have Had At A Resort

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    • #16279
        • United States
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        Hello All,

        I wanted to share this experience I had recently at my first time at any clothing optional establishment, it was so horrible and disturbing for me that I don’t know my fate here in this community as a result.

        I have been really on the fence of being active here and just watching, so much so that I wanted to go to a clothing optional place in an area somewhat close to me. I won’t share the name of the place, especially since I do not plan on going back there again, but it was a place that had good reviews. I called ahead and explained I am new to the whole ‘naked’ thing and when it was not so busy, they said when it’s raining and bad outside no one is really around, so I went there when it was rainy, overcast, and a weekday.


        I wore a pair of shorts and a tank top, very modest for the location but I wanted to work on my own pace and find a private little area to strip down at if anywhere. The place was mostly empty aside from a few older gentleman swimming and one guy who the owner, who was very respectful, said was his first time too there. However, unlike me, he went totally naked right away lol from what I could tell.

        until this point, I was nervous, but there was no sign or otherwise indication that there was or could be anything wrong. As I continued my nature walked (still clothed) I came upon a bench that had lotion and a rag, and upon visual glance I could tell someone pleasured themselves there. As I continued towards the end of my loop a man on a bicycle (entirely clothed) appeared and said hello and stopped. He seemed friendly at first, and began to ask a lot of questions about me (name, how old, where I am from, etc) and it didn’t seem all that bad at first, but then, it escalated. He kept telling me that I should go back to his trailer so we can ‘talk’, many many times, even after my initial declination saying I had to be leaving soon. He then continued to tell me that the place has a serve drug problem, with many overdoses from heroin happening in the single wide trailers that are right by the parking area. He then continued to tell me that it’s very frequently used as ‘self pleasing’ route, and how he ‘didn’t mind’ if I wanted to be naked in front of him. I kept telling him ‘no thanks’ and ‘don’t think I am there yet’ but he kept insisting. As I attempted to walk away, he followed me, kept trying to tell me to go back to his place, and tell me about the place and how the owner is such a scum bag and what not. Eventually, he gave up, when I went the other way. I left the lance right away after being there for only 20-30 minutes at most.

        i was alone in the woods with this man who wasn’t good at keeping eye contact, and it was just nothing like what I wanted. I didn’t tell the owner because I have no desire in going back there and since the guy is paying rent I don’t think he’s going to want to try and evict him over what one visitor said.

        overall, it made me want to keep my clothes on, and my areas private. I don’t think I’ll ever not be able to forget the worry I had about wondering what he would do next, but I am happy he said no. I did not file a police report because no crime was committed and I don’t want my ‘secret outing’ to be public record.

        has anyone else had a bad experience?

      • #16281
          • Berkshire UK
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          Not been in any style of similar situation – but largely I suspect because I’m male! Really sorry you had such a bad experience after taking all the precautions – and you should create a way of feeding back all that was wrong. You thought there were only good reviews – but that might be because no one has been brave enough to tell the truth.

          private message me if you want me to make a complaint on your behalf – I promise the name of the place will remain secret between us.

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          • #16282
              • United States
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              Thank you! This story has been festering in my mind for some time, I just felt that maybe this would be the appropriate forum to vent about it if nothing else.  Thank you for the offer though! I do appreciate it!

              Martin and ptHarry like this

              • #16283
                  • England (London)
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                  I’m really sorry to hear of your experience. Maybe you should try to find another female that’s already fairly comfortable naked and knows a safe place you can both go to together. But that’s probably not easy.

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                • #16285
                    • United States
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                    Yeah. You are right about that not being easy

              • #16284
                  • Manchester UK
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                  That’s terrible. This has probably put you off for a while, but I think you would be better at a busier, rather than quieter, resort that has quiet zones, and more staff.

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                  • #16286
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                      Maybe I would be safer, but the chances of getting caught if I stripped down would increase, and I was at the point where I was willing to get naked but by my lonesome somewhere I wouldn’t normally be nude. Having people randomly appear wasn’t in the equation lol

                      Ed likes this

                  • #16287
                      • Wales, UK
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                      That’s a terrible experience, @enfdiana! Frankly, I’m shocked that any resort could be like that.

                      Diana likes this

                      • #16288
                          • United States
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                          I was shocked also, I think a part of it was because of the low rent trailers that are used to help supplement the income from the place. The guy lived there and I don’t think it necessarily people from the nudist resort there per se, but still a bad experience that made me want to keep my clothes on lol

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                          • #16289
                              • Wales, UK
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                              I don’t have any experience of resorts but, for beginners in particular, I would have thought keeping the resort and grounds exclusive from people who are not attending the resort, is a minimum requirement.

                              More experienced nudists may be fine with mingling with clothed outsiders but it’s not fair on beginners. Also, isn’t providing more support when you start out both a good idea and simply polite too?

                              Diana likes this

                            • #16290
                                • United States
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                                I would think so but I digress lol if anything I’ll try another place but I will not go there ever again. Thank you all for listening!

                                Ed likes this

                          • #16291
                              • Germany Braunschweig
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                              Dear Diana,

                              it was very good and right that you left this place.

                              It is important that YOU feel good.

                              But I assure you, it’s not like that everywhere. There are enough resorts where this does not happen. I wish you with all my heart that you find one and that you can enjoy being naked.

                              Kind regards from Germany.

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                              • #16292
                                  • United States
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                                  Thank you for the kind words and remarks!

                                  Ed and RFLE58 like this

                              • #16294
                                  • Long Island, New York, United States
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                                  Sorry to hear you had a bad experience and I agree that I probably wouldn’t go back to a resort where I had a bad experience with someone creepy like that. But I am sure that not all resorts are like that and you just unfortunately happened to run into somebody who is not respectful of your personal space. Again I can’t really speak from experience but I am sure that not all resorts are like that.

                                  Ed, RFLE58 and Diana like this

                                • #16295
                                    • Cheshire, England
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                                    Sorry to hear that. It is difficult, you are undeniably safer in a busy resort, but are not yet ready to be seen naked. If you need to seek secluded places there may be no help if you do encounter an unsavoury person.

                                    Perhaps you should visit a busy clothing optional resort next, keep your clothes on and watch how people interact. Possibly talk to other lone women there.

                                    Ed and Diana like this

                                    • #16296
                                        • United States
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                                        That’s an idea, I just feel that if I go there entirely clothed and what not that it’s going to seem that I’m only there to see naked guys lol but, it’s a good idea.

                                        Arthur, RFLE58, John and 1 more person like this

                                        • #16299
                                            • England (London)
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                                            If the place is clothing optional and the men are there for the right reasons, they will not be worried that you see them naked. And if the place is truly clothing optional, you’re entitled to keep some or even all of your clothes on.

                                            What I see as a bigger problem with the place you went to before is:

                                            The place was mostly empty aside from a few older gentleman swimming

                                            If I had a female friend that wanted to try naturism, we would probably have chosen to go to a clothing optional place rather than one where nudity is compulsory. Giving her the choice to remain clothed until ready would seem to be the logical choice. But bearing in mind that the purpose of our visit would be for her to try naturism for the first time, I don’t think either us would be comfortable to discover she was the only female there.

                                            Now, let’s suppose you had gone instead to somewhere busier, and there were twice as many men but also two females already naked. Perhaps then you would feel more comfortable, provided there was a proper code of conduct and they were all behaving according to it.



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                                          • #16301
                                              • United States
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                                              You are absolutely right about that, another thing about the men when I was there is that when I passed somewhat close to the pool I got the ‘oh, new person’ looks from them, but no words or even friendly ‘hellos’. It definitely made me feel more alone for sure.

                                            • #16312
                                                • England (London)
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                                                when I passed somewhat close to the pool I got the ‘oh, new person’ looks from them, but no words or even friendly ‘hellos’.

                                                Even in a fully clothed situation that can too easily happen.

                                                A long time ago I used to belong to several theatre groups. I did the publicity for two of those groups and we were getting something like a hundred new members every year, but 50 of them never came back a second time and probably only 20 of them were still with us a year later. It probably should have been the job of the membership secretary to greet any visitors but she only got involved if they decided to pay the membership fee. Most of the others sat around talking amongst themselves and would only talk to the new member if the new member themselves started asking questions.

                                                I realised that it was pointless publicising the groups if the people that came weren’t going to feel welcome. So I found myself hovering near the entrance and making sure I was usually the first person they saw on arrival. I’m not somebody that usually starts a conversation with strangers, but somehow I found it possible because I knew everything that was going on and could ask the right questions to get them doing something.

                                                I wish I could have been there at that pool to do the same for you, but I wonder: if one of those men had immediately jumped out of the pool and said Hi, I’m xxxxx can I show you around? Here’s the kitchen. The first coffee is on the house if you’d like one now, and after that it’s half a dollar in the honesty box whenever you want one. Do you play table tennis? There’s usually a table free in the games room. I’ll see if one of the wives is free to play a game with you. Agnes likes to start fully clothed and will take something off every time she loses, but you don’t have to do that unless you feel comfortable.

                                                Would that have helped, or would that have been too much, too soon? The problem I find is that if you don’t make good contact with somebody very quickly, it becomes several times harder to do it later.

                                                Diana likes this

                                              • #16313
                                                  • United States
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                                                  That’s a great question, if everyone swarmed me would I feel like fresh meat at a feeding? I really don’t know. I’m thinking about it, and I would be embarrassed for their sake (naked man talking to a clothed woman) but, I feel like it would just asure me that ‘hey, I’m friendly’ and really, I think I have a bit of a gift for getting ‘energy’ readings from people. The man on the bike was NOT giving me good energy, but if this guy was, maybe I would be open to to the place more. Especially if he said “hey, just so you know, John (wasn’t his name) rides his bike down this path and he’s a bit, odd, just keep that in mind” that would have been super nice also.

                                                  and ptHarry like this

                                                • #16300
                                                    • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                                    You’ve had a really bad experience and I do not blame you for having your confidence shaken.
                                                    I don’t know where you are in the US, so this idea might need to wait until it is warmer…
                                                    If you can, place a comfortable chair just inside your house so it is facing your garden/backyard and try sitting there naked for just a few minutes – you could try sitting there clothed first.
                                                    The next step is to do this, but with the chair just OUTSIDE and sit in it naked.  Try to enjoy the feeling of the sun or wind onyour skin and relax if you can.
                                                    As you get more comfortable, try moving the chair a little further from your house until you get used to being naked outside in a familiar environment.  You will obviously get  to a point where your neighbours might be able to see you, so thatmight be the time to try a different “clothing optional” resort.
                                                    You could also try taking pictures of your progress and post them here – you don’t need to show anything, but just to “prove” you have done it.  This really will boost your confidence and, as you have seen already, everyone here will support and encourage you for that next step.  And you can take each step when you are ready (no creepy guys on bicycles) 😉

                                                    Ed, RFLE58 and Diana like this

                                                  • #16302
                                                      • United States
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                                                      If I didn’t have cameras outside and other members of the family that utilize them I would definitely utilize your idea 🙂 thank you for the feedback.

                                                      , Ed, ptHarry and 1 more person like this

                                                • #16305
                                                    • Cheshire, England
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                                                    Another way that would possibly help you be more comfortable with nudity would be to go out without underwear to normal places. Cover up well at first, you’ll feel the vulnerability but others would only possibly be able to guess about your top half, and even then just a guess. Then try less clothes. I’ll be drummed out of the men’s club for warning you, but floaty dresses can become entirely see through in bright sunlight 🙂

                                                    Diana likes this

                                                    • #16307
                                                        • United States
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                                                        You don’t need to be drummed out for that lol I already knew about those dresses and how ‘dangerous’ they can be.

                                                        Ed and RFLE58 like this

                                                    • #16308
                                                        • Germany Braunschweig
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                                                        These are all nice and well-intentioned pieces of advice.

                                                        I’m sure you can do it. We’ll all help you, if you like.

                                                        Ed and Diana like this

                                                      • #16309
                                                          • Long Island, New York, United States
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                                                          “If I had a female friend that wanted to try naturism, we would probably have chosen to go to a clothing optional place rather than one where nudity is compulsory. Giving her the choice to remain clothed until ready would seem to be the logical choice. But bearing in mind that the purpose of our visit would be for her to try naturism for the first time, I don’t think either us would be comfortable to discover she was the only female there.”

                                                          I agree. I think the clothing optional and nudity compulsory are two very different things as I think that most people who are starting this would probably be uncomfortable getting naked right away with lots of other naked people. I mean I can understand how they would want people there to all be mutually naked because otherwise it seemed like the people who are dressed are just going there to look at the naked people, but I think forcing somebody to get naked right off the bat when they aren’t comfortable is probably going to dissuade them from trying it again.

                                                          Personally I find nonmutual nudity to be more exciting anyway, to be the only one naked among a bunch of dressed people would be a very exhilarating and exciting experience. When you are the only one naked or the only one dressed it sort of puts you as standing out in the crowd and makes for an uncomfortable experience but that is part of what is the excitement from my perspective.

                                                          Ed, Martin, ptHarry and 1 more person like this

                                                        • #17495
                                                            • United States
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                                                            Just an update to ‘end’ this story, I just saw online that the resort has closed. It seemed to be that it wasn’t as popular and perhaps there are many other negative experiences as a result.

                                                            Ed, NakedMadCat and ptHarry like this

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