Taking better photos

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Discussion Taking better photos

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    • #710
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        Any tips for taking good photos of naked experiments? Is anyone brave enough to upload a photo that didn’t quite seem to work so that others can suggest improvements? For people working solo, or couples wanting to be in the same shot, how can we get beyond just using a shutter delay and hoping for the best? Any good creative ideas for hiding faces?

      • #711
          • Wales, UK
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          Hiding faces is always a tricky one. You want to do it without ruining the photo whilst also making absolutely sure that your identity is kept secret. You also need to consider identifiable skin markings and tattoos and the background of your photos (you don’t want to catch a family photo hanging on the wall).

          There are two main ways to approach hiding your face, either obscuring it in an graphics package afterwards and, the old-school approach, wearing a mask or improvised face covering. Wearing a mask, especially for outdoor nudity, protects you from neighbours and passersby catching you naked, photographing you naked and posting it online. Another advantage with the mask option is that it works in videos too. However, it could also make you look like some kind of weirdo and potentially threatening (raising the possibility of someone making a complaint). I’ve also heard people say that wearing a mask lessons the feeling of being naked and exposed.

          If you opt for modifying the photos after the event, I recommend blacking out the eyes and nose at minimum. Don’t be tempted to use distortion or colour effect – they can be undone by a skilled operator.

          Another simple technique is to simply keep your face/head out of the photos. This is easier to do if someone is taking photos for you. It would be great to hear if any of you have tried out any of the above techniques.

          I guess the easier approach is to simply let everyone see your face but I know many people won’t go for that.

        • #846
            • Berkshire UK
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            I haven’t tried the mask / head cover only option yet – it might make me feel more clothed than nude even if I am totally unclothed apart from that. So would be interesting to discover that.


            I generally remove glasses and rings when going to full nude (wear contact lenses if I need to replace the glasses to actually do anything) as wearing even a ring makes me think I’m not fully nude. So I suspect mask will be similar.

            When ive been body painted, that feels like clothing as well. I did offer to be a model for someone who wanted to photograph a body painted male in Piccadilly Curcus – but didn’t get the gig. But the pictures of the guy who did did look good.

            With mobile phones of course you do have the option to set a timer for a 3 or 10 second delay. That tends to work for me if the plain selfie option (arm held) isn’t enough. I guess a selfie stick would also be an option.

            But also I have no issue with someone else taking the photos! Just need planning to meet up for that reason!!

          • #849
              • Wales
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              I was a member of a site called strip poker party – members were encouraged to upload their own photos for the games.  I did so and simply used a pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap to disguise my identity!

            • #851
                • USA
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                I just have fun posing for my husband’s camera.  I think my face is in all of his pix of me.  Mostly I’m laughing too.  Why not?  It’s just me and my husband having some fun.  We both know the photography is not professional quality.  But I don’t mind being seen.  I wouldn’t be doing it if I was shy about my body.

              • #5638
                  • Herts
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                  Well, if anyone ladies or couples in the Essex / Hertfordshire area are looking for a photographer let me know.

                  Would love to do a saucy nude photo session.

                  Oh, and not a pro, just a keen amateur , as they say ” all the gear but no idea “

                  Martin and Ed like this

                • #5664
                    • United States of America
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                    Most modern mobile phones have a super slo-mo movie camera built in.  Use that, then grab a screenshot of the frame you like.

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                  • #5669
                      • Wales, UK
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                      My phone does timelapse photography. You set the delay time for a timer photo then set the mode to “continuous” (so it takes photos continuously until you press the button again). Let the camera take a couple of dozen photos then pick the one(s) you want to use.

                      I don’t know how standard this is across Android phones, but mine also has a voice activation mode. When set, saying “Photo” or “Snap” makes the camera app take a photo.

                      Also, you could buy one of these:

                    • #5670
                        • Wales, UK
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                        That link embeds weirdly. Click here to see the button on Amazon.

                      • #5676
                          • Herts
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                          No, get someone to take your photos, more fun posing for someone than doing it alone !!!!

                          Martin likes this

                          • #5677
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                              Trouble is, my glamorous assistant thinks I should have grown out of doing naked experiments by now. She has, unfortunately. The last photo she took of me involved considerable persuasion and bribery! (It was, or should have been, a simple hands-tied-over-head job but trying to combine that with a blindfold and facing the right way and getting in position within the shutter delay time defeated me.)

                              Martin likes this

                              • #5678
                                  • Herts
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                                  Yeah, timers are good for solo work, but cant beat having help from someone else.

                                  Done loads of solo stuff, and as you say, the timer always beats you, but with help, you can spend more time getting the pose right before the camera take the pic

                                  Ed, Martin and like this

                                • #10652
                                    • Wales, UK
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                                    If you’ve camera app has a motor-mode, continuous shoot (ie hold down the camera button to take a stream of photos) you can usually combine that with time delay to take a run of photos spaced by 2/5/10 seconds.

                              • #10576
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                                  Probably would have to be a friend, or maybe a stranger at a clothing optional beach, but asking someone to take a photo of you might be a good personal dare for someone.  For those who have digital cameras (especially SLR or Mirrorless models) some of them have flip screens that will flip so that you can see them from in front of the camera.  Some compact cameras do this as well.  The downside is that the screen can be small and not easy to see from more than a few feet away.  Many newer digital cameras can be linked via wi-fi to an app on your phone.  This can be better because you can set the shot up and pose at a greater distance in front of the camera while looking at the image on your phone.  Then, when you are ready, you can usually trip the shutter (or self timer) via the app.  The advantage to this is that you can set up the shot with the background you want, pre-focus, and even make test shots while clothed.   Then, when everything is ready, strip and jump in front of the camera.  Of course, you can also do that with a simple camera or phone and a self-timer.  My problem with that, usually, is the self-timer being to short and not being ready, being too long which can be excruciating, and/or not always being able to tell if the timer is going or when it has taken the photo.  Time-lapse can work, also, and some cameras/phones can be set to take a specified number of pictures at specified intervals once you push the button.  Some also will work in conjunction with the self-timer.  This could be helpful by allowing you to do multiple poses without having to run back and forth to reset the camera.  I still don’t have a tripod-like device for my phone, although I will sometimes try to rig something.  Most often I will prop it up on something like a rock, a stick, furniture and household items, whatever I can find.  Usually the first few tries involves the phone moving when I touch the timer/release button, or it falling over before I get in position for the picture.  So a good support is worth using, whether it be a tripod or other mount.  A sandbag or pillow can work too.

                                  Gary, Ed and Martin like this

                                  • #10618
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      If we had a LOT more members, I’d suggest a directory here where people could volunteer to help take photos for people in their area.

                                      Bamaswitch, Scott and Martin like this

                                    • #10727
                                        • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                        I know the problems you mention, it can be a little annoying ?

                                    • #10718
                                        • Wales, UK
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                                        It’s great that so many are offering such good advice. Keep it up, guys!

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