Next weekly dare challenge

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    • #2740
        • Wales, UK
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        I won’t be starting the next dare challenge for a few weeks, but I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas for a different way to explore the next one?

        The weather (in theory) should be warming up, so maybe more outdoor dares? Or should we concentrate on indoor dares to include as many participants as possible?

      • #2741
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          How about things that can be done indoors but offer bonus points for outdoors? Once someone has stripped completely naked, where do we go from there? A more exposing pose might be more challenging but is unlikely to look good from a male!

        • #2743
            • Wales, UK
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            Some good suggestions there. The first one we’ve already strayed towards and I think that would be a good way to develop things. However, it may alienate some of our US-based participants as some parts of the US view nudity as a crime.

            I would encourage people to take part in both the WNBR and Polar Bear Run but I cant’ coordinate with most of them as they happen at different times in different areas (+ many of the WNBR event have already happened for this year).

            Is standing next to a naturist beach sign a fair one? I can’t say I know where all participants are from, but I know a few who are a LONG way from any beaches. I’ve found a list of 40 of them in the UK:


            Also, I know at least three beaches near me where nudity is routinely accepted but none of them is a naturist. Do all naturist beaches have signs?

          • #2744
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              How about asking for videos? We’ve done a couple of dares that involved standing by a road. I found quiet road, listened carefully for any cars coming, and relied on a time delay on the camera (10 seconds I think) so I was only naked in the road for probably less than a minute. There was a real chance of being caught but only a small one. I got undressed and dressed outside the car but that doesn’t really count as I could have jumped into the car at that stage if necessary. Asking for videos of a certain length, even just a minute, would make the dare a lot scarier to do!

              Having said that, I could imagine myself doing the open space one that way but standing by an open road for that long might be pushing it – I don’t want to scare anyone! Also, for people like me who hide our faces, we’d presumably need to do the video whilst (at least) blindfolded which increases the scariness again and runs the risk of making it a bridge too far for some people, maybe including myself.

              Martin, Ed and Gary like this

            • #2745
                • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                That’s a great idea @profgreen.

                I follow exactly that process, although I have previously posted a video of me walking naked on a road… it was very scary and I was nearly caught.

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              • #2746
                  • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                  If we go to videos then the dares might need to be a little easier to start with.

                  I’ve found it difficult to get the last dare or 2 done, simply due to being busy and finding a suitable location.

                  For me the biggest problem is social acceptance (or lack of) about being seen naked in public and getting a negative response.

                  Martin and like this

                • #2747
                    • Wales, UK
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                    I like the videos idea but, on a technical level, how will we achieve that? The forum system can embed videos from many tube-sites but I haven’t found any way to embed videos uploaded to this site.

                    More importantly, we already get a fair number of photo uploads (which use up server space surprisingly fast) but video takes up considerably more server space (potentially hugely more if videos aren’t edited down to just a minute or two). It would probably be necessary to delete all videos between challenges.

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                  • #2752
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                      That’s a relief!

                    • #2753
                        • Wales, UK
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                        What part of that, in particular, is a relief, @profgreen?

                      • #2754
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                          The unlikelihood of my very scary idea coming true!

                        • #2755
                            • Wales, UK
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                            I don’t think it’s insurmountable, @profgreen.

                            Maybe if I make it a supporters only competition? It would give a way of controlling it, hopefully, encourage more people to become supporters and (maybe) allow me to buy more storage for the server? (Just to explain, there is a flat, one-off fee for the HDD on the server but an ongoing fee for the larger backup service that will be needed).

                          • #2756
                              • Wales, UK
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                              What would be useful is if everyone experimented with recording some short videos, working out rough figures for both how long (in minutes and seconds) videos of dares might be (no need to be naked for these – which makes it easier) AND how big such files are from your device(s).

                              I can use that information to work out the kind of storage space would be needed on the server for each challenge.

                              No need to upload anything yet!

                              Martin likes this

                            • #2758
                                • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                I’ve posted videos in the past by using a simple video to gif converter.  There are a number of cheap/ free ones available and they also allow the output to be cut to size.

                              • #2759
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                                • #2761
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                                    I just tried downloading a 45 second strip from dressed to naked. It saved as an 2.8Mb MP4. I converted it to gif and that turned out to be 43Mb so very much bigger. This still from the video shows the image size and quality.

                                    Martin likes this

                                  • #2763
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      My experience roughly matches that, @profgreen. The only way I’ve ever made animgifs smaller than the same video in MP4 is to drastically reduce the image quality.

                                      For comparison purposes, I can get a 5 min 720×576 (DVD-PAL) video file down to less than 40 MB at reasonable quality using MP4. The problem is, many participants are not going to have the software or the technical know-how to do that.

                                      That works out to about 8MB per minute. If we have 20 participants, posting an average of 1 minute each for 12 dares, that’s workable.

                                      If the competition turns out to be be more popular (as we all hope!) and we get 30 participants that increases storage needed by 50%. If the videos average longer and take more space per minute (potentially MUCH more) then across the entire competition, the server space needed balloons out of control and the bandwidth used to play the videos increases dramatically too.

                                    • #2776
                                        • Wales, UK
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                                        How many of you are interested in taking part in the next Weekly Dare Challenge? (Assuming of course it’s structured to your liking)

                                        Martin likes this

                                      • #2779
                                          • Wales, UK
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                                          If the next dare challenge was video-based, would that make any difference to your interest in it?

                                          Martin, and like this

                                        • #2791
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                                            I’ll probably have a go. No promises though! (I know I wouldn’t have time for quite a few days.)

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                                          • #2792
                                              • East Sussex
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                                              I would be willing to give it a try if possible.

                                            • #2800
                                                • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                                Like @profgreen I’m happy to do this but it will be some time before I have a chance

                                              • #3122
                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                  I’m building a space in the forums for future dare challenges and experimenting (seems appropriate for this community!) with how to control and present it. Running the dare challenge is fun but does consume a lot of my time. If it continues to grow in terms of participants it will take more and more of my time.

                                                  As a test, this new dare challenge will only be open to community supporters. Maybe it will encourage more people to support our community?

                                                  Martin, Gary and Steve like this

                                                • #5354
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                                                    having finished Leveled, I was wishing there would be more videos.

                                                    Martin likes this

                                                  • #7761
                                                      • Cheshire, England
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                                                      I’m still early on in the first set of dates and even though I haven’t exposed myself, I’m getting a real sense of empowerment as it’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but not had the guts.

                                                      So I would definitely be interested in a new set and we do seem to have more than 6 active once or twice a week.

                                                      I’m a bit of a technophobe, so I can see the odd issue, but I’ll give it a go with videos if necessary.

                                                      Martin likes this

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