More or less embarrassing?

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    • #4261
        • Wales, UK
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        Many people have told me that it is more embarrassing to be naked when most of those around you are fully dressed, but is it even more embarrassing when those people are the opposite gender?

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      • #4263
          • Wales, UK
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        • #4265
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            Is the first one an extreme form of fancy dress? Is the second one initiating a new employee? I imagine the embarrassment in both cases is part of the fun. In both of them, everyone seems quite relaxed about the situation!

            We’ve never done Naked Office (for team building or fund raising) but I think if we did, I’d be most embarrassed with all women, less embarrassed with all men, and  probably ok with a mixed group.

            When I’m naked with others (gym changing room, or – sadly not recently – playing strip games) it’s much more embarrassing if there are new people in the group. The gym changing room is all male unfortunately but I’ve got used to it now. It’s embarrassing when something unusual happens like a new member arriving.

            Maybe it depends on how embarrassing the situation is meant to be. An initiation or stag do or whatever is meant to be embarrassing so it is, whatever the gender balance.

          • #4283
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              The first shot reminds me of Bay to Breakers run in San Francisco where some people run naked (but from what I read it’s now forbidden). If it’s the case I would call it true public nudity. And the second shot is likely one of the numerous photoshoots one can find on the web, a model is paid to get naked in front of the guys. Not at all interested in this kind of made-up situations.

            • #4286
                • Wales, UK
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                I personally find the story behind the photo has little-to-no bearing on what is being presented in the photo. If that was the case for me, no movies would be worth watching.

              • #4291
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                  I like making up stories behind the photos. I now know the second one was a model, not a new employee being initiated, so my thoughts might turn to why they employed a model, or perhaps who the model was, Perhaps she was one of their girlfriends who lost a bet. Perhaps she was a paid model who was employed because it was someone’s birthday. Who knows? Reality isn’t really the point here and, yes, most likely she’s an actress playing a character and a good actress will make the character believable.

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                • #4326
                    • Sussex, England
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                    I’ve gone on WNBR and never found it embarrassing to be naked when outside of the other riders all of the onlookers were clothed. For me the point was that I wanted to make the most of the opportunities to be nude in well-known public places, when I’d risk arrest on other occasions if I was naked there. As a nudist I enjoy being naked wherever I can be.

                    I don’t find it embarrassing to be naked among only women either. Again that is because I’m a nudist, but I also enjoy CFNM situations.

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                  • #6676
                      • Long Island, New York, United States
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                      “Many people have told me that it is more embarrassing to be naked when most of those around you are fully dressed, but is it even more embarrassing when those people are the opposite gender?”

                      I definitely think so, especially assuming that everyone in this scenario is heterosexual. I suppose for a homosexual it might be more embarrassing to be naked among the same sex, but in either case I think that being naked in front of the sex that you find attractive or that you are attracted to makes it so much more embarrassing because the situation is sexualized.

                      I know there are some who say that they can be naked without it necessarily feeling sexual, but I do not feel that I am one of them. If I was naked and the women were dressed, particularly if they were women that I was attracted to, I feel it would create a gendered sexualized power dynamic with them firmly in control and that would just be incredibly embarrassing. The also embarrassing thing is that I would find the humiliation of the situation exciting which would probably make me aroused and give me an erection, which would double the humiliation and embarrassment!

                      In a situation where I was naked with other dressed men that would of course be awkward and uncomfortable but most of the men seeing me probably wouldn’t be turned on by it or maybe actually repulsed by it. In the situation with women they’d thinking, naked guy! So the woman would be in a situation where they are in a position of power because they are getting to stay dressed while getting to sexually objectify a guy. Meanwhile my embarrassment and humiliation of the situation would also be sending off the signal that I am getting aroused by the situation which, would again increase their power. So it’s not so much the nakedness I think, but the fact that there is a sexual element to it, like you are putting on a strip show. It is kind of a weird even if it is a nice feeling to be knowing that you are turning someone on sexually when they hold all of the power over you.

                      Still I would rather be naked around women because it least that would be exciting for me where is the other situation would just be awkward. Plus I think that women tend to have a better sense of humor about a situation like that, where men are more likely to be cruel about it. I think the women would probably find it a more playful situation and would probably be having a good laugh about it.

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                    • #7915
                        • Cheshire, England
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                        Naked in changing rooms has never bothered me, can’t recall any or many mixed ones though. I think I seem to remember a valid reason to be naked and visible to women in the shower area at center Parcs, can’t remember the  circumstances tbough, may have been a mens area that was visible to the outside.

                        Not sure how I’d react to being the only one naked amongst men, as I am hetero and there is undeniably a sexual element to games like this.

                        I’m dom (that autospell Ed to dim :)) in real life, so would love a situation where a woman had to get naked, but although I would be nervous, I’m sure I’d enjoy being the only one naked in a female or mixed group.

                        Situations where you are expected to be naked hold no fears. I’ve never been to a nude beach, until I started exploring this site and others the other month, I didn’t even know there were any near me. I’ll be putting that right as long as we actually have a summer! Unfortunately I probably won’t be able to take my dog, as her welcome is jumping up at people, not ideal if you have no clothes on 🙂

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                      • #7916
                          • Long Island, New York, United States
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                          “Situations where you are expected to be naked hold no fears.”

                          I think that’s a valid point but at the same time I don’t think it’s always necessarily true. Even if it’s a situation where nudity is expected and considered normal you can still be sort of awkward and embarrassed about it. But again it’s different being naked at a nude beach where there are lots of other naked people, as opposed to being the only one naked in a group, particularly a group of the opposite sex. When you are naked on a nude beach you don’t stand out that much, but when you are the only naked guy in a group of dressed women all of the women would be like, “look at the naked guy, why is he naked, let’s all go look at the naked guy!” And if you are the only one naked there is nowhere else to look, so all of the attention is being drawn to you.

                          Martin, Steve, John and 1 more person like this

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