Forums › Naked Participation › Dare Challenges › Discussion › Master Dare List page
- This topic has 70 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by
10th January 2024 at 7:01 pm #16685
Nothing major, but you may be interested to hear that I’ve tweaked the layout of the Master Dare List page, improved some of the descriptions, fixed two typos and hopefully made the whole thing a little clearer.
I noticed today that I gave two different e-mail addresses on the page so I’ve fixed that now too.
NakedMadCat, Martin and Diana like this
11th January 2024 at 8:12 pm #16693
I’ll take the limited feedback as a sign the tweaked page is okay.
NakedMadCat and Diana like this
12th January 2024 at 3:24 pm #16702
It’s a shame you got rid of number 16, I had just persuaded my other half to pose and had a picture ready to submit (with her face blurred) 🙁
Diana likes this
12th January 2024 at 8:43 pm #16703
I’d prefer to add it back but there were lots of complaints and very little support for it. One person even began boycotting the site until it was removed.
Is it worth doing a poll on this? I really don’t understand the problem with it.
The boycotter said just the existence of the dare left members open to blackmail(!?!?). I explained that a) it’s optional, b) your photo doesn’t have to be published anyway and c) even if you choose to publish, you can obscure faces in the photo.
@gary, would you want your photo for it published?-
13th January 2024 at 5:27 pm #16730
There is a poll on Dare #16 here.
14th January 2024 at 9:47 pm #16745
14th January 2024 at 9:51 pm #16748
Hi @bdavis2158. Could you please follow the instructions on the MDL page and e-mail them instead?
16th January 2024 at 5:29 pm #16773
17th January 2024 at 9:22 pm #16787
18th January 2024 at 4:35 am #16788
18th January 2024 at 9:00 am #16789
18th January 2024 at 12:39 pm #16796
I also think this is a great idea. We’re all about encouraging and this should help.
ratgher than zero how about using letters and have a to z (?) going right to left as I think that might be easier
d c b a 1 2or
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 (unless a negative number implies anything bad)you could have the following, plus anyother from the more nervous or those wanting to dip their toes into the naked dare water ( @enfdiana or @missjd )
naked but covering with hands
naked but from the back
18th January 2024 at 2:41 pm #16798
18th January 2024 at 3:18 pm #16799
18th January 2024 at 4:56 pm #16800
18th January 2024 at 9:12 pm #16802
I know I said I didn’t want a second table, but I’m wondering if these new ones might be better on one?
Is the width of the current table a problem for anyone? Would three more columns become a problem?
Diana likes this
18th January 2024 at 10:40 pm #16803
18th January 2024 at 11:48 pm #16804
19th January 2024 at 1:47 pm #16809
20th January 2024 at 11:53 am #16828
My submission to m
aster dare List #2
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20th January 2024 at 1:35 pm #16832
20th January 2024 at 11:54 am #16830
20th January 2024 at 11:23 pm #16841
There will probably be tweaks, but the new introductory dares are now on the Master Dare List page and the ranking table.
The next question is: should they count towards the points total? (ie do they earn points?)
21st January 2024 at 11:59 am #16842
I sent you my introductory DARE photos. But… If you really think about it, except for a photo that is fully clothed, I just stripped. Underwear, covered with hands, bare rear view and full frontal naked. May as well add a photo of me wearing clothes and complete the stripping sequence.
21st January 2024 at 4:57 pm #16844
Of course they should count! The whole idea of this list is to stretch your comfort zone and that boundary is different for everyone. If a, b and c don’t count then we are saying to @enfdiana and @missjd that their steps aren’t as important, whereas I would say they are more important because of the massive step it means for them and others.
Also, where do you draw the line at what counts? Do we ignore 1 and 2 because they can be in your own house? I think not.
Hopefully that’s the answer you were after @ed 😄
21st January 2024 at 6:46 pm #16846
21st January 2024 at 6:33 pm #16845
I agree. But looking at it from a slightly different perspective … if points are awarded for the new A, B and C dares, that would put a person completing those three steps ahead of anybody who has in the past completed just one or two of the original dares. And it probably wouldn’t make sense to ask those who have already completed the original dares to go back and complete the introductory dares to reinstate the balance.
A possible solution is that the new dares should earn points, but those who have earned points for any of the bigger dares are credited with an extra 3 points to redress the balance.
21st January 2024 at 6:49 pm #16847
21st January 2024 at 6:58 pm #16848
I don’t agree with the 3 bonus points.
Some people have gone straight into the last few dares but they don’t get credited with the dares earlier in the list.
A dare is a dare. If you feel put out by the “easier” then there’s nothing to stop you doing them, these new dares are really hard for some and should count equally
Martin likes this
21st January 2024 at 9:23 pm #16849
This is tricky, isn’t it?
21st January 2024 at 9:44 pm #16850
21st January 2024 at 10:12 pm #16851
21st January 2024 at 11:02 pm #16853
C is okay (as it’s actually naked) but could I assign just half a point each to A and B?
There are three other people in this discussion who keep PMing me instead. I’m trying to encourage them to post in this forum instead, but no luck so far.
Martin likes this
22nd January 2024 at 9:41 am #16854
22nd January 2024 at 10:29 am #16855
I do not agree ed, I think that sets a bad precedent, only wearing underwear or covering with hands is just as daring for some.
What’s next;
13 should be 1.5 points because it had one clothed one naked?
14 should be 2 points because there are two naked?
20 should have more points as it’s more of a challenge?
I still say a dare is a dare and all dares are one point regardless of difficultyMartin likes this
22nd January 2024 at 10:39 am #16856
Unless there are valuable prizes for top score, it really doesn’t matter anyway. Heck, just do away with the scoring system completely. Post what you dare to post. I also think that anyone that post full frontal naked should get a free membership to the site because they are helping the site grow.
22nd January 2024 at 1:04 pm #16859
I can’t do away with the ranking system. For many people, the competition element is a major driver in keeping them going. Without the scoring I can’t rank the table.
What do you mean by “free membership”? Standard membership is already free and always had been. If you mean entering a full-frontal nude in the MDL should give you Community Supporter/Patron status that would zero the site’s income overnight. That would be the end. It’s not breaking even yet anyway.
If you mean that anyone who posts a full-frontal nude anywhere on the site should get Community Supporter status, then any anonymous naked post would allow free access to the Supporter perks. First, that’s unpoliceable and second, many people who may help support the site in future, may not bother.
I’ve got to think about the financial implications.
Martin likes this
22nd January 2024 at 1:15 pm #16861
@keithsnook. Definitely not. We’ve already had a long discussion about that a long time ago. We also had a discussion about incomplete nudity, covering etc. (actually it may have been the same discussion, I can’t remember). It was decided that people covering with hands or hiding behind furniture or scenery didn’t count.
After deciding that it was full-frontal nudity or nothing, it seems wrong and inconsistent to allow points for covering and non-nudity on the first three dares.
22nd January 2024 at 4:49 pm #16870
I had forgotten about that conversation.
So the choices are
- Dares a, b and c do not count towards the “total count”
- We have to revisit the “must be a nude, full frontal” (which I think is in the intructions anyway)
- We accept these 3 dares are to get people started and should still be treated a 1 dare = 1 point (any of us are free to submit for these dares if we want to) with a suitable amendment to the rules
Martin likes this
22nd January 2024 at 9:33 pm #16875
I’ll have to specify that in all dares except the first 3, full-frontal nudity is mandatory. Most people don’t read the rules/instructions anyway.
I already reject around 1 in 4 submissions to the table. Most people send them to the wrong e-mail address (or post them to the forum instead), even more forget to include their NE username and many don’t mention whether or not they give their permission to publish (often leading me to add them to the table unpublished and then have to go back and add the photo(s) after they complain).
Martin likes this
22nd January 2024 at 1:42 pm #16866
<p style=”text-align: left;”>I had a look through the old dares. Because it was the same people when you went to master dare list, the dares started nude. The original dares started with underwear, then an A4 piece of paper which we had to keep folding.</p>
Personally, as a few new people have joined, I think these would be a valuable addition to the master dare list, looking forward to seeing what the ladies try and cover with one rapidly diminishing piece of paper 🙂 the last fold was too small for me to quite cover everything if I remember so challenging for new to dares men as well.Martin likes this
22nd January 2024 at 4:51 pm #16871
22nd January 2024 at 9:48 pm #16877
23rd January 2024 at 5:38 am #16881
No, think that is fine.
they are how some of us started, and the weekly challenge was good (if difficult to monitor and potential participants may have been put off by the challenge already being in progress when they found it) so this is a good way of bringing back those introductory photos and encourage, hopefully, more of the community to participate.
23rd January 2024 at 10:51 am #16884
I want to add that I believe the majority of the people that come to this site want to see NAKED PEOPLE. So there should be an easy and quick way to show everyone from the main website: Full Frontal Naked photos.
23rd January 2024 at 12:27 pm #16889
It’s not that simple. The majority of people of visit the site want to see naked women. The majority of people who stay primarily want to BE naked. The balance problem I’m constantly attempting to fix is that most of those who want to be naked here are men.
Martin likes this
23rd January 2024 at 2:28 pm #16891
23rd January 2024 at 7:26 pm #16892
It was supposed to make it easier to take part. There was a discussion about that too.
Martin likes this
24th January 2024 at 9:08 am #16895
I did the master dare list (still top) for me, not anyone else.
More importantly its my body/my choice. No doubt the photos if published would be shared and monetized. Why should someone else make money out of me for my effort even if its just a few pence?
Gary likes this
24th January 2024 at 12:42 pm #16899
Totally get that @ibi2004
If the purpose of the site is to support people in their journey, then not publishing your pictures comes in the same category as the new a, b and c dares.
Not sure your pictures (or mine for that matter) would be shared/monetised but the choice is yours – I just need to knock you from the top spot 😉
Ed likes this
24th January 2024 at 4:27 pm #16901
We’re already being monitized on this site. There are three banner ads on the master dares list results page.
If no.16 was really deleted, id be on 20 for the last three months.
24th January 2024 at 8:29 pm #16902
Yes, I admit it, I am desperately trying to get the site to break even. Banners are one of the sources of income. It costs money to run and currently only makes around half of that back.
24th January 2024 at 11:58 pm #16903
Well perhaps then you’ll listen to a pissed off long time member who is a patreon subscriber currently. Why are you giving such credence to someone kicking up such a Prima Donna fuss about a dare that they could just ignore, who may or may not have sent a few pictures to you that the subscribers will never see? But hey he’s top of the charts.
And you wonder why people can’t be bothered to complete the dares any more. For the record, I have walked on the Moon and have 23 number one singles 🙁
25th January 2024 at 7:54 am #16912
Prima donna here.
Dont actually understand the need to be aggressive. Afterall ed has seen all the photos.
Its not about ignoring the dare, the dare is a risk to people.
25th January 2024 at 9:41 am #16913
What are your thoughts on adding a dare for close-up naked body parts collage with face? 3 photos in 1 picture. FACE, BARE REAR AND BARE CROTCH? All 3 would be close up photos. I don’t know why not as its nudity, people are already showing their faces and its a DARE. Isnt that what a dare list is all about? Taking risky dares involving being Naked? This would just provide a much more closeup detailed view of their naked body…. lol ?? Opinions?
25th January 2024 at 12:53 pm #16915
Sorry if I came across as aggressive, but it irks when you constantly brag about how many dares you’ve done and we can’t see them. I’m sure you have your reasons and there are several obvious possibilities, but all photos even if of females have always been treated with respect by other members and they are allowed to be published with blanked out faces.
It feels fairly or not that some are given more consideration than others. If some of us are second class citizens in here, we orobably shouldn’t be paying a monthly sub.
25th January 2024 at 5:07 pm #16916
That’s controlling behaviour.
25th January 2024 at 5:36 pm #16917
Ah a reflector, I will not be responding to your posts again, I tried blocking you but can still see your posts unfortunately. Have a lovely life.
25th January 2024 at 9:15 pm #16918
The dare is not posting/publishing the photos for all to see. The dare is completing the challenge itself.
It’s really not worth getting too heated over this, guys. Going on past performance, a few months from now almost no-one will remember this discussion anyway.
27th January 2024 at 1:17 am #16922
On the bright side you will save on energy costs if you continue to allow the site to be gaslit by narcissists, look at me, oh no sorry, I forgot, I haven’t allowed you to 🙁
I’m not leaving the site but I will withdraw my patreon until all opinions are treated equally, your reply indicates that you didn’t take seriously how pissed off I was. I think that’s a shame, you probably don’t care.
Yet here we are, long term members offered suggestions or disagreed then just accepted your decision because it’s your site, now someone is stamping their feet and demanding the site is exactly how they want it to be and you are lying on your back and kicking your legs in the air. Very strange and I’m sad.
27th January 2024 at 7:26 pm #16924
Sorry, @seasider. No, I didn’t realise how pissed off you were. I misjudged your post. Sorry. I’m not sure about all opinions being treated equally. I try to read all the posts (I can’t always read every single post) but everyone has to acknowledge (and I’m speaking generally here, not to this specific issue) that some opinions are helpful, and some are not. Some are possible, some are not. I also can’t claim to understand all of them. I try to measure reactions to issues with the site and suggestions for future modifications, but ultimately the decision is mine and I have to live with the consequences (many of which manifest as workload for me). I don’t reply to all posts because, often, other members make the same points I would have made before I get there. There have been many suggestions over the year that I fully agree with but cannot do (be it for technical, practical or legal reasons).
I am often surprised by the level of emotional reaction to parts of discussions here. Sometimes I post about a subject and miss some aspect or don’t mention something I assume is obvious. Sometimes I’m here for a few hours but other times I’m only checking in for 5 minutes (this isn’t my full-time job!) so I either won’t reply until later or you’ll get a short reply from me that possibly isn’t comprehensive.
Also, I know most of you know this but some don’t: There is ONLY me. I don’t have tech people, staff or anyone else. I do it all and I do it as a hobby. The amount of time I have available each week varies considerably. You’ll notice I’m sometimes on most of the day, other times you’ll barely see me for several days. I try to check in every morning and every evening but I don’t always have time to read through everything (and I really do try). Also, I get anything from 5 to 20 PMs per day and then there are e-mails too.
It feels fairly or not that some are given more consideration than others. If some of us are second class citizens in here, we orobably shouldn’t be paying a monthly sub.
I don’t know who is treating anyone as second class citizens here. I didn’t actually consider that comment was aimed at me. I apologise if that’s how anything I’ve said has been perceived. Certainly wasn’t my intention and I’m horrified anyone feels like that. I was trying to drop out of the conversation as it seemed to be straying off into territory that was not intended.
Running this site would be SO much easier if I didn’t care but I do. I run this at a loss and site income is slowly falling anyway. I’m under growing pressure to stop wasting my money and close it down. I don’t want to do that, but sometimes there are days like this and I feel less able to justify keeping the community going.
I take objection to “lying on your back and kicking your legs in the air”. Also, I’m not sure what you’re referring to, the introductory dares, the removal of dare 16 or its potential return, its likely replacement with a reworded variant, or the publishing of dare photos? Obviously this thread was supposed to be about the improvements to layout and clarity of the page but it has strayed into a variety of related subjects. This discussion has led to 31 e-mails in my inbox and around half that in PMs. I keep trying to move such discussion back to the forum (mostly so I don’t have to keep repeating myself – limited time).
I’m very glad to hear you are not leaving the site, @seasider. It would be sad to see you go after so long and so many posts, comments and other interactions.
I apologise for offending anyone. It’s not my intention. I try to keep this community and fun and engaging place to be.
Martin likes this
27th January 2024 at 5:50 pm #16923
Erm, not sure what’s going on here. Everything seems to be getting very heated and I’m not sure why.
There’s currently a vote about whether Dare 16 should be reinstated (I can’t find it atm), but that is pen to all members and the result will be adopted by all of us – not those that shout loudest or pay the most (I am NOT siding with any other person by that comment)
The master dare list is about doing the dares, not posting photos. Yes I find it a little annoying that some people don’t want to post their pictures but that’s an option open to all of us if we choose – my exhibitionist side insists mine are posted.
In the same way any dare can be done or not, the evidence can be shared or kept private. Everyone’s personal choice.
Time for everyone just to take a breather …
27th January 2024 at 7:29 pm #16925
27th January 2024 at 10:18 pm #16926
Thanks Ed, I repeat, and that has been evidenced by the replies that we all have ideas and disagreements, of course we do, and we have all raised these with you for your response. Some things you can do, some things you can’t, and some suggestions you don’t agree with. In my opinion have you got it wrong before, absolutely, have I accepted it because it’s your website and you’re the boss yes.
Suddenly someone who won’t post a picture demands that a dare that no one but ever you would see and to be honest I doubt that anyone will manage to do makes a big screaming fuss about it. Why?
Any single dare that is outside, or with other people is potentially legally problematic if you run into a copper in a bad mood.
Why is that particular dare an issue? Just don’t do it it you can’t. Anything else is control freakery and narcissism. My Patreon will deactivate on 4th Feb, I’ve already pressed the button, that isn’t a threat, I simply raised my concerns, the narcissist came after me, you fell over and kicked your legs in the air and I left. Should any of my pictures ever appear elsewhere, I trust you will know who is to blame Ed and report to the appropriate authorities. Our non friend seems to be aware of revenge porn
Gary likes this
29th January 2024 at 12:47 am #16929
I’ve posted the photos of the my dares to ed… I dont see what the problem is unless you dont trust him
I dont understand why its got heated either.
Its my body.
You are welcome to see me do them in the flesh by doing them also eg manchester wnbr, sitting outside a manchester pub naked until midnight, etc
Ed likes this
6th February 2024 at 1:42 pm #16972
7th February 2024 at 12:38 pm #16996
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