Master Dare List Dare #16

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Discussion Master Dare List Dare #16

Should Dare #16 return to the Master Dare List

The dare that was deleted:

  • Naked with your spouse or life-partner And BOTH of you have to be naked! This can be anywhere you like.
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      • #16716
          • Wales, UK
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          There’s been some controversy over this one so I’m putting it to a vote.

          Some people have said it’s unethical, dangerous and unfair but as it’s entirely optional (like all the dares) and everyone who does this dare can choose to not publish the photo (or obscure faces), I don’t see a problem.


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        • #16723
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            It is like any other dare, it is not compulsory, so what is the problem?
            Do the same feelings apply to
            14 A naked pair
            A photo of you standing fully naked with another fully naked person.
            17, Naked with someone else holding your clothes
            They can be a friend or a willing member of the public, but they must ALL have your clothes in the photo.
            20, Naked with a clothed group
            They can be friends or members of the public but you must be standing with them.

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            • #16724
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            • #16736
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                My vote is to include it, for all the reasons you have said.
                We had similar discussions around the railway/railroad picture because of different laws in different countries.
                If the dares were only those everyone was comfortable and able (legally) then we’d have a choice of about 3.

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              • #16741
                  • Wales, UK
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                  5 for and none against. How many votes can we get?

                • #16742
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                    As mentioned previously…


                    1. Gdpr / proof of permission given

                    2. Risk of accusations of revenge porn

                    3. Risk of causing controlling behaviour


                    It just feels utterly wrong to ask my partner can i take a naked photo of us both and send it to a bloke we havent met.


                    Stopped taking part in July because of it. Still joint top.



                    • #16744
                        • Wales, UK
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                        1) I keep proofs of permission.

                        2) Photos don’t have to be published (many aren’t anyway)

                        3) I simply don’t understand that point.


                        If it feels wrong in your situation, then don’t. You are under zero obligation to do anything you don’t want to do. No-one is being forced or required to do anything. No-one should do the dares unless they are sure they want to.

                        • #16752
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                            1. But what proof have you got that the partner has given permission? Can it be validated.


                            2. It’s still revenge porn if its been sent whether you publish it or not.


                            3. Both 1 and 2 are uk government recognised signs of domestic abuse brought on by controlling behaviour. You need to understand.


                            Thanks for addressing the point i first made some five months.

                          • #16755
                              • Wales, UK
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                              1. There are several ways to do that. The way we do it for the Vote-Offs has never caused any complaints or led to any problems. Would that work?

                              2. How is it revenge porn if it’s not published. First, it’s not porn. Second. No-one sees it.

                              As has already been pointed out several times, Dare #16 is not unique (Look at Dare 14, for example and the precise same “problems” kick in with several of the dares and the entire community concept. There are lots of photos posted by members in the forums generally, that provide no proof of consent and where the subject of the photo is not verified in any way (ie no-one knows if the person posting is the person in the photo).

                              Would it be better if I should close down the entire site? (Although on that basis, maybe the entire Internet should go). I don’t subscribe to the view that because a system could potentially be used by a criminal for nefarious purposes, the system should go.

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                        • #16743
                            • Cheshire, England
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                            We’re not going to be able to do them all. I’m not sure what the fuss is, if you can’t or don’t want to do a dare, then don’t, end of.

                            I can’t do that dare myself as I’m single 🙂

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                          • #16750
                              • Wales, UK
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                              There must be more than 6 people here who have an opinion on this?

                              • #16751
                                  • England (London)
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                                  I am also single and therefore the correct answer would be “not applicable” which wasn’t an option.

                                  • #16754
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      Yes but “Not applicable” doesn’t add to either side, so would not affect the outcome.

                                • #16758
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                                    Feels like I’m always making excused and perhaps I am, I’ll have to have a think about that.

                                    Anyway I can’t do anything outside in the next week or so as I’ve been suffering a nasty chest infection.

                                    I may try changing room, or go for a swim at the weekend depending on how I’m feeling, I doubt I’ll be feeling like setting up a selfie in the open air for a few weeks though.

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                                  • #16760
                                      • Berkshire UK
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                                      I have voted against it returning. And that is because it is no different to “with another nude person” except for the increased risk of identification for the other person. There is the question of whether they have given approval or not, or forced to give approval as an aspect of domestic abuse, but the “another person” doesn’t increase the connection between the two individuals in the image. Knowledge that the two are partners adds to possibility of the partners identity

                                      if it returned though, that’s fine, I just wouldn’t submit a photo for it. And I firmly believe that the aim of the master dare list should be to have published proof of the dare, rather than a note to say that a photo has been sent to an individual (Ed) but not been published on this site. I don’t understand why anyone would send a photo but not allow it to be published! So perhaps there should be two leader boards – based on visible and invisible images!!

                                      still, I have a few more to get sorted and submitted….

                                      • #16761
                                          • Wales, UK
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                                          So we should stick to just 14?

                                          Maybe there should be a replacement for 16 stipulating someone of the opposite sex? Rather than a partner?

                                          • #16764
                                              • Berkshire UK
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                                              Ah, so if by “partner” you mean “person of different gender” (so image is male and female, or with transgender) then that is different.

                                            • #16766
                                                • Wales, UK
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                                                I’m just trying to make it different to #14. I probably ought to replace the poll.

                                            • #16762
                                                • Wales, UK
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                                                I have stayed away from having multiple tables. Anything which increases complexity increases my workload and, in my experience, causes confusion. Also, what happens if someone gives permission for some to be published but not all, which table should I put that person on? Or both??

                                                It would feel more worthwhile if we had more Patreon supporters, but I’m still struggling there. Marketing just isn’t my thing.

                                            • #16763
                                                • Wales, UK
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                                                I won’t be online this evening, but please continue the discussion. I’ll catch up and comment tomorrow.

                                              • #16777
                                                Dutch Penn
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                                                  I voted yes to reinstate #16. In following the threads, and noting the last few between Martin and yourself I don’t have an argument with changing or refining the challenge had it been done simply for the reason of improving it and/or the entire MDL. But, I believe 16 should be reinstated as it was and then to be changed whenever an improvement is carefully calmly crafted.
                                                  I feel as the way and reason 16 was deleted was that unlike Martin, another member was not satisfied to make their own choice but to demand you deprive everyone else of theirs. Like another on this thread, I currently have no qualifying relationship to be able to post there, if that changes anything is possible but I still doubt that I would choose to post there. But I’d have it my choice to make. The member’s motivation may be a good one, but the ultimatum demanded of you is not reasonable. A precedent currently rests in the sixteenth column that should be reversed regardless the content of that dare.
                                                  Ed, I hope you will restore it, however briefly before any change or refinement, just to clarify – perhaps reassure the membership – that our own freedom to choose cannot be surrendered to policy of appeasement.
                                                  Thanks at least for hearing me out, Dutch.

                                                  Gary, John, Martin and 1 more person like this

                                                  • #16780
                                                      • Wales, UK
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                                                      You raise some very good points there, @voyager61. You’re right, removing it was appeasement. That doesn’t necessarily mean it wasn’t the right choice, but the member in question is clearly not alone in having reservations.

                                                      I’m wondering if I should add a requirement for all naked participants in any MDL photo to appear in a second photo while holding up a piece of paper each with the site name on it, to prove awareness and consent (ie no hidden cameras etc).

                                                      I’m worried that requiring that will complicate the process and put new participants off (it doesn’t take much to put people off in my experience).

                                                      Dutch Penn, NakedMadCat, John and 1 more person like this

                                                  • #19683
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                                                      I see that dare #16 is still not resolved
                                                      how about in the shower or bath?


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                                                      • #19686
                                                          • Berkshire UK
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                                                          Not sure that helps at all!

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                                                      • #19687
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                                                          11 months on from the last post and the item not being re added it feels like the conversation was over and decision was made. That said as you brought it back up….

                                                          my personal opinion is that I couldn’t complete it as is so I have no care if it returns or not. If others can complete it I would love to hear how the conversations with your partner went.

                                                          1. Consent is an issue, how do you know you have it. (Can be overcome)

                                                          2. Gdpr people have a right to know where their data is being processed and have their rights explained to them and the right to have their information deleted. (Can be overcome)

                                                          3. Being a list with a leaderboard it’s a bit like a competition which could be seen as encouraging someone to share something they don’t have permission for just to get ahead on the leaderboard. I think in this community it’s unlikely but not impossible. (So long as 1 and 2 are fixed this isn’t an issue)

                                                          4. Other dares including others, not a couple involving other naked people. I think there are ways for these to be completed without the same risk as with a partner who knows not of this site. If you are asking another person to be naked with you, you are likely able to share with them the reason or they may already be fully aware.


                                                          the list is designed to take you up in stages of difficulty to complete. in the shower is no more difficult than naked inside your house one of the easier levels to complete on the list and doesn’t feel like it really adds anything to the list.

                                                          I will be adding some photos to the list soon hopefully, been a long time since I added new evidence here.

                                                          so my vote on 16, although late, would likely be yes as long as  there were changes to ensure consent  was sought and people where aware of privacy terms of the site. Have a photo holding a piece of paper with name and site name and date list number so you can see they knew what photo was for. If it was changed to simply a member of the opposite sex then it may become easier to complete but I think as someone else said you could do that with 14 anyway. Not all dares are completable by all and that gives someone a chance to be able to complete something that someone else can’t who may be able to complete something else you can’t. Having options gives people chances to move up the leaderboard so long as it’s don’t properly.


                                                          I have no  issue providing a verification photo. I don’t want it posted on public facing part of the site but I’ve often said behind the patreon pay wall i am more willing to share more. I’m game for all sorts of challenges. I think a separate list of video challenges could be interesting as there are things that you can only really evidence with video.


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                                                        • #19695
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                                                            Hardly been here since this discussion.

                                                            It isnt resolved. That’s why i ignored the request to post photos from the WNBRs i did.



                                                            • #19696
                                                                • Wales, UK
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                                                                I’m pleased you’re still checking in occasionally.

                                                                Sorry, I don’t see the link. What does one have to do with the other?

                                                                I haven’t seen a solution which doesn’t make some people angry and/or cause significant hassle for me. So, I’m just leaving it for now. If it was less work, I’d just remove 16 and shuffle the others up.

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                                                                • #19703
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                                                                    As a steward for two of the rides, some of the responses on this thread put me off.



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                                                                  • #19704
                                                                      • Wales, UK
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                                                                       some of the responses on this thread put me off.

                                                                      I’m not sure what I can do about that? Providing they aren’t deliberately offensive, everyone has the right to their opinion. That’s mostly what the forums are for (sharing views etc.).

                                                                      Diana likes this

                                                                • #19707
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                                                                    I hope my comments didn’t offend.

                                                                    more than happy to have a discussion about it if I did and apologise if I’m wrong in anyway. I’m always willing to learn from mistakes if I make them to try and make me a better person.

                                                                    I think I need to tell my partner about this site at some point for other reasons but would never ask to share her here. This site and nudity experiments are my thing not hers.  She knows I like to get naked and go for walks, she knows I take videos cause I share them with her when I get back for the most part. Some I don’t as they are more for me  to look back on and some images are for someone else in preparation for something to come… but she doesn’t yet know I share videos/photos of myself here.

                                                                    for 16 even sharing the picture just with Ed not for publication without consent is a crime. No one should be encouraged to share photos that they don’t have consent for even if the intent is just to prove the challenge was done and not for publication.

                                                                    I don’t see it being completed by many people but if people want to then I’d love to hear how you got to the point where they agreed to it.
                                                                    I also think honestly the photo/video submission should be an online thing in the site not an email. User must be logged in to share so you know who uploaded it and then you can have a checkbox for every submission to make the user select to say they have consent to share the image. No photo can then be sent until that tick box is selected. That doesn’t mean they have consent but the legality of it then sits with them not Ed.  The code behind a photo/video upload is simple enough to do.

                                                                    While I like recording proof of my own challenges (either photo or video), I feel more exposed from telling the story of how I got to be naked and how it felt.
                                                                    pictures of others completing the challenge are cool to see how they did it but i still think a story section where people can share their thoughts and feelings while completing the challenge would be more interesting than the photos. It feels like there should be a set of questions for each of the challenges to get some more information. Like time of day, some challenges could be easier to strip somewhere else drive to a location take a photo and drive away again while others are simple enough to strip in place and get dressed again. I want to hear all that sort of information as well as how much planning went into a photo, was it just an opportune moment or did you take time to plan a location and things. For 16 and 14 and others the question of how did you tell people what the photo was for. What was their initial reaction.


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                                                                    • #19709
                                                                        • Wales, UK
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                                                                        I’m not offended. Please, don’t worry.

                                                                        No-one should be sharing photos of other people taken in non-public situations without proof of consent first. I’m sure I’ve already stated this in several places in the forum.

                                                                        This is also why I require the consent photos for the dares and vote-off events. And why I require consent forms signed in person at the beginning of experiment sessions.

                                                                        ptHarry and Diana like this

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