Jumping in with both feet

Forums Community & News Experiments, Reports & Nude Events Jumping in with both feet

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    • #16556
        • Berkshire, UK
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        As possibly the newest member here I must admit to slight anxiety, but I joined for the thrill of the challenges and actually just to be naked outdoors. So with the idea of meeting up with Martin at some point in the future I thought I would explore the idea and logistics of taking a naked photo in a shop, ok it is a sex aid shop, which seemed safer than the local supermarket. My thinking was that generally they are relatively quiet/customerless, the shop assistant looks at sex toys and magazine covers all day so there should be any embarrassment there, any customer coming in is unlikely to rush of to find the police to scream indecency and it seemed to fit the criteria for naked in a shop.

        So entering it was indeed empty apart from the guy behind the till. having browsed the wares on offer for a few minutes I “casually” mentioned the idea of a naked photo in the future with a friend in the shop. To which he replied, “there’s no time like the present, but we have to make sure it’s not caught on the shops CCTV or he would get in trouble.” So pointing me to a small side door out of view of the camera he said he would happily take the photo but didn’t want to show any stock in case it was seen on the net and he got in trouble.

        Straight away I got into position, undressed and stood – awkwardly – tight against the door while he came in fairly close to take the photo without any stock showing. Having got the shot I dressed again and we carried on with me browsing as though nothing had happened.

        All in all it was a strange 10 minutes, I didn’t feel embarrassed or even awkward but at the same time I hadn’t got the thrill I was anticipating, which I put down to to sudden speed that the event took, had there been a prolonged build up I think the anticipation would have generated that thrill.

        So there we have it, My first challenge/dare (I’ve yet to discover if it fits the criteria) but nevertheless a start and the first of hopefully many adventures.

        RFLE58, Ed, NakedMadCat and 6 more people like this

      • #16558
          • Berkshire UK
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          But good for you to take the initiative – and I look forward to seeing the result in the dare list and also to seeing what we can do next year!

          Diana, Ed, Bikerguy and 2 more people like this

        • #16559
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            That’s impressive. Very brave.

            I’m sure @martin has lots of ideas and plans for stripping nude photos, videos and scenarios. You’ll have fun…👍

            Diana, Martin and Kevin like this

          • #16562
              • Huddersfield United Kingdom
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              Well done Kevin,

              I’m still looking for someone who might be able to help me out with some photos for dares at some point.  Timed selfies don’t really work well if you ask me.

              Kevin, NakedMadCat, Ed and 2 more people like this

            • #16640
                • Wales, UK
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                @Kevin’s photo (and another one) are up on the results page. It’s a great start!

                Diana, Martin and Kevin like this

                • #16641
                    • Berkshire, UK
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                    Thanks Ed. Spurred on by this I’ve just walked out into the garden naked, ok it’s almost midnight and most neighbours are fast asleep in bed but the recent winds have torn down four of our fence panels so the relative usual privacy is somewhat compromised which did increase the risk factor so it was quite thrilling – although a little cold.

                    This made me wonder what motivates others here to go naked. Is it the thrill of possibly getting seen/caught, or just the feeling of being nude. And if it is the chance of being caught, how much do you weigh up the risk to the thrill, if the risk is higher is the thrill increased or does the increased risk add an element of stress. I’m a bit concerned about being caught and of course in a back garden and getting seen by neighbours means they would know who I was and the possible repercussions would be awkward to say the least, but that did increase the thrill and I’ll be honest I was somewhat aroused by it. Maybe we should have a separate thread to discuss what we really get out of both the challenges as well as just being naked.

                    Diana, Ed and Martin like this

                • #16657
                    • Pennsylvania
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                    `<iframe title=”vimeo-player” src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/900332111?h=6e636c426b&#8221; width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

                    Diana likes this

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