Is a painted body naked?

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Are you naked if you're wearing bodypaint?

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  • Yes, naked.
  • No, not naked.
  • It depends (comment below!).
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    • #8044
        • Wales, UK
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      • #8048
          • Cheshire, England
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          My instinct was to say no, but no paint is going to hide a man I suppose. Women it would depend on the paint thickness, colouring and where applied


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        • #8051
            • Berkshire UK
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            I find that being body painted makes me feel like I’m not naked. Yes, hard not to be fully seen, but the paint does act like a layer of clothing.

            The painting of penis was an afterthought – the artist didn’t want to embarrass me by painting it or even asking – if he had asked to start with then the “snake” would have been wound more around the tree.

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          • #8080
              • Long Island, New York, United States
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              For me it depends on whether it is still obvious the person is naked, and even that depends on proximity. I’ve seen pictures and videos of naked people who were painted and you couldn’t tell that it was paint and it looked just like they were actually wearing clothing from a distance, of course you get up right close in front of them and examine them in detail all the naughty bits and whatnot are kind of difficult to hide (like with the woman used as the example picture)! But I guess the determining factor really comes down to how good of a paint job it is and how far away the person is from you.

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            • #10372
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                I think it depends on the extent of the painting and, a bit, on the purpose and psychology.  I imagine a bit of body art may leave one feeling naked while a full paint up might give one nearly the confidence of actual clothing, or one might feel it is more art than nudity.   I’ve seen photos of body painted people that were very artfully done and where it was really pretty hard to tell if it was paint or some kind of clothing.

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                • #10373
                    • Wales, UK
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                    Those are very good points.

                • #12933
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                    The “Yo Sea” and “Alive” videos on the blog both remind me of this topic. In “Yo Sea”, the performer (who looks like the artist Isabel Leon so maybe she’s doing her own modelling) goes from naked to painted and it does, in a way, look a bit like a reverse striptease, as she gradually changes from a naked character to a blue character. The blue character isn’t as naked as the naked character. It’s not that the paint hides anything, but it makes me look at the video differently so – when she’s blue – I’m not focusing on the details of her body. i thought at first she was drawing tears, and then I wondered if she was turning into some sort of water character, a bit like a mermaid.

                    The “Alive” performer is decorated, not painted, but maybe the effect is similar. Although she was obviously naked apart from the decorations, I realised I wasn’t looking at a naked woman but at a performance. The decorations made her look less naked, or at least made the viewer look at her differently from if she was just naked. Part of that was her shaved and decorated pubis. I wonder if she’d have looked more naked if – like the cyclist in the picture (I think) – she’d kept her hair.

                    I met a woman a few times a few years ago who told me she’d taken up ballroom dancing. She told me she felt as if she was dancing naked “apart from a few strategically placed sequins”. A number of people warned me not to get too close to her – she was a scary fantasist apparently – so I never sought her out and we never bumped into each other again, but it was interesting that either her reality or her fantasy was to be naked despite the sequins, so maybe (at least in her head) the decorations didn’t take any of her nudity away.

                    Looking at the cyclist in the picture, with the pubic hair, does that mean the artist had to rub the paint into her hair? I could imagine myself being detached enough to paint someone’s shaved pubis, but rubbing the paint in would be a very different experience!!!!

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                    • #12946
                        • Wales, UK
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                        I’ve seen a lot of the participants in WNBR painting themselves and then getting friends to add artistic details and to help with hard-to-reach areas.

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                    • #12994
                        • Cheshire, England
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                        Changing the subject slightly, and this may be worth a thread of its own, I guess this wouldn’t work with men for obvious reasons but there are plenty of pictures of women in the street with clothing painted on. I would imagine the inevitable bounces would cause a lot of people to double take and they would, I imagine be subjected to a lot of stares.

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