How much of a disincentive is the cold weather?

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    • #12941
        • Wales, UK
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        How much does the colder winter weather put you off being naked? Is it a comfort thing, practicality or just an excuse?

        For some of us, it’s probably a health issue too. Getting too cold can have health implications. No-one wants to explain why he or she was naked when they had a heart attack in the back garden!

      • #12942
          • Long Island, New York, United States
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          I don’t even go outside naked when it is nice weather I’m certainly not going to go naked when it’s snowing! But it is true, even for people who embrace nudism as a lifestyle clothing has some real practical uses, as its not really practical to be a nudist in Alaska or in the winter time unless you live somewhere really warm where it’s warm year-round.

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        • #12964
            • Canada
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            We have a trailer at a nudist resort in Canada and sometimes go there in the winter.  We try for a “warmer” weekend if possible.  Mostly, I just wear a housecoat unless there is a campfire going on.  I find that it feels warmer being naked at the fire as the heat hits your skin more quickly than having to warm up clothes first.

          • #12967
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              Last winter, I dared myself to get naked in the worst possible weather. We never got any bad weather unfortunately. This year is looking a bit more promising.

              I’ve never forgotten many years ago a female colleague looking at a torrential hailstorm outside the window and saying it made her want to run around in it naked. It was one of those moments when I could see her thinking “oh no – did I say that out loud?”

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              • #12973
                  • Wales, UK
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                  In that situation, I couldn’t have resisted daring her to do it.

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                  • #12989
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                      I probably said something like “you go first, I’m right behind you (honest!)”.

                • #12976
                    • Cheshire, England
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                    The wind is very much a disincentive. The other issue is working full time, its dark both when I start and finish. I still have a couple of inside dares to complete, but perhaps we could add a few indoor dares to the list to keep interest going? I’m afraid the summer just went in a blur this year and I wasn’t able to get much done.

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                    • #12978
                        • Wales, UK
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                        Dark mornings and evenings are a real hindrance for photos and video. You can’t really use a floodlight!

                        I don’t know what happened to this summer. It seemed to be over in a couple of weeks.

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                    • #12981
                        • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                        <p style=”text-align: left;”>The cold and dark dont help.</p>
                        It’s much easier to strip off when you’re only wearing shorts and t shirt.

                        I do want to try nuts in the snow again, and get a picture this time

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