Favourite experiments

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    • #5014
        • Wales, UK
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        I’m looking for nominations for favourite experiment ideas which have been used so far in the 3 experiments which have been published so far. Once I have some sort of shortlist, I’ll post a poll to narrow it down to a top 10 or top 5 or whatever works best.

        One of my favourites was when Rhian had to do a presentation of her own naked body, but I’m most interested to hear what other experiments everyone else liked. Hearing why would be most interesting too.

        Ultimately, the top choices will help me choose what elements to repeat in future experiments and which to ignore. Obviously, I’ll still be coming up with new experiment ideas too.

        Also, choices will only affect experiments yet to happen. Those just waiting to be written up have already been done.

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      • #5015
          • Berkshire UK
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          Hmm have to reread the experiments!

          From memory though, I think it would be the “pick an envelope and that’s what you have to do” experiment for me. That total trust in the experiment says a lot about the subject themselves.

          I am sure there are others though.

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          • #5016
              • Wales, UK
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              That was a good one. Must do that one (or variations on it) again.

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            • #8139
                • Wales, UK
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                One woman suggested using the envelopes approach for an entire experiment. That way an all-female group would feel like they are not being watched by a man. I can see how that would work but the cards would need very clear instructions – I’d have to be careful to avoid ambiguity and confusion.

            • #5017
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                Well, the third one didn’t seem as easy to break down into individual tasks so although I enjoyed it I’ll just choose from 1 and 2.

                1. Best for me was Natalie on the chair and Manda on the coffee table
                2. Second, being stripped and posed. That reminded me of hynofetish videos which are good if they’re done well and not overacted.
                3. Third, sending Anni home naked has always intrigued me as to what happened next.

                If I was a participant, I think I’d most enjoy the one where the “victim” chose who would take off their next garment, followed by the chair/table one. Even though I’d enjoy posing people, I’m not sure I’d enjoy being posed.

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              • #5019
                  • United States
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                  Oh darn, now I need to go back and read through the Experiments again (sarcasm).

                  Personally, I liked all of them, but I know that’s not what the question was asking. Much like Prof Green, I felt like the third experiment doesn’t have a lot of Experiments to break down.

                  From the first experiment, I liked the idea of the tea time, where everyone was talking and you stripped anyone who mentioned it, slowly getting more and more stripped as they started to figure out what was going on and questioning it.

                  I also really liked Rhian’s presentation, because it worked well into who she was and what she was good at. Makes me wonder if she remembered that next time she had to give a presentation.

                  I also liked the question of wanting to be the only one naked or only one dressed, because there’s not really a good answer that doesn’t make the person the awkward center of attention.

                  I also feel like you need some more normal ones to get people acclimated to it, like picking someone to strip and that person stripping someone else.

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                • #5020
                    • Wales, UK
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                    I think everyone’s right about the third session. I need to reread it myself but it was much more of a progression rather than individual experiments.

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                  • #5023
                      • Wales, UK
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                      Any more favourites?

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                      • #5027
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                          Sent you some thoughts on Skype 😉

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                          • #5033
                              • Wales, UK
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                              Sorry about my slow replies on Skype. It’s not my main account so I don’t get notifications unless I’m logged into it.

                              Also, today was really busy.

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                        • #5046
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                            Thinking of the Spinner discussion, would it be going too far to include tieing someone to a chair as part of an experiment? Probably, and that’s a shame. Oh well.

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                            • #5065
                                • Berkshire UK
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                                Of course I’d have no problem being tied to a chair…. or anything else for that matter. Again, been there, done that – and it is on film!

                                • #5066
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                                    Maybe having a script makes a difference. If I was in a film which involve me being tied naked to a chair, I assume I’d know what was going to happen next so I could at least be mentally prepared for the ice bucket or the uncomfortable insertion or whatever else was going to happen to me. In an experiment, I assume I wouldn’t know. I’d somehow end up being nominated for the challenge, maybe knowing that the first stage was to strip naked, maybe seeing a pile of ropes next to a chair, but not knowing if I was going to be blindfolded, closely examined, touched, carried outside, or just left there for a while. The suspense would be really exciting for me but if I was a nervous participant in one of the Naked Experiment sessions it might be a step too far perhaps? I think I remember @ed saying that some of the participants don’t want to be touched. I wouldn’t mind personally but I’d need to trust people to follow the rules if that was important to me. Going back to the script, if this was a film, I’d be able to prepare myself, but if I really was giving up control – literally exposing myself to whatever the other participants felt like doing to me – I can imagine that being a bit hard to sell to some people.

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                                  • #5146
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      A big part of the experiments, so far, has been the participants not really knowing what they were going to experience.

                                      Would it be easier if the plan for an experiment session was shared with participants a few days beforehand?

                                      This wouldn’t be a particularly precise plan as I often adapt the order or details of experiments on the fly depending on how participants react. If someone is obviously finding something too easy on the day, I might push them further.

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                                    • #5151
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                                        The not knowing would be part of the excitement.

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                                      • #5150
                                          • Berkshire UK
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                                          You are right @profgreen. There is usually, or always, knowledge of what will happen next so you can mentally prepare. And that is important.

                                          i have been in a film situation where an action was suddenly sprung on me – and I said no. In hindsight, I would have agreed to do it had it been mentioned beforehand so I could think about it.

                                          not always the case – or sometimes things go wrong or too far. But then, as an actor, you have the knowledge that you could potentially burn the take to stop whatever happening.

                                          an important part of an experiment is that it should be the naturalistic reaction of the  subject. And that is impacted if you know beforehand.

                                          so to be valid then the experiments have to be unknown to the participants, but the experimenter would obviously wish to know that the experiement might be a success and so have a degree of knowledge about the participants.

                                          so the example of being tied to a chair – equally valid if someone allowed it or if no one allowed it. But a waste if that was the first step in an extended experiment that could be totally wasted if the first step failed.

                                          knowldge, and therefore “scripted”, is more necessary if the aim is to have a product to show others (ie a film).

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                                        • #5152
                                            • Wales, UK
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                                            I do extensively interview participants beforehand. I try not to give any clues at all as to what will be in experiments.

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                                      • #5050
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                                          I used this image elsewhere on this site(!) but it struck me that it’s another thing that could inspire an experiment. Participants could choose a postcard of a piece of art from a set of postcards and then have to recreate it. You’d need some props, so maybe not very practical but still sounds fun. Then the others could have a really good close-up look at the exhibit before it’s their turn.

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                                          • #5067
                                              • United States
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                                              This could potentially even include bodypaint to make them really look like the statue, especially if it was a gold or bronze statue. Applied by the other Experiment members or themselves. Unless the real model look is better…

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                                              • #5068
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                                                  And if @ed is prepared to send a respectable young lady home naked, I’m sure he’d be ok with leaving her trying to explain being covered in body paint!!!

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                                                • #5069
                                                    • Wales, UK
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                                                    That sounds like excellent fun! 🙂

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                                              • #5082
                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                  If you haven’t seen the bodypaint experiment on the Horizon documentary (where three people painted three naked people with a choice of red, yellow and green paint to denote how rude they thought areas of their bodies were), a video of the whole show is available for download in the Community Supporters area of the forums.

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                                                • #5145
                                                    • Wales, UK
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                                                    I’m wondering about starting a thread for everyone to post their ideal/dream naked experiment. Obviously they may not be viable and there might not be the resources available to try them out, but it could be fun to hear what everyone would like to try.

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                                                    • #5171
                                                        • United States
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                                                        I mean, my dream Experiment would be either the Horizon or statue bodypainting, which have both already been mentioned, so I don’t know if I could add much new, but I’m sure I could come up with something.

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                                                      • #8121
                                                          • Sheffield, UK
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                                                          Love the idea of a game where the loser goes outside naked, maybe at a country house or in a hotel!

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                                                          • #8122
                                                              • Wales, UK
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                                                              I’ve already got a couple of locations lined up where outdoor nudity is feasible. I’m hoping I can use one for the next experiment sessions (obviously, depends on the participants).

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                                                            • #8134
                                                                • Cheshire, England
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                                                                I’d have an indoor back up lined up, seems to be a Siberian Summer 🙁 I suspect applying sun lotion would not be one of the experiments!

                                                                I’m finding outdoor nudity a lot tougher  (garden excepted) but what’s life without a challenge?

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                                                              • #8136
                                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                                  With our weather, I don’t think I’d risk an experiment fully outdoors, but there are venues where it can start indoors and include outdoors too.

                                                                  Another idea I’m working on is an experiment based in a people carrier. Lots of possibilities there but more reliant on decent weather.

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                                                            • #5161
                                                                • East Sussex
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                                                                Underssing or being undressed by someone else is a favourite of mine.

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                                                              • #7956
                                                                  • UK
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                                                                  I have not read the reports but read the glossary (will buy the ebooks at some point no doubt).

                                                                  Youngest and oldest this seems like a fun idea, maybe it could be down to a coin flip as to weather the oldest or youngest is doing the stripping. I like the idea of the coffee break especially the variant in experiment 4 (naked servers) as having to fill the servers role would by very embarrassing … in a fun way, perhaps when couples are not playing it can be combined with naked together. again not read the reports so not sure how it all turned out but these are just my thoughts on reading the experiments from the glossary.

                                                                  I would love to participate when lockdown is finished and a male space is free (though looking around its seems there is always a difficulty in finding willing woman to participate not so much men)

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                                                                  • #7958
                                                                      • Wales, UK
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                                                                      When we started, it was around 7 men for every woman. Years of effort to equalise things seem to have made things much worse but as many other nudity-related ventures are suffering from the same thing, I don’t think it’s anything I’ve done.

                                                                      WNBR has been complaining for a while now about men outnumbering women heavily. Some towns had no women participants in the last one.

                                                                      I’m seriously struggling to keep women interested in the experiments. At times since the start of the pandemic, I thought we had two ready to take part and I was attempting to find a third. Several have broken off contact after a few months, two turned out not to be female and the last one recently changed her mind. I’ve got some interest from two groups of people right now. A group who work in the same office seem quite keen but it would have to be just them. It’s very early days with the other group but there’s only four of them so I’m hoping to persuade them to let me add two more people to their number for the experiment.

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                                                                      • #8137
                                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                                          I think the second group just fell through but the group who all work together is sounding promising. The boss is thinking of it as a team-building experience. I’m wondering if I should mention that possibility in the descriptions on this site?

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                                                                        • #8138
                                                                            • Wales
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                                                                            Are we getting to the place where you’re going to have to pay female models (and therefore charge male participants)?

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                                                                          • #8141
                                                                              • Wales, UK
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                                                                              I’ll have to find cheaper models to make that viable (or wealthier men!). I can also tell you from experience that cheaper models tend to be less reliable in terms of bothering to turn up and tend to be less convincing. A few guys have told me that they would not be interested in the use of models, but I suspect many would be fine with it.

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                                                                            • #8163
                                                                                • Cheshire, England
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                                                                                Paid models completely defeats the object. Its meant to be a bit of a challenge to us, if it came to that, I’d withdraw.

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                                                                              • #8166
                                                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                                                  You’re not alone on that one, @seasider.

                                                                                  Currently, there are 0 females on the waiting list for experiments. It seems whatever I do, the ratio just gets worse and worse (not that it can get any worse right now.)


                                                                                  We keep falling into the same pattern. 1 or 2 women sign up. They tell me they are keen to take part and happy to be verified. The verification keeps being delayed. Eventually, 1 will get verified but then, afterwards tells me that they’ve got fed up of waiting for other women to get involved and drops out. The other one usually either disappears without trace, or turns out to be male.

                                                                                  To be honest, I’m getting depressed about this. It’s been over a year since the last experiment (Covid was a major factor there) and the future isn’t looking too positive.

                                                                                  When I set out on this, after speaking to many, many people, I genuinely believed we could be doing 1-2 experiments every month, trying out all sorts of variations and maybe getting some of them released on video. I’m not interested in male-only experiments and I think that would put women off the community permanently.

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                                                                                • #8167
                                                                                    • Cheshire, England
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                                                                                    May be a case of building back up after covid. Or perhaps some people have moved to a different approach. I hear rumours that membership of British naturism has rocketed recently. Haven’t joined myself although I probably will at some point. I’m waiting for the weather 🙂

                                                                                    There don’t seem to be more than a handful of members and all men, but there is a newish social network for nudists called nudical, may be worth a naked experiment profile in there in case in builds. First year is free, I suspect from numbers it may stay free or fold, but if it does grow and you’re in early…

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                                                                                  • #8188
                                                                                      • Sheffield, UK
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                                                                                      Models would not bother me, any experiment would be more about my embarrassment for me anyway.

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                                                                                • #8300
                                                                                    • Wales
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                                                                                    I’d like to see an experiment set up like a very formal job interview – 2 interviewers and 1 interviewee, something like this:

                                                                                    1. Interviewee asked to undress completely

                                                                                    2. Interviewee asked to strip one of the interview panel (or a ‘staff member’ who has been called into the room)

                                                                                    3. Staff member and interviewee asked to strip head interviewer

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                                                                                    • #10405
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                                                                                        I love this scenario!  The interviewee should be reluctant to strip nude but needs the job.  Maybe the two interviewers could assist the interviewee take their clothes off?  I’m assuming all the participants would be male?

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                                                                                        • #10501
                                                                                            • Wales
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                                                                                            Actually I was hoping to be the only fella in that scenario!

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                                                                                        • #10471
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                                                                                            A really good opportunity for a CMNM scenario!  Interviewers stripping a reluctant interviewee nude!  I think the interviewers should remain fully clothed and the interviewee have their clothes removed: jacket, tie, shirt, shoes, socks, suit trousers and, finally, their underwear slipped off until they’re completely nude.  In this fantasy scenario (because this is unlikely to happen in real life ? ?) I’m not sure which role I’d like to play?  Would I prefer to be the strip-er or the strip-ee? ???

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                                                                                            • #10472
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                                                                                                The strip-er I think? ?

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                                                                                              • #10476
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                                                                                                  I’d be up for the guy being interviewed….

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                                                                                            • #8336
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                                                                                                <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’m intrigued by the strip search you mention on the application form.</p>
                                                                                                Some sort of pretend institution where prisoners are forced to strip and remain naked.

                                                                                                Would take ages and get repetitive to do 6, so possibly pair up the oldest middle and youngest male and female etc., and process them at the same time.

                                                                                                The other 4 could be the officers. Both people forced to strip, pose for naked mug shots, searched, possibly zip tied hands bring back and even locked up together naked for a bit. There’s also a scenario you mentioned the other week of the forced to shower in front of the others.


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                                                                                                • #8340
                                                                                                    • Wales, UK
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                                                                                                    I used to get daily suggestions from all sorts of people, often people who found the site, threw all their ideas at me in a PM/e-mail, and then disappeared forever. There were two regular subjects, the first being how far the experiments can go in terms of pushing people (either from people who were scared of the possibilities or others who don’t believe the experiments go far enough). The second subject was when am I going to run experiments in other countries (esp. the US).

                                                                                                    Sadly, things are much quieter now, with weeks going by between suggestions now but I still keep a list of the good ones (even if most need adapting to be viable in real life).

                                                                                                    The strip search idea has come up a couple of times but the original suggestion was that a couple could sign up then, at a pre-arranged time, an “undercover officer” could arrive at their house and search both of them in their living room. It seemed to be a particularly viable concept as there’s no need to get a group together or even to organise a suitable venue. This means it could be organised at very short notice or even cancelled suddenly without penalty.

                                                                                                    Most couples who discussed that or other experiences turned out to be an overly hopeful husband/boyfriend and a wife/girlfriend who wasn’t interested at all. It’s the same old gender imbalance again…

                                                                                                    The prisoners idea is great, but I struggle to imagine getting enough people together and a large enough budget to get a plausible location (it’s hard enough to find viable normal locations!). I’ve lost count of how many locations I’ve checked out which turned out to be unsuitable. Privacy is the biggest problem. Rented rooms with CCTV, windows into public areas and doors that cannot be secured. We don’t want an experiment aborted because a staffmember pops in to check everything is okay, finds naked people and throws us all out!

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                                                                                                    • #8367
                                                                                                        • Cheshire, England
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                                                                                                        There are nudist venues all over the country. I wonder if they would hire rooms cheaply?

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                                                                                                      • #8369
                                                                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                                                                          I haven’t tried that, but I haven’t had good reactions from nudists generally. Most are SO keen to maintain a separation from anything sexual that they get quite hostile about the experiments. You should see some of the abuse I receive on social media.

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                                                                                                    • #10503
                                                                                                        • USA
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                                                                                                        I thought it would be an interesting experiment to put someone, naked, inside an empty room (no ability to hide) with a large mirror glass window (the kind where it is transparent looking out but people cant see in) facing heavily trafficked sidewalk (maybe don’t tell them it’s mirrored or one-way glass?). People passing by, of course, would have no idea. But the naked person inside would feel very exposed and, of course, there would be risk someone might possibly see them by pressing their face up to the glass to peek in.  Since visibility in is variable based on the balance of light outside and inside, an added dimension might be to randomly/intermittently change the balance (turning a light on inside and/or introducing shade outside, for example) to increase possibility of exposure.  Or, maybe, bring the inside lighting up as it gets dark outside.  Lots of possibilities.

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                                                                                                        • #10510
                                                                                                            • Berkshire UK
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                                                                                                            Interesting idea. Need to look into variability… and how long would you anticipate the experiment lasting?

                                                                                                        • #10567
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                                                                                                            I was in an elevator recently and thought it could be fun dare or experiment to start out on the ground floor, stripping off all ones clothes (and perhaps leaving them there) then go up some number of floors and back. How many floors would you go up? How many buttons would you push to stop along the way? Would the doors open to reveal someone to see you? How would you, or they, react? Perhaps willing observers could be planted on random floors? If you didn’t hide them, would your clothes still be there when you returned? Maybe, someone would be there, with them, and you’d have to ask for them? Lots of possibilities. Though it probably wouldn’t be realistic to do just anywhere, it could be good in a controlled and/or closed environment.

                                                                                                            Bamaswitch, Martin and Ed like this

                                                                                                            • #10617
                                                                                                                • Wales, UK
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                                                                                                                • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                                                                                                                I really like that idea. It’s the not knowing when the doors open on each floor if there will be anyone there to see you, I think.

                                                                                                                Martin likes this

                                                                                                            • #10655
                                                                                                                • Wales, UK
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                                                                                                                • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                                                                                                                I would still love to organise an outdoor and more public experiment. There are plans in place and locations sorted to achieve this, but finding a group to take part is going to be an uphill battle.

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