Experiment reports.

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    • #17388
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        Sorry I haven’t been writing up the most recent experiment sessions. There are only 3 which haven’t been published (or written up) but it’s a lot of work and I’m not seeing any demand for the reports. The last one sold very poorly and it’s impossible to justify the hours needed to write them up for very little return.

        NakedMadCat likes this

      • #17414
          • England (London)
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          Sorry to hear that.

          I thought the three that are on sale were well written and very interesting reading. But I appreciate it takes more than the handful of users here (even if they all bought a copy, which I suspect wasn’t the case) to be worth spending the time.

          Martin and Ed like this

          • #17415
              • Wales, UK
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              Yes. I was hoping (back at the start) that the reports would make some money for the site, giving me a budget to do more stuff. The additional hope then was that after members of this community had bought a few copies it would give them a kick-start on Amazon, raising more money but more importantly attracting more people to the community. That seemed like a recipe for ongoing growth. It didn’t work out that way.

              Martin and ptHarry like this

              • #17416
                  • England (London)
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                  You might consider updating https://community.nakedexperiment.com/naked-experiment-reports/ to show brief information on the experiments that are not going to be fully written up.

                  I had assumed that they had stopped before lockdown and had not subsequently had enough participants to do any more.

                  Incidentally, the three links on that page currently go nowhere.

                  RFLE58, Martin and Ed like this

                • #17419
                    • Wales, UK
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                    I’ve wondered about adding descriptions but I’ve been wary as I started writing up experiment #4 and then decided against it as the thing was a bit of disaster from early on (one of the couples was problematic, caused “trouble” and then stormed out during the session). I’m probably being indecisive but I feel bad selling a written account which ends early.

                    Thanks for letting me know about the broken links. They should work again now.

                    Martin and ptHarry like this

                  • #17420
                      • Wales, UK
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                      • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                      I need to install an automated tool for alerting me to broken links. As the site gets bigger, it’s harder to avoid them.

                • #17423
                    • Cheshire, England
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                    Where are we up to with future experiments? Last I heard we were having trouble finding women to take part, still the case?

                    • #17424
                        • Wales, UK
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                        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                        It’s borderline impossible, certainly finding women willing to take part with men they do not know. I’ve had more success with groups who already know each other.

                        A recurring pattern is when a woman agrees but on condition that she will only take part with other women. She hangs around for a few weeks then gives up and leaves disillusioned. Even if she waits around for maybe 3-4 months, and one or two other women sign up with similar conditions, they will be in different parts of the country (and unwilling to travel far enough). Getting even two women waiting at the same time with compatible limitations rarely happens.

                        I was hoping some word-of-mouth would get going across the many social media sites but that seems to happen less now than it did a few years ago.

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