Vote Off Their Clothes Event #4 – Final Result


Last updated Wednesday 21:40 (GMT). (Find out how to vote here)

Votes: 0
NHGolfer closeupAl is a 28-year-old e-sport broadcaster from New England, USA.
Votes: 0
Votes: N/A
Gary's close upGary is a 59-year-old IT Project Manager from Cambridgeshire, UK.
Votes: 0
Drew tie offDrew is a 34-year-old graduate student from the United States.
If you want to appear here, you'll have to wait for the next event. Sorry!

Click on any photo to see that participant’s photos so far.

Four members of the NakedExperiment Community have volunteered to let anyone online vote their clothes off. This event’s theme is “Smart” – so being smartly dressed is a must. At the end of each 24-hour round, whoever has the most votes will lose an item of clothing. This game isn’t over until four participants are stripped completely naked, so the stakes are high!

Whoever loses an item of clothing has their vote count reset but everyone else’s votes carry forward into the next round.

This time only one of the participants has obscured his face.

How to Vote

As this is a fundraising event for this community site, votes can be bought and allocated however you wish. Vote as many times as you like for the candidate you most want to embarrass or expose, or vote for several, it’s entirely up to you. If you are one of the participants, you can even vote for your competitors!

To get votes, one Ko-Fi buys three votes for you to allocate as you wish across as many rounds as you like. More details here.