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    • #20470
        • Uk
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        Just thinking quite a few people who have posted on here have been willing to be part of an experiment if we ever get one going. The requremenys for that are to bring ID and fill out a consent form so for a lot of people on here there’s nothing really stopping us from carrying on posting we just need to take that step to send the docs and do a teams call with Ed to have the looklike test for the ID. In fact I see that bit as an opportunity. If people have to do a photo or  video call holding their id to prove it’s them. If it’s video then there is a contact time that could be made use of. I still think one thing that would be cool to have is a video of Ed asking people questions as they strip off to certain keywords or maybe after each question so there are like 6 questions or something so everyone ends up naked at the end of a video. Ed can blur the video easy enough if needed. But then there is content for paid members to watch the video. Obviously cut the ID part out of the video.

        GeekFireball and John like this

      • #20469
          • Uk
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          If I read the forms right. We would need to fill out a consent form and sign it send it to Ed with a copy of our ID but Ed only needs to share that with authorities if there is an issue in the future. But he has to maintain forever basically. That’s a Patreon thing because of using the payment providers but that effectively means and site with paid services using payment services would have to do the same.

          I’m guessing crypto would be out of the range for most people and is probably too much of a volatile system at the moment to be used widespread.
          the Patreon terms are already there on their website so do we need act more quickly one way or another on this. Looks like Patreon updated the consent stuff 4 months ago.

          Ed likes this

        • #20463
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            So I’m guessing then on google searches people are asking about naked dares and hence that page comes up most often. Seems like it doesn’t do enough to drive people to the ranking page though so I don’t think the site will get much new attention without photos.  The attention span of people nowadays if it isnt in front of you on the landing page then they just don’t care enough to search further. Also kind of makes me feel having photos doesn’t make that much difference to people hanging around unless they are on the main page. So without photos the community is unlikely to grow then it’s just a case is the people already here and how do they feel. I’m happy to stick around. I enjoy the talk as much if not more than the photos.


            ill still take videos and photos. Just load them somewhere else.

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          • #20459
              • Uk
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              You have stats for hits on landing pages, page views and things. can you see what sort of level of hits are to pages with photo/video content bs that to non photo forum pages.

              I came here first off years ago for the dare challenges. I was looking for something that had a list of challenges to do. That’s what drew me in.

              I stay for the conversations in the forums. I guess I’m trying to say for existing users for me personally I would miss the photos but it wouldn’t drive me away from the site if we lose them. We can always host on other places and link to to content?

              My guess is it will be hit and miss for new users if there is no photo content to draw people in. So the current community might be it with very little extra growth. does that still work for you with hosting and running the site for the current community? (Please say yes)

            • #20451
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                I was worried about a random letter turning up on the doorstep relating to a walk. Kind of made me nervous to sign up, checked the faq and it wasn’t clear.
                Well I double checked with them on email so you don’t have to. No letters,  all correspondence goes via email for these walks. Just incase anyone else was like me wondering about that letter to call them out on the doorstep

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              • #20450
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                  South west but can travel. Don’t think we are close to 6 without some female participants coming out the woodwork but look forward to something coming together at some point.

                  Ed likes this

                • #20443
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                    Ok that got too much too quickly and I didn’t feel I could leave the video up any longer. I guess I’m not that comfortable with my face online yet, at least not that public where absolutely anyone could view it.
                    I will try again next week to create the video and see if it goes any better. I don’t think the content was that great this time as the audio was rubbish.

                  • #20442
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                      I didn’t mean touching in a sexualised way at all. I think we had conversations before about people putting hands on the body not necessarily genitals. I guess that wasn’t clear but also maybe vague to see what reactions would be and draw out a conversation with potential participates on what does touching mean.

                      I meant more about thinking about one of the previous blog posts where a woman was laid naked and multiple people put hands on her stomach or legs.  I did also think about some of the photo challenges for the vote off and things where maybe someone who’s not naked uses their  hands to cover your parts for a photo. Or someone else who is naked using their hands to cover your part too. I guess pushing thous boundaries of how do you feel being naked with someone covering you with their hands when that person is in different states of undress.

                      In terms of experimenting with nudity in front of others having others up close to you, standing back to back with someone else or hugging. Like How comfortable are you in your nudity when greeting someone.
                      I don’t know exactly what it would entail and I don’t think Ed would set anything other than the thought of exploring nudity in front of others,

                      Ed likes this

                    • #20440
                        • Uk
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                        <p style=”text-align: left;”>I went for unhiding the video on the website I uploaded it too and it already has 8 views in less than 15 minutes. Gonna be a long 24 hours if it keeps getting views that quickly.</p>

                      • #20475
                          • Uk
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                          As for the age verification of people posting. Mastercard are behind the payment thing that got patreon to change. Other payment providers will follow suit. Making only it almost impossible to pay membership to an adult site without an age check on all performers. Both MasterCard and Visa took a stance against porn hub and other a while back stopping taking payments.


                          The new UK laws basically make it so you cant access any porn explicit website without age verification and a simple check box to say you are old enough isn’t enough anymore.

                          It won’t have to be id related but then it might require banking info or something so it basically becomes if again for any users who will see explicit content.


                          Let’s remember this is all about keeping people safe online and stopping children accessing porn. We had a lot of discussion here about dare 16 and consent. If u agree or not with the stances taken considering the amount of underage people access content and the amount of content of people illegally sharing other people LS photos this is probably a good thing if it works..

                          I just don’t think as it is it will work properly


                          The new UK la


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