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    • #19745
        • England (London)
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        There is also setting to control embedding:


        My free account doesn’t show what options exist for “sites I choose” but this would affect only the ability to embed the video. It shouldn’t affect the ability to search for it, or to play it if you already know its URL.

        I do have a note on my account which I think is saying that on 25th Jan my existing videos will be reset to “not embeddable” unless I update the embed code to mark them as embeddable. Perhaps users in other countries have been given different dates, which might already have passed.

        If you kept the URL of one of the videos you had to delete, you could check whether that video is still playable. If it is, then it’s fairly likely the owner has not set an embed code and possibly doesn’t even know they need to do so.

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      • #19740
          • England (London)
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          Ed: “can’t Vimeo users choose which geographic locations their videos are available in? ”

          There are limited settings:

          Who can watch

          but no obvious way to limit watching to a specific area.

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        • #19737
            • England (London)
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            Maybe, but at the moment if I go to :

            • from firefox in the UK, logged in to my free vimeo account, I see 33.9 K video results
            • from opera, in the UK and not logged in, I see 30.3K results
            • from opera, not logged in and using the free VPN set to America, I also see 30.3K results
            • from opera, with the free VPN set to Europe or Asia, I see “This page isn’t available in your region”

            I’m not sure why there should be a reduction in the results available in Opera. It could be due to not being logged in, or there could be some other reason. But that’s only a 10% reduction anyway.

            But for the moment, the search still seems to be available in UK even though it has gone from Europe … and even if it goes from UK too, using opera with VPN set to America looks like it may still get search results.

            Also, Vimeo states

            • “You can still embed your videos wherever you choose, including on other websites and social platforms.”
            • “Your videos will remain discoverable outside the EU/UK through a site-wide search”


            • a video URL found by searching in America can still be embedded into a page, to be played in UK/Europe (also tested via VPN=Europe), and
            • having found and played any one video, it still seems to be possible to see “More from Harry” which shows everything else I’ve uploaded, even though I’m only a “free” member

            At the moment, the problem seems to be less that Vimeo might close altogether, and more that EU might find some way to ban VPNs.



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          • #19646
              • England (London)
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              I think naturists usually would wear shoes if walking outdoors.

              The BN event I went to (a charity walk in a nature reserve) was “clothing optional” so clothing or no clothing would have been acceptable. But I’m sure shoes were mandatory. And personally I would wear shoes even indoors if there’s any possibility that somebody might have broken a glass at some time in the past.

              As for counting shoes, the answer usually is two 🙂

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              • #19656
                  • England (London)
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                  I decided to check, and sure enough at it says:

                  • Do I have to take my clothes off? 

                    If you are new to naturism then this is the perfect incentive to give it a go, and for a good cause. We accept some people may prefer to wear clothes; if that’s you then bring a bag as you may change your mind half way around when you see the others enjoying all that naturism brings.

                  • What happens if it is raining? 

                    We get wet! Normal naturist protocol applies and if it turns cold then you put on a mac. The event will still go ahead and the weather won’t dampen the fun.

                  • What else should I bring?

                    Proper walking boots or sturdy shoes are a must (except Morecambe Bay where sandals or bare feet are better on sand). Likewise, consider a hat or sun cream if it’s hot and bring some water.


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              • #19853
                  • England (London)
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                  It certainly seems faster to me, today. Though I didn’t notice much difference when you originally posted it.

                  If the speed improvement is due to changes in the client side code, rather than changes in the server itself, that could be expected behaviour. Browsers generally keep static files (especially css and javascript) in cache and only refresh them when they become stale (maybe a day or two, maybe even weeks) unless the name of the files are changed too.

                  The difference, I would say, is that pages now load in an acceptable time (which is probably the best you can achieve when relying on third party servers and software). A year ago, I was always sat looking at the washing machine icon for very much longer before seeing any content.

                  For anybody that’s not yet seeing any speed improvement, I suggest trying control-F5 for the specific slow page on a windows browser, command-F5 on a mac, or look up how to do a hard refresh your mobile browser.

                  Don’t follow the reckless advice often given by incompetent or lazy technical support people to completely clear all cache and cookies. Although that may have a side effect of speeding up the site you are on, it will also slow down every other site that you have ever visited and may cause loss of preferences.


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                • #19840
                    • England (London)
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                    Diana: ” I once opted to change in the lady’s rest room and I stayed in my bra and underwear for a few moments wondering how would they react if I worked like this today”

                    Reminds me of a male friend who worked as a buyer in the head office of a major clothing shop.

                    It was in the days long before mobile phones and he was frequently out in the evenings, so the best way to contact him was to ring him via the company switchboard. But he seemed to be the stand in person for anybody that was absent. The problem with that is that he moved offices frequently, and the switchboard never knew where to find him. So we had to ask for a specific department.

                    I remember one day him saying “if you need to contact me next week, I’ll be working in Ladies Underwear“.

                    I’m sure he didn’t look quite like this:

                    But, if you ever come to England, get yourself a job in the head office of a major clothing retailer, and maybe you too can “work in Ladies Underwear” 🙂


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                  • #19768
                      • England (London)
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                      David: “She was shocked when she saw me”.

                      Was she really shocked, or just embarrassed that you knew that she had gone to a place where she presumably knew she was likely to be seeing and drawing a naked man?

                      Ideally, neither of you should have been either shocked or embarrassed, because both of you were doing something that was perfectly proper at a properly organised event held specifically for life drawing. That’s something that should not normally be a problem if everybody there are total strangers, or are people who already know each other to  be either artists or models. But meeting somebody you know there, without previously knowing them as artists or models, changes the situation.

                      Did you speak, apart from to comment on her work? I’m thinking she might have gone there for the first time and her shock or embarrassment might be worry that you would tell your sister. And you might have been similarly worried that she would do the same. But then, if neither of you did, or at least, if your sister never mentioned knowing about it, you would both have a shared secret. Being able to trust each other might be what made for that closer connection that you found with her compared with her other friends.

                    • #19751
                        • England (London)
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                        I rechecked and found the difference between getting 33K results and only 30K is due to not being logged in.


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                      • #19635
                          • England (London)
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                          They were originally standing back to back:

                          But a slight change in the prompt caused him to turn round and her head to face the wrong way, for no apparent reason.


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