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    • #20218
        • England (London)
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        I know there’s none planned in London so far this year, because I check eventbrite  regularly.

        I did the one in RSPB Rainham two years ago. That too isn’t quite London, but it was near enough. But a change of staff meant that they couldn’t run it last year and it’s not on this year’s plans either.

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      • #20315
          • England (London)
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          Maybe it’s time to take things easy for a while. Stand back and look at things from a distance. Come back here occasionally, even if it’s only to find out about possible future activities.

          I can confirm that a Naked Heart walk would probably be a good choice if you do decide to go somewhere. They’re clothing optional so you don’t have to get naked if you don’t feel comfortable. The one I went to had about 5 women, one fully clothed, one naked and the others topless. Men will vastly outnumber the women but that’s to be expected at any naturist event, unless it’s specifically “couples only” which wouldn’t work for you unless you could get your partner interested too.

          But for the moment you only need to put their dates in your diary and try to keep them clear. Then wait until a week before and make the decision. I’m sure I only booked a week ahead for mine.

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        • #20275
            • England (London)
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            Ah, I didn’t click on either of them. All I did was to check that I was still logged in and that the page would therefore “know” that I’m a supporter.

            After clicking the supporters link, I get to a page where the actual downloads are.

            Unlike other videos on NE, those files do not play in Firefox but that may be a problem with firefox or windows. I can right click and download the file, and play it with a video player.

            Perhaps somebody else can test it with a browser other than firefox.




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          • #20269
              • England (London)
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              On a desktop computer or laptop, overview is the first selection that appears when you hover the mouse over the Forums button.

              On a mobile, there are no buttons but if you open the MENU (probably in the top right corner) you’ll find a Forums link. Click on that, it expends to show the overview link.

              After that, you should see the three main sections with a description of what it’s appropriate to post there.


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            • #20255
                • England (London)
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                The link to the page itself now works (tested in firefox) but when I get to the page, I see only a static photo and a title in bold for each of the videos described. No links from either the photos or the titles.

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              • #20246
                  • England (London)
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                  I can do that for you, but you’ll need to give me a title. You wouldn’t be able to change the title of a thread that somebody else had created

                  Or, to help you (and probably others too) for the future:

                  • there are three categories where new threads can be created — click on Forums then overview for the list
                  • click on one of those categories, which will take you to a list of posts in that category
                  • scroll right down to the bottom
                  • you’ll find a box for the title and another box for your opening post

                  The rest should be similar to posting a reply, but ask again if there’s anything else that isn’t obvious.

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                • #20243
                    • England (London)
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                    • girls walking in the woods etc.That’s a broken link when I click on it.


                    That’s the first link on the Supporter’s Hub page.


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                  • #20239
                      • England (London)
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                      At first, I thought Leonardslee might be achievable, but it is not by public transport.

                      Getting there would be easy. There are trains from London and then a bus. But getting back isn’t so easy. There are no buses on Saturday evening.

                      The alternative is a 2 hour walk back to the station, which in itself is not a problem, but preferably not at night on unknown roads that may or may not have lighting or pavements. And then no buses at all on Sunday.


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                    • #20233
                        • England (London)
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                        I agree, paying women would probably be going too far, but it’s a case of desperate situations sometimes requiring unexpected solutions.

                        In other situations (not necessarily involving nudity) where there’s an insoluble imbalance I have seen reduced ticket prices for women or sometimes even mixed couples.

                        That too seemed odd at first, but the alternative is that activities that were intended to be open to all unintentionally become “men only”.

                        Paying women would probably be giving completely the wrong impression, and would if anything be likely to attract the wrong people. But somehow, we do need a good way to attract the right people, and that’s something we’re not able to find at the moment.


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                      • #20208
                          • England (London)
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                          If those are naturist groups, then that might have been intentional. There was mention in the cancellation email:

                          and partly due to the main response audience being naturists (the event was being subsidised as educational outreach to non-naturists rather than a social nudity opportunity).

                          But a web search for “Naturism, nudity and life without pockets” suggests it was only ever mentioned on eventbrite, which seems strange. It wasn’t even on the venue’s web site. So I’m not sure how non-naturists would have known about it.

                          My guess is that the double booking was known about soon after it was listed and before posting the event on other relevant sites, but somebody forgot to take the eventbrite listing down at that time.


                          Diana and Ed like this

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