Would you exercise naked at the gym if it was allowed?

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    • #16068
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      • #16070
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          Nowadays yes. In my younger days I competed at a decent level in several sports, and any gym work I did, I would have needed some support around the crotch or I could have picked up a nasty injury. Gap in the market for one of us there, transparent body supports 🙂

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        • #16092
            • Germany Braunschweig
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            Definitely yes.

            However, I think it also depends on what you want to do. Doing sports naked is not always practical.

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          • #16113
              • Manchester UK
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              Possibly, depending on the vigour of the activity and if others were also naked.

              My wife and I do morning exercises to YouTube videos and I do them naked. She makes me stand behind her though! I once had an issue with swelling down below and had to see the doctor – not sure if it may have been related to my prostate issues, but it wasn’t. After that my wife insisted I wear underpants for support, but after a few months I’m back to doing it naked. And doing it behind her!

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            • #16146
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                I don’t think I would lol

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              • #16148
                  • Long Island, New York, United States
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                  First you’d actually have to get me to actually go into a gym lol.

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                  • #16149
                      • Wales, UK
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                      I’m pretty sure I haven’t been into a gym since I left school many, MANY years ago.

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                    • #16207
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                        Yes I would workout nude in gym, I do my outdoors workouts nude. I also have done yoga nude in coed sessions often. Also in HS boys were required to be nude at pool facility, until 1973, so I would be nude while girls were in swimsuits.

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                      • #16218
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                          Yes. Also, in HS boys were required to be nude at pool facility, until 1973, so I would be nude while girls were in swimsuits.

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                          • #16223
                              • England (London)
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                              I don’t use a gym, but would probably go naked if my swimming pool allowed it.

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                          • #16254
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                              Me: 5th set of 30 Full-Hang nude Pullups, in 3min intervals, at home.

                            • #19520
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                                I certainly would!

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                              • #19530
                                Dutch Penn
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                                  My Gym-rat days were all about free weights, old school. Far as I’m concerned at least, clothing is optional… but a cup is not! Plates fly loose from bars with disturbing frequency 😳

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                                  • #19536
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      I’ve got no idea when it comes to gyms. I’ve never been to one (not since school anyway). Cup? To stay hydrated? Plates? I’m now imagining a poltergeist.

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                                  • #19550
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                                      Seeing this question come back up in popularity again it got me thinking if I would ‘ever’ do this. It also made me reflect on the following piece of artwork. It’s a depreciation of ancient spartan boys and girls excercising, such practices being reinforced in Spartan society for many reasons. The Ancient Greek men typically exercised naked, and such can be seen in the painting, however, the women in the painting are not fully naked. Despite the fact men/boys worked out naked to honor the gods with their figures, that same logic is not entirely carried over onto the women? Why?

                                      Well, I got to thinking, even in their nude statues of women ancient Greeks offer women modesty ‘down there’, many examples of naked Greek statues have women using one hand to cover or are positioned to offer modesty one way or another. If they are full frontally nude, a woman’s ‘lips’ or ‘slit’ is not depicted in the artwork offering some censorship. Even in a more ‘liberally nude’ society like the ancient Greeks, even when nudity was almost required, women were modest enough to cover ‘down there?’ Why?

                                      Well, I can think of several reasons why I want to cover ‘down there’ why I am working out.

                                      1. General modesty and privacy, even in a society where nudity is more acceptable there are those that are still perverted and horny enough to be aroused and perhaps want to try something at seeing a fully naked woman. I imagine in Ancient Sparta especially where there was strict social guidelines about marriage that this could be very ‘arousing’ to the young Spartans, and in a present setting could be all the same. Breasts seemed to not have been as sexualized then as they are in our present culture.

                                      2. Sexual positions in exercise; there are many machines and even free body excercises that offer a very easy ‘imagined in a sexual’ context. The leg press machine (if we can all be adults) basically puts me in missionary and the ‘leg spreader’ I call it does the same. To be fully naked on these pieces of equipment would let anyone and everyone see inside of me, which, is even more embarrassing than just generally being seen naked! Even doing crunches, sit-ups, or other excercises of the like have a ‘sexual innuendo’ behind them that being fully naked gives another level of exposure to.

                                      3. Sexual signals; going off my previous point, seeing a naked woman basically in (again if we can be adults here) missionary where they can see as much as a gynecologist can give some pretty heavy signals to many people about what that woman might want. Clothing or the lack therof have always been used to help convey feelings, thoughts, and other ideals, and a naked woman often portrays feelings of sex. That level of attention alone could make being naked in a gym setting, where it is mostly male, be very uncomfortable.

                                      I know this was a long post, but just wanted to give my thoughts on it. I still don’t think based on my believes and how I was raised I would ever work out fully naked, or even topless, but I know some women might and even enjoy it for the same reasons I wouldn’t. However, that is just my humble opinion.

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                                    • #19552
                                        • Manchester UK
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                                        I think in a true nudist/naturist setting nobody would be looking that closely and/or getting aroused.

                                        For me, yes I would, but there are some exercises that may require female breasts and male genitalia to have some support.

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                                      • #19615
                                          • Cheshire, England
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                                          <p style=”text-align: left;”>There’s a market for transparent support underwear here I think :)</p>
                                          I guess both sexes have their challenges, women more exposed than usual nudity as Di said, men can’t always control when they become excited, either could be embarrassing.

                                          For me, it’s religion that caused all this. If no one was ashamed to show their bodies and we didn’t have these stupid artificial taboos, We would all be free to do whatever naked, and no one would take any wrong implications of availability.

                                          However, we are here because of the thrill, so if there were no taboos, there wouldn’t be the thrill 🙂

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                                          • #19617
                                              • Denmark
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                                              Hehe I have the same dilemma as you, John. I’m a nudist. But where’s the thrill if it wasn’t a bit taboo.

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                                          • #19625
                                              • Long Island, New York, United States
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                                              “For me, it’s religion that caused all this. If no one was ashamed to show their bodies and we didn’t have these stupid artificial taboos, We would all be free to do whatever naked, and no one would take any wrong implications of availability.

                                              However, we are here because of the thrill, so if there were no taboos, there wouldn’t be the thrill.”

                                              I agree that it is largely because of religion that nudity is taboo and for that reason is sort of like titillating I suppose. In the Judeo-Christian tradition the first sin that was committed by Adam and Eve was realizing that they were naked, until they realize that they were naked they didn’t think anything of it. I think that that can play into a lot of the taboos we have around nudity in society as a result, if nudity wasn’t seen as embarrassing or shameful it probably wouldn’t be quite as titillating. That’s why is a shy person I find it exciting because if I was comfortable being naked it wouldn’t provide any kind of a buzz.

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                                              • #19639
                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                  It’s a quandary. Maybe if society was a little more tolerant of nudity, but not too much. The taboo nature is a key element which most would not want to lose. Of course, there’s also the many variations of strictness regarding nudity between Western countries to consider.

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                                              • #19640
                                                  • Long Island, New York, United States
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                                                  “It’s a quandary. Maybe if society was a little more tolerant of nudity, but not too much. The taboo nature is a key element which most would not want to lose. Of course, there’s also the many variations of strictness regarding nudity between Western countries to consider.”

                                                  I think that’s what I particularly like about my favorite fictional scenario with the nudity virus that afflicts 1% of the population as permanently naked. If you had that many people who were afflicted people would have to sort of accept public nudity from a legal standpoint, but those people would still be such a small percentage of the population, most of whom would prefer to keep their clothing on, that they would always probably be a highly sexualized thing for them to be naked in public. So it would become accepted but at the same time it wouldn’t really become so normalized that it loses the erotic charge that it has. And that’s what also makes it exciting and terrifying because the reality of it for those afflicted would be unbearably humiliating and titillating at the same time. I mean it’s different for everybody with their comfort  level of being naked, but I think that the average person wouldn’t be able to divorce nudity from titillation and embarrassment, I know I certainly wouldn’t, even if other people accepted the condition if I were afflicted I know that I would never find it normal and I would always find the experience maddeningly intense! I think that is probably like the most exciting scenario and the most terrifying simultaneously because it’s just enough that everyone sort of has to accept the existence of it but once again it never loses the charge of being weird and awkward and uncomfortable for those who are naked, and  for the unafflicted a source of amusement and a little bit of a shock, It would certainly keep everything exciting and interesting at any rate!


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                                                • #19648
                                                    • Cheshire, England
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                                                    Favourite fictional scenario, that’s a whole new topic. The weather would make this impractical, but I like the concept of replacing fines and community service with sentences of enforced nudity, perhaps from the point of arrest.

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                                                    • #19651
                                                        • Berkshire UK
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                                                        Cool idea. Arrested, stripped naked, handcuffed and led away….

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