Virtual Experiment and Fundraiser Idea

Forums Community & News Experiments, Reports & Nude Events Virtual Experiment and Fundraiser Idea

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    • #19202
        • USA
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        I’ve never been involved in any events here until Vote Off 8.  Leading up to 8 it seems there is appetite for participants but voting is limited to just those participants even though it is open to anyone.  The fundraising aspect of the Vote Offs is important but payment is not easy and not likely from anyone else outside of the participants.  There has also been a lot of discussion about Experiments and it is close to impossible to get participants and to ensure there is mixed gender, everyone is available, and everyone can gather physically, and nobody backs out.  There must be a way to combine these two such that Experiment participants can be virtual yet still share in the experiential nudity while at the same time providing funds to keep the lights on around here.  Plus, while I can’t say for certain, it seems that most Vote Off participants actually want to “lose” and by losing and ending up naked in front of anyone and everyone they are actually winning.  No risk in that, although I have been surprised how odd it feels to be the only one currently on the Vote Off 8 page with no clothing in their photo.

        My idea for discussion and refinement is this: Naked Experiment Virtual, or some other better name.  Any number of participants would sign up and provide initial photos (like a clear head shot) and/or videos as the “price of entry” while also having to “buy in” to participate.  This would be the only payment and it would have to be large enough that it would be a waste to drop out during the game which would give incentive to play through the end.  This solves the problem of raising funds (£100 each or more?) but also ensures that each participant has some skin in the game, pun intended.  The game would start once there are a minimum number of participants and would run for a much longer time frame than the Vote Offs.

        There would be either a set number of rounds or could continue and get more difficult until all but one player drops out.  Each round could be a week, for example.  A round would start by the Moderator (Ed) assigning everyone a Task for that week’s round.  Each person would need to complete the task and upload proof otherwise they are out of the remaining rounds.  Tasks could either be all the same thing or different for each person, but it is probably easiest and most fair to make it the same.  Participants would have the option to Chicken Out on a Task without ending their future participation by completing a Dare which gets increasingly more difficult and are limited in number so that you can’t Chicken Out forever.  These dares should quickly become more difficult than the Tasks that they would be in place of to encourage completion of the Tasks instead.

        Here’s an example of a limited number of Chicken Out Dares of increasing difficulty:

        1. Submit an essay for publication describing in at least 1000 words your experience with discovering masturbation, avoiding specific mention of age of any person
        2. Submit an essay for publication describing in at least 1000 words everything about masturbation for you including full details about how often, where, how long, techniques, and including a detailed description of what your orgasm feels like.
        3. Complete Master Dare 17 for publication in the Master Dare Results table plus in this Virtual Experiment page
        4. Complete Master Dare 20 for publication in the Master Dare Results table plus in this Virtual Experiment page including a minimum of 4 other people in the photo

        Tasks could be similar to those from previous Experiments but instead of being in a private location it would be a video that is viewable by the entire world:

        1. Submit a video where you start clothed, remove all clothing in full view, then talk about all parts of your body for at least three minutes.
        2. Submit a video where you start clothed in any outdoor location, remove all clothing, then walk away for a minimum of 30 seconds with you and your clothes pile (left behind) visible the entire time.
        3. Submit a video of you removing all of your pubic hair showing close ups of the final result
        4. Submit a video starting clothed, getting naked, then masturbating to orgasm
        5. Submit a video getting naked in X location, locking up your clothing with a electronic timer padlock for X minutes, and waiting it out to get dressed again
        6. Submit a filled in exposure template (provided) detailing close ups of all parts of your body
        7. Etc.

        All submissions would be posted on the Virtual Experiment page forever and become a public documentation of that Experiment and would give participants reason to reconsider submitting their next Task, increasing the difficulty but also the Risk experienced in each submission which should make them even better.

        I haven’t fully thought this through but figured there may be some thoughts from the community on this that would be better than what I could come up with.  Any thoughts?

      • #19210
          • Manchester UK
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          All this talk of masturbation is just going to put people off. It’s ‘naked experiment’ not ‘masturbation experiment.’

          There are so many groups on places such as Quora, Telegram, Nonshy etc for nudists and exhibitionists – and masturbation exhibitionists – including active women contributors – that getting people to pay £100 and video themselves masturbating is a non-starter. Some people might be prepared to pay a small subscription to a closed site where images are non-clickable but, as Ed is finding, people want stuff for free.

          I think the original concept of naked experiment is to get people who are not regular nudists or exhibitionists to take part in games that result in social, mixed gender, nudity and record their reactions to publish in an e-book to raise funds.

          Dutch Penn and Diana like this

        • #19274
            • Cheshire, England
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            <p style=”text-align: left;”>Let’s remember the purpose of the group when coming up with ideas, there are good ideasin the thread, but we are naked experiment, not pornhub :)</p>
            Wonder if a Skype experiment is doable.

            Since1980_v2 and Dutch Penn like this

          • #19283
              • Uk
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              As much as the virtual idea sounds great it very much restricts the elements of the experiments Ed would normaly set up. Being undressed on camera is very different to being in a room with others undressed. It’s also very different taking your own clothes off to others taking them off for you.


              I tried a virtual experiment a while back with a zoom meeting and attendees/ time in the meeting deciding how quickly I got naked and how far I got away from clothes once naked. Don’t get me wrong it was fun but….


              I feel like the challenge of someone beig there in person watching/helping you is very different to them being on the other end of an Internet connection.


              Online stuff can still be fun for sure. You can still introduce challenges for people.


              Maybe some ideas if you want to raise funds as well could be.

              if you are out alone somewhere, join a Skype call. All viewers buy £10 worth of requests. Then chat get to spend requests to Ed to request you do something. So hopefully you found somewhere quiet.

              Requests go as follows

              £4 remove an item

              £3 walk for x steps/seconds away from current location.

              You’ll need a few people to join to get someone naked but but you give up control of the experience and let others control your exposure.


              You could do this at home too.

              £4 remove an article

              £2 open curtains upstairs

              £3 open curtains downstairs

              £4 open back door (can be closed after 20 seconds)

              £5 open front door (can be closed after 5 seconds)

              £10 step outside backdoor

              £20 of enough people join they could join together their money to request step outside front door.

              Maybe start in house with curtains shut. But chat have options to open curtains. Open back doors or open front doors. So you may get naked then have to open your front door while naked. No need to go out but opening it up would be risky enough for alot.


              The challenge doesn’t stop till all money has been spent. So if 10 people join you may end up opening your front door a lot while naked or just standing next to an open window for a while.


              The whole point is others are paying to get you naked and choose your scenario where you will be naked.


              I mean not everyone has to be online at the same time. If you have a volunteer for the video. You could do the video just with ed but everyone who wants to see you do the challenge can buy their requests. Perhaps there would be a private area for viewers to chat about how they will spend their requests and what order to get a video they all want to see. The full video is then put in that private area for just those viewers but photos of the most embarrassing elements are put up on the patreon area for all paid members to see.


              Diana likes this

            • #19285
                • England (London)
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                I’m personally not interested in anything that would be solely, or primarily, online, or would involve photographs or video other than the off-focus recording described for Naked Experiments solely to help create reports. I would also definitely not be interested in anything involving sexual acts.

                Events I’ve taken part in are charity walks, picnics, board games — some clothing optional, others specifically “in the buff”. All have been notionally unisex events, but only two of them had any female participation, I discovered subsequently that even for one of those the females were not those who had said they were going, but somebody went to the bar upstairs for drinks and mentioned “we’re playing games naked downstairs, anybody want to join us”.

                The problem I see with getting female participation seems to be that they often want to take part, but don’t want to go with anybody they know. More importantly, they also don’t want to risk the possibility of them being the only female there.

                I wonder if it would help to have a female co-organiser? Somebody who would promise to be there from the start. She could ensure that if any females arrive they do not feel out of place, and be the first to get at least topless. She might need to be paid, or at least get a free ticket. But that would make more sense than paying all of the female participants which would make it less equal for the participants.

                Martin and Ed like this

                • #19286
                    • Uk
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                    I guess I was just trying to reply to virtual part of the original topic to give some other ideas not including all the sexual parts but with ways it could be used to raise funds.


                    In all honesty I guess for selling the story online a group experiment needs mixed gender but if enough people are willing to contribute does it need to be? I guess would enough guys here be interested in paying into and taking part in an all male experiment?


                    • #19301
                        • United Kingdom
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                        Well I would.  Mixed is obvioaulsy better but count me in anyway!

                        Martin and Ed like this

                      • #19312
                          • Berkshire UK
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                          Happy to support a mixed or all male experiment.

                      • #19311
                          • Berkshire UK
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                          Agree that a female organiser / leader would probably be helpful.

                          Dutch Penn likes this

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