Veiws on trans-sexuals within nudism

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    • #1416
        • UK
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        Hi – whilst at a naturist resort last year there was a trans-sexual guest staying with her b/f … everyone seems very accepting and clearly the resort itself  rightly had no issues .. the fact that she was very attractive I,m sure played no role in the fact she seemed popular !  .. but this was the first time I had come across a trans-sexual in a naturist environment & this day and age it shouldn’t be an issue ..but is that always the case I,m wondering?


      • #1417
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          Not something I’d ever thought about. I suppose people have all sorts of surgical things done to them that are normally hidden by clothes.

        • #1418
            • UK
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            not sure this was surgery .. I, m thinking more ‘ladyboy’ style..  if not it was a fantastic surgeon … everything was perfect !

          • #1419
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              So a person in a male body living as a woman and wishing to be referred to as “she”?

            • #1493
                • Long Island, New York, United States
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                I consider myself to be transgender but I have not had any surgery or hormones or anything like that. I identify as female but I am physically and fully biologically male. I do sometimes wonder if my inhibition about being naked stems from the fact that I am not really comfortable with my body and anatomy. I sometimes think that if I had a proper female body maybe I would be more comfortable with my body, but then on the other hand I feel that if I had an attractive female body I would probably be even more self-conscious but it would probably also be more exciting because females are much more sexualized in this culture.

                I do sometimes wonder if my interest in things such as CFNM or being the only one naked reflect some desire to feel accepted for my body. I may not be comfortable with having physical male anatomy but the idea of people looking at my naked body and being turned on by it might make me feel a little bit more comfortable in my own skin, although I still think that I would find the entire experience to be rather humiliating but also exciting.

              • #1497
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                  Hi @shynudedude83. Is there a transgender community of some kind available to you? It would probably be good to see if others feel the same. I imagine that any disconnection between how you look and how you really are must make life complicated.

                • #1498
                    • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                    I agree it musty mage life complicated,  but shows society still has a long way to go for equality to really exist.

                    hopefully this site will let you share your feelings more openly

                    You’ve made a first step,  the next will hopefully be easier

                  • #1499
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                      Hi Arthur.  I’ve read your posts with much interest.  My husband and I travel a lot and, in Brazil and Thailand, and possibly Spain*, we have seen stunningly beautiful girls on beaches wearing tiny bikinis and also topless.  Only to have them turn facing us and see that there was an obvious bulge in front…or in one case, she was totally nude with a small penis on show.   All were clearly quite comfortable in this public situation and we witnessed no displeasure or harassment from others nearby.   In fact, I confess that both my husband and I were kinda excited and turned on by seeing these lovely creatures.  Very sexy in their own way.

                      *Not certain about the pretty girl we saw there.


                    • #1500
                        • Long Island, New York, United States
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                        I agree that it definitely complicates things and I sometimes do feel that a lot of my inhibitions are due to the fact that I am sort of repulsed by my own body and I do feel like I would be much more comfortable if I had a sexy female body. But part of what I like about nudity is not so much the exhibition but the fact that because I am inhibited I feel a sense of embarrassment and vulnerability from it and I think that that makes me feel somewhat better about my body, not that I can really speak from experience.

                        So although I would like to have CFNM type of experiences in the ideal world I would have a female body and experience things more like CFNF or maybe even CMNF. I have never been attracted to men but the idea of being sexually objectified as a woman because of my nudity is an exciting idea to me and would probably feel pretty good even though it would still be extremely humiliating for me but maybe that is worth a topic all of its own.

                      • #1517
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                          Regarding humiliation, if that’s what you want, I wonder what circumstances would do that. If you were naked for long enough with a group of naked (biological) women, I imagine they’d either accept or reject you as part of the group. The rejection (if any) would potentially be humiliating in a bad way though. If you were naked with naked men, they wouldn’t have much basis for humiliating you.

                          How about being in a naked mixed gender group? The group is then told to divide itself into men and women. Obviously you side with the women but then everyone would see your choice. That feels humiliating in a good way, not a bad way.

                        • #1523
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                            There’s a woman with a penis who does the Manchester WNBR in the UK. Physically as you’d expect for a woman apart from that detail. I’ve never heard any comments one way of the other. Maybe having thousands of people pointing their phone cameras at us makes people realise that we’re all in it together. It’s probably more unusual to see riders with pubes. The Pubic Hare is on the verge of extinction in the Manchester ride.

                          • #1530
                              • Long Island, New York, United States
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                              “Regarding humiliation, if that’s what you want, I wonder what circumstances would do that. If you were naked for long enough with a group of naked (biological) women, I imagine they’d either accept or reject you as part of the group. The rejection (if any) would potentially be humiliating in a bad way though. If you were naked with naked men, they wouldn’t have much basis for humiliating you.

                              How about being in a naked mixed gender group? The group is then told to divide itself into men and women. Obviously you side with the women but then everyone would see your choice. That feels humiliating in a good way, not a bad way.”

                              I don’t know if it’s because of my transgender feelings but I would feel kind of less comfortable in a group of naked men. Maybe just because I find the prospect unattractive or maybe it’s just because I don’t feel as safe around men as I do with women. A nude woman would feel not so comfortable around a group of guys.

                              If I were naked with a group of biological women but still having a naked male body even if they accepted me I still think it would feel kind of awkward. Because even if they accepted me as female I am still biologically male and if those women are heterosexual or bisexual seeing my body would probably be arousing to them so I would still be feeling like I was being sexualized.

                              It’s almost like if you ever saw that movie The Hot Chick where the woman woke up as the guy and her best female friend sort of wanted to see your penis. I think of it as being kind of like that, it’s like waking up at the opposite sex but your same-sex friends now want to see your naked opposite sex body and you can’t really ignore the fact that biologically speaking I would still have a male body and they would still be viewing me through a sexual lens like that which would be both awkward and arousing, because again the awkwardness and the humiliation is kind of a turn on.

                              I think like that in a mixed sex group I would feel uncomfortable having my biologically male body around men or women but I felt that if I had the correct female body physically I would feel comfortable around both men and women. Women because we would just be a bunch of naked women together, and men, although I am lesbian in orientation and not attracted to men, it would still feel validating as a woman to be viewed at sexually or sexually objectified by a group of men.

                              “There’s a woman with a penis who does the Manchester WNBR in the UK. Physically as you’d expect for a woman apart from that detail. I’ve never heard any comments one way of the other. Maybe having thousands of people pointing their phone cameras at us makes people realise that we’re all in it together. It’s probably more unusual to see riders with pubes. The Pubic Hare is on the verge of extinction in the Manchester ride.”

                              Think that the people who would participate in some type of naked a van like a naked bike-athon or something like that are probably tolerant, open and sexually accepting people in general so they probably wouldn’t have a problem. If you have a mixed sex group of people getting naked someone who was sort of in between sexes probably wouldn’t raise many eyebrows as they are all there for the same reason.

                              Also there is much to be said about safety in groups. Even if you had a body that was somewhat abnormal or unusual or somewhere caught between genders you wouldn’t stand out as much if everyone else is naked as well and you are in a large crowd of people that is again why think the idea of being the only one naked is much more intense because then all attention is basically focused on you and you can really feel all eyes on you.

                              I think the what it ultimately comes down to is that whatever biological body I have, I think the thing that produces the intense or sexual feelings is if I think that another person is looking at me in a sexual sense. So if I was naked in a CFNM situation as a naked male (body) and I was looked at by men I probably wouldn’t feel turned on by that is I didn’t think they were sexually objectifying me but if a bunch of women saw me that would be much more humiliating. Likewise if I had a female body I feel like I would probably feel more awkward being in front of a group of men. I think the idea that people are viewing me as a sexual object is what produces the intensity of feeling. If they are looking at me neutral as just another naked person it doesn’t feel as awkward or as humiliating.

                              I feel that if I were a naked man in a group of men who were gay or something or viewing me it would feel awkward but not in a sexually arousing sense since I wasn’t attracted to men as a man. In the sense of being a naked man in front of women I would feel sexually objectified and that would produce the intense feeling, if I had a female body and I was being sexually objectified by men it would feel validating as my female identity. I guess basically just because I identify with the female being present is what ultimately seems to be the deciding factor.

                              Again, sex and gender, it is never simple!

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